  • 他离家去探险。
    He left home in quest of adventure.
  • 新加坡是一个年轻的国,创新精神与对发展执着的追求是它充满活力的法宝。
    As a young nation, Singapore holds a recipe for sustained youth and vigour: the spirit of innovation with a persistent quest for development.
  • 尽管对克隆人的抗议将此事与当年原子弹的危害相比,但一个由不同国的科学组成的工作小组宣布,首例克隆人计划将于两年内完成。
    An international panel of scientists declared that the first human clone will be complete within two years, despite protests comparing the quest with the perils of the atomic bomb.
  • 在探索如何治疗伤口而不留疤痕的过程中专们已在近三千的病人进行了试验,其中许多并未达到预期效果,而且没有一例能使受伤的皮肤完全恢复到原来的状态。
    In the quest to heal wounds without leaving a scar, researchers have looked at some 3,000 treatments. Many have not lived up to expectations, and none can induce repair that leaves the skin in pristine condition.
  • 这些问题甚至使专糊涂;这个问题完全使我迷糊。
    These questions confuse even the experts; This question completely threw me; This question befuddled even the teacher.
  • 于是,王子学会了怎样取木柴,擦洗锅碗瓢盆,以及许多别的务事。
    So it was that the prince learned to fetch wood, scrub pots and pans, and do many other household chores.
  •  自从特洛伊人接受了希腊给他们的那件“礼物”木马以来,任何国收受别一国送给它的“礼物”时,总是有些疑忌的。
    Since the time when the Trojans were 'presented' by the Greeks with a wooden horse, the acceptance of 'presents' from other nations has become for the nation which receives them a very questionable transaction.
  • 1.在家去皮肤死皮。
    1.Scrub up at home.
  • 6月22日至7月10日,国际奥委会聘请专,研究申办城市的答卷并打分。国际奥委会将在2000年8月28-29日决定哪些城市成为"候选城市",并抽签决定候选城市向国际奥委会执委会作陈述报告的顺序。
    From June 22 to July 10, the IOC will invite some experts to study the questionnaires and give them scores. On September 28 and 29, 2000, the IOC will vote for the candidate cities.
  • 此外,这些接受调查的青少年还填写了关于自己和父母以及祖父母关系的调查表,问题涉及的内容主要是关于放学后人对他们的监督情况以及是否允许他们在里接待朋友等等。
    The teenagers also filled in questionnaires about their relationship with their parents and grandparents, how well they were supervised after school and whether they were allowed to meet friends at home.
  • “我请75位女士就她们的生活做了一份问答卷。其中她们的一个共同点是,她们的比她们想象的要乱。
    "I had seventy-five women fill out questionnaires about their lives and the one thing every one had in common was that their houses were more cluttered than they'd like them to be.
  • 有工作的庭主妇需要快速炊具。因为时间非常宝贵。
    The working wife wants the quicker-cooking joint. Time is at premium.
  • 有统计表明,中国是世界上贫困人口减少最快的国
    Statistics show that China is the country which has witnessed the quickest decrease in its poverty-stricken population.
  • 路透社世界上最早的新闻社是靠提供最快、最有趣的新闻起的。
    The development of Reuters--the oldest news service in the world drew on providing the quickest, most interesting news.
  • 航空公司只经营货运业务。
    The aircraft company deals with freight only.
  • "你立即祝贺他,同时一丝疑虑闪过你的脑海,你筹划的新公司需要他,他是你见过的技术最好的伙。
    You congratulate him, but the doubt once more flickers across your mind. The start-up you're planning needs Lowrey. He's the quickest technical guy you've ever met.
  • 她比她姐姐的观察力来得敏锐,脾气她没有姐姐那么好惹,因此提到彬姐妹,她只要想想她们在跳舞场里的那种举止,就知道她们并不打算要讨一般人的好。而且她胸有城府,决不因为人等待她好就改变主张,她不会对她们发生多大好感的。
    Their behaviour at the assembly had not been calculated to please in general; and with more quickness of observation and less pliancy of temper than her sister, and with a judgment, too, unassailed by any attention to herself, she was very little disposed to approve them.
