  • 這可能是為一個簡單的决定,諸如,上學時帶雨衣或者延遲一場足球賽事,也可能是為一個重要的决定,諸如,飛機的空中航綫轉移到無霧的機場,像這樣的决定每天都要有很。為了幫助决定者,氣象員可以提供過去或將來的信息。
    It might be a simple decision to take a rain coat when going to school or to delay the start of a football match, or it might be a more important one to divert an airliner to a fog-free airport. Millions of decisions like these are made every day, and to help decision-makers the weathermen can provide information about the past or the future.
  • 突襲猛撞(四分衛)一種防守技術。一個或個中後衛或防守後衛在對陣開球時嚮後衝過爭球綫以便破壞四分衛,尤指在傳球時
    A defensive play in which one or more linebackers or defensive backs charge through the line of scrimmage at the snap in an attempt to overwhelm the quarterback, especially in a passing situation.
  • 這條航綫每周有少乘客?
    How many passengers does this airline fly every week?
  • 金管局發行更較長期的外匯基金債券,代替短期債券,以及定期預先公佈外匯基金債券季度發行時間表,均廣受市場歡迎。
    The replacement of short-dated Exchange Fund paper by longer-dated paper and the publication of an advance quarterly issuance schedule of Exchange Fund paper were well received by the market.
  • 從那時起,公司曾犯下了某些錯誤,這是事實-筆記本電腦的設計在某點上脫離了常軌,使得戴爾取消了大數生産綫,導致了公司在1993年一個季度的損失。
    Since then, the company has made mistakes, sure--the design of its notebook computers got so off track at one point that Dell canceled most of the line, leading to the company's only quarterly loss, in 1993.
  • 其他精彩節目包括香港國際電影節、柏林愛樂樂團四重奏、蒙地卡羅芭蕾舞團的舞蹈表演、鋼琴傢拉莎.貝爾文及彼得.諾浩的表演。
    Other programme highlights included the Hong Kong International Film Festival, the Philharmonia Quartet Berlin, Les Ballets de Monte Carlo, and pianists Lazar Berman and Peter Donohoe.
  • 音樂愛好者對他的歌麯《寂寞的心》比對勃拉姆斯和舒伯特的大數歌麯更為熟悉,而他那優美的弦樂四重奏中的旋律是所有流行歌麯的愛好者所捻知的。
    Tschaikovsky's song, None But the Lonely Heart, is better known to many music-lovers than most of the songs of Brahms and Schubert, and the great String Quartet contains a melody familiar to every follower of popular song trends.
  • 芬最後創作的四重奏樂麯
    Beethoven's late quartets, ie the last ones he wrote
  • 不管航程麽短, 這一班機上都有些吃的.
    However short the journey is, you always get something to eat on this airline.
  • 他與非常富有的舒潘齊交上了朋友,後者的室內小樂隊演奏了很他的弦樂四重奏。
    He made friends too with jolly fat Schuj.panzigh, whose chamber group performed many of his string quartets.
  • 芬在這段充滿煩惱的晚年時期寫出了代表他天才頂峰的最後五部偉大的鋼琴奏鳴麯、《第九交響麯》和後期的弦樂四重奏。
    The last five great piano sonatas, the Ninth Symphony and the later string quartets represent the climax of Beethoven's genius during this troubled later period.
  • 店:如今,大數人選購石英表,因為它們比較方便,而且走時準確。
    Nowadays, most people prefer quartz watches because they are more convenient and keep good time.
  • 新生代的屬於、隸屬於或稱呼地質史上最新的時代的,包括第三紀和第四紀,其特徵為現代大陸的形成、冰川作用以及哺乳動物、鳥類和植物的樣化
    Of, belonging to, or designating the latest era of geologic time, which includes the Tertiary Period and the Quaternary Period and is characterized by the formation of modern continents, glaciation, and the diversification of mammals, birds, and plants.
  • 莎士比亞是種詩歌形式的大師:歌麯、十四行詩、雙行聯韻體、四行詩、素體詩。
    Shakespeare was a master of many poetic forms: the song, the sonnet, the couplet, the quatrain, the blank verse.
  • 這一邊學子比工匠,因此更吵鬧,人群也更,真正說起來,河沿街衹從聖米歇爾橋到納勒塔這一段而已。
    Students furnished more of a crowd and more noise there than artisans, and there was not, properly speaking,any quay, except from the Pont Saint-Michel to the Tour de Nesle.
  • 在魁北剋說法語的人較
    French-speaking people predominate in Quebec.
  • 埃爾剋爾號船長命令船員從船裏盡量打撈些東西上來。
    The captain of the Elkor ordered his man to salvage as much as possible from the wreck.
  • 我的祖母曾經見過維利亞女王。
    My grandmother once saw Queen Victoria.
  • 她演維利亞女王,演得很出色。
    She did Queen Victoria very well.
  • 她演維利亞女王,演得很出色。
    She do queen victoria very well.
  • 她演維利亞女王,演得很出色。
    She does queen Victoria very well.
  • 要不了長時間全城的人都要涌到這裏,他們會毀掉我的旅館!'"。
    Pretty soon the whole town will move in here. They'll wreck my hotel.'"
  • 産於昆士蘭州、新南威爾士州和維利亞的高大樹木。
    tall tree of Queensland and New South Wales and Victoria.
  • 多荒唐的故事!
    What a queer story!
  • 這多古怪呀!
    How is that for queer!
  • 他的古怪行為引起衆的談論。
    His queer behaviour occasioned a good deal of talk.
  • 我聽到了許關於你自己的稀奇古怪的事。
    I've heard a power of queer things of yourself.
  • 我感到有點不舒服--也許吃得太
    I am feeling a bit queer--perhaps I eat too much
  • 茶葉中的酚酶能刺激分泌唾液,這就是茶能止渴的原因。
    The tea polyphenol stimulates the salitary glands. It is why tea is thirst quenching.
  • 因此,萬能服務器對維和時序復雜數據類型的支持,使數據倉庫的設計人員和查詢應用程序的開發人員能利用新型的復雜查詢的加速。
    Thus, Universal Server support for multidimensional and time-series complex data types allows designers of data warehouses and developers of querying applications to take advantage of new complex-query speed-ups.
  • 種調料的湯或燉菜,由淡水魚類(鰻鱺、鯉魚、河鱸)和葡萄酒、高湯做成。
    highly seasoned soup or stew made of freshwater fishes (eel, carp, perch) with wine and stock.
  • 位映射索引、星形模式和集合支持今天的rolap,並且rdbms供貨商能以數量級提高復雜查詢的速度,但進一步提高需要維性、集合和時序支持被進一步深入到rdbms核心——尤其深入到查詢優化程序。
    The bit-mapped indexing, star schemas and aggregation support of today's Relational On Line Analytic Processing (ROLAP) and RDBMS suppliers can deliver order-of-magnitude improvements in the speed of complex queries, but further improvements require that multidimensionality, aggregation and time-series support be driven farther into the RDBMS core -- particularly into the query optimizer.