  • 消防处在153申请者中,抽签选出30来自各行各业的市民,出任第四届公众联络小组成员。
    Thirty members of the public from all walks of life were randomly selected from among 153 applicants to form the group's fourth-term membership during the year.
  • 昨夜我们又新添了一个儿子!他的字叫randyjames,重7磅8盎司,身长22英寸。
    As of last night we have a brand-new son! His name is Randy James, he weights 7 pounds 8 ounces and is 22 inches long.
  • 有一首有的歌曲,是美国一位出色的乡村歌手兰迪·特拉维斯的歌。他在歌曲中用一种乡村人能听懂的词语描述爱情。
    There' s a famous song by Randy Travis, a wonderful country singer in America, who talks about his love in terms that country person could understand.
  • 字也未说就挂断了电话。
    He rang off without giving his name.
  • 野心,进取心,和好好权的欲望也是由于另外一些虫在作祟,弄得一个人心中骚动,到达目的的时候才肯罢休。
    Ambition and aggressiveness and love of fame or power are also due to certain other worms giving the person no rest until he has achieved the object of his ambition.
  • 于是他买下了为"得克萨斯骑警队"的棒球队。
    So he bought a baseball team titled “ Texas Rangers”.
  • 有人说,小布什的政治基础是建立在两个跳板上的:他的"骑警队"的气和他于1980年、1984年、1988年和1992年在得州为他父亲所做的大量竞选工作。
    Someone said that Bush's political base was built on twin platforms: his Rangers celebrity and the prodigious campaigning he had done for his father throughout Texas in 1980,1984,1988 and 1992.
  • 新闻出版、广播影视集团要大力拓展对外业务,扩大国际知度;
    Businesses in news and publications, in broadcasting and movie-making shall all aggressively expand themselves overseas so as to raise their name recognition on the international markets.
  • 第九届全运会上,北京代表团有531参加比赛,夺得奖牌72.5枚,荣获奖牌第四和团体总分第五
    At the 9th National Games, 531 athletes from Beijing Delegation won 72.5 medals. The number of medals won by Beijing Delegation ranked 4th, with its team total scores ranking 5th.
  • 这时一位巡官带着一警察到了,她向他们诉说她发现住房被窃的过程。
    Then a police inspector arrived with a constable and she told them of her discovery of the ransacked flat.
  • 1999年,法国农民出身的活动家琼斯·博韦带头砸了法国南部的一家麦当劳快餐店,成为法国反全球化运动中执掌大旗的一楷模。
    In 1999, sheep farmer-turned-activist Jose Bove became a standard-bearer for the French anti-globalization movement when he led a group that ransacked a McDonald's in southern France.
  • 于塞说她收到了"绑匪"索要"赎金"的匿信,里面有详细指示和被绑架的"圣诞老人"的照片。
    Hussey said she took down the ransom note for the four-foot tall Santa and the notes contain instructions and include photographs of the missing Santa.
  • 演员在台上瞎叫乱喊地演那一场戏。
    The actor rant the scene on the stage.
  • 在一次教会举办的专题座谈会上,有数百妇女出席讨论堕胎问题。
    At a church rap session a few hundred women came to talk about their abortions.
  • 另外一位著的获奖者是jay-z,他获得了年度绕舌艺人奖。
    Another notable winner was Jay-Z, who was named the Rap Artist Of The Year.
  • 有关单位说,送庭受审的强奸嫌疑犯劫持3妇女,并用女共犯所提供的半自动武器使警察无法接近。
    A rape suspect going to trial took three women hostage and held police at bay with a semi-automatic weapon supplied by a female accomplice, authorities said.
  • “那当然,总统先生,”一内阁成员笑着说,“你令人信服地驳斥了原先的犯有诱奸罪的控告,但你又令人信服地证实了你犯有强奸罪。”
    "Of course,Mr.President,"one cabinet member said with a laugh,"You have convincingly refuted the original accusation of seduction,but you have convincingly proved that you have committed a rape."
  • 你听说过一个叫拉裴尔的画家吗?
    Did you ever hear of a painter named Raphael?
  • 当然,强奸嫌犯不受保护。他的字被登出来。如果他是肯尼迪家的人,他就会更遭殃。
    Of course, the alleged rapist has no protection. His name is printed. And if he is a Kennedy, he is dragged through the mud.
  • 报纸的报导很少能把人的字说对。
    Newspaper reports rarely get anyone's name right.
  • "你这个小坏蛋,"他说道,用听上去怪怪的字叫它。
    "You little rascal,"he said,calling him by some strangesounding name.
  • “国王搞这堂,正是为了雇用西西里国王的这个该死的唱诗班!”窗下人群中有个老太婆尖声厉气地喊道,“我向大家讨教讨教!
    “And was it just for the sake of employing these rascally chanters of the King of Sicily that he did that?
  • 的长期利率平均值在三个通胀率最低国家的长期利率平均值上下2%的波动范围内。
    Average nominal long-term interest rate must be within 2 percentage points of the average rate in the three countries with the lowest inflation rates.
  • 在他们的管理下,新加坡经济过去20年来每年增长了8到9%。据世界银行评估,1995年新加坡公民的人均国内生产总值在世界上排第九位。”
    They have to manage a Singapore economy that yielded an annual growth rate of eight to nine percent in the last two decades, giving its citizens a per capita income that the World Bank rated in 1995 as ninth highest in the world."
  • 你对“订货与帐单比例”这个词熟悉吗?
    Does the term book-to-bill ratio sound familiar to you?
  • 但同时认为,国际防扩散努力应遵循公平、合理的原则,反对实行双重标准,不能以防扩散为损害其他国家的主权,不能影响正常的国际经贸、科技合作与交流。
    However, at the same time, China holds that international efforts to prevent such proliferation should follow the principle of fairness and rationality, and opposes a double standard whereby anti-proliferation is used as a pretext to infringe upon the sovereignty of other countries and harm normal international cooperation and exchanges in the fields of economy, trade and science and technology.
  • 他是一新华社记者。
    He is a reporter from Xinhua agency.
  • 该代理机构每年可为约2000秘书安排工作.
    The agency places about 2000 secretaries per annum.
  • 罗杰7岁时就能按字母表的顺序流利地背出各州的字。
    When Roger was seven, he could rattle off the names of all the states in alphabetical order.
  • 他口中像爆豆一般念那单。
    He rattled through the list of names.
  • 他一连串报出了他所访问过的城市的字。
    He rattled off the names of the cities he had visited.
  • 阿尔芒脸色绯红,神志昏迷,结结巴巴地说着一些胡话,这些话里只有玛格丽特的字才叫人听得清楚。
    Armand was blue in the face. He was raving and stammering disconnected words through which only the name of Marguerite could be distinctly heard.