  • 所需要的物品常常几乎完全由先进社会的商人来供应,但常常也会在这个国自身内兴起一个工匠阶级。这些人对物品的性质没有太多的了解,全靠敏锐的感觉、耐心的观察和灵巧的双手做出某些非常精致的物品,如印度的某些棉织品就是这样。
    This demand is often supplied almost exclusively by the merchants of more advanced communities, but often also raises up in the country itself a class of artificers, by whom certain fabrics are carried to as high excellence as can be given by patience,quickness of perception and observation, and manual dexterity,without any considerable knowledge of the properties of objects:such as some of the cotton fabrics of India.
  • 另一方面,我们期望学校管理当局有更高的透明度,并向长、教师和学生有更大的责任承担。
    As a quid pro quo, we expect greater transparency and accountability from the school management to parents, teachers and students.
  • 有些西方观察认为,苏联的经济问题是[西方的]机会。戈尔巴乔夫的经济困境越深,西方越能利用贸易和科技转让诱使苏联在外交上收敛,或在军备控制及人权方面获得进展。另有些人,包括英国首相撒切尔夫人的观点是:假定不需任何交换行动,经济改革“对西方有利”。
    Some observers in the West see the Soviet economic problems as opportunities. The worse Mr.Gorbachev's economic bind, the more the West can use trade and technology transfers as inducements for Soviet diplomatic restraint, or progress on arms control and human rights. Others, including Prime Minister Thatcher of Britain, view successful economic reforms as "in the Western interest," presumably without any such quid pro quo.
  • 在家的平静夜晚
    A quiet evening at home.
  • 政治有时巴不得能过些清静日子。
    Politicians must sometimes long for a quieter life.
  • 就快用完餐了,到时候会比较安静。
    Everyone will finish eating soon, so it will be a little quieter.
  • 过惯了庭和中学的平静生活之後,大学简直有些可怕了
    After the quietness of home and school, university has been almost frightening
  • 羽骨最初禽的羽茎制成的作为鲸须代用品的轻质胸衣骨架
    A lightweight corset bone originally made from the quills of domestic fowl as a substitute for whalebone.
  • 那时奎尔一人暂时凑合着住在候诊室里,他们的遭遇引起了一位护士的同情。这护士名叫劳拉·丹尼斯,在詹姆斯患心肌梗塞后一直护理他。
    While the Quills camped out in a waiting room, the family caught the attention and sympathy of a nurse named Laura Danis who had been caring for James since the heart attack.
  • 今天这商店里的鹅绒被子减价。
    The goose down quilt is on sale today in this store.
  • 今天这商店里的鹅绒被子减价
    The goose down quilts are on sale today in this store
  • 而一心只管自事的人无甚嫉妒的由来,因为嫉妒是一种爱游荡的感情,它总在街头闲逛,不肯呆在里,所以古人说:“好管闲事者必定没安好心。”
    Neither can he, that mindeth but his own business, find much matter for envy. For envy is a gadding passion, and walketh the streets, and doth not keep home: Non est curiosus, quin idem sit malevolus.
  • "确实,现年46岁的赖斯,外表与美国最完美的国安全顾问亨利·基辛格没有多少相似之处,但是朋友和同事们说,赖斯是他们所认识的头脑最精明、口齿最清楚和风度最迷人的人物之一。
    Indeed,Rice,46,bears little outward resemblance to Henry Kissinger,the quintessential national security adviser,but friends and colleagues say she is among of the smartest,most articulate and charming people they know.
  • 由於命运的捉弄,他们住进同一旅馆。
    By a quirk of fate they have booked into the same hotel.
  • 编写出色的软件仍然是艺术多于科学,最好由怪痞、入迷并愿意连续数月浸沉于棘手问题的电脑玩来做。
    Writing brilliant software is still more art than science, best done by quirky and obsessive hackers willing to immerse themselves in thorny problems for months at a stretch.