  • 按照规定,被教养者只是那些年满16周岁,在大中城市危害社会治安而屡教不改的,或有轻微犯罪行为尚不够刑事处罚,符合有关动教养法规规定的条件的人。
    It is stipulated that those eligible for education through labor should meet the requirements of relevant laws and regulations. For example, they should be at or above the age of 16 and have upset the public order in a large or medium-sized city but refused to mend their ways despite repeated admonition, or they have committed an offense not serious enough for criminal punishment.
  • 会降低你的抵抗力。
    Tiredness lowers your resistance.
  • 现在他决心从事生产动。
    Now he resolved to take up productive labour.
  • 工人不应在资纠纷中诉诸暴力。
    Worker must not resort to violence in industrial dispute.
  • 我们的人民勤勇敢,坚韧不拔,有智慧,有理想,热爱祖国,热爱社会主义,顾大局,守纪律。
    Our people are hardworking, brave, indomitable and resourceful, and full of ideals.They love the motherland and socialism.They have the interests of the whole nation at heart and their sense of discipline is strong.
  • 我们的人民勤勇敢,坚韧不拔,有智慧,有理想,热爱祖国,热爱社会主义,顾大局,守纪律。
    Our people are hardworking, brave, indomitable and resourceful, and full of ideals. They love the motherland and socialism. They have the interests of the whole nation at heart and their sense of discipline is strong.
  • 在很长的一段时间里,广大青少年好好学习,天天向上,爱祖国,爱人民,爱动,爱科学,爱护公共财物,英勇机智地同敌人、坏分子作斗争,树立了一代新风。
    For a long time, our children and young people studied well and made progress every day. They were filled with love for their motherland, for the people and for labour, science and public property, and they struggled heroically and resourcefully against bad elements and enemies, setting the tone for a new era.
  • 劳动力资源
    resources of labour power
  • 劳动力资源地理
    geography of labor force resources
  • 他们的创造性动,应该受到党和人民的尊重。
    Their creative labour should be respected by the Party and the people.
  • 雇佣动完全是建立在工人的自相竞争之上的。
    Wage-labour rests exclusively on competition between the laborers.
  • 或睡眠受影响由于生活规律的打乱。
    fatigue and sleep disturbance resulting from disruption of the body's normal circadian rhythm as a result of jet travel.
  • 无用的,徒劳的
    Having no useful result.
  • 几乎徒的,少有成效地
    With few or no results.
  • 农业生产经营组织和农业动者,可以按照国家有关规定从事农产品收购、加工、批发、贩运和零售活动。
    Agricultural production and operation organizations and agricultural labourers may, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, engage in activities of purchasing, processing, wholesaling, trafficking and retailing of agricultural products.
  • 此种农民,每年动结果,自己可得一半。
    Such peasants may retain half the product of their year's toil.
  • 猎头公司以获取酬金或务费的方式来补偿自己的付出。
    Headhunters are compensated on either a contingency or a retainer basis.
  • 一般来说,招聘高级经理人才的公司往往以务费的形式支付给猎头公司,而那些寻找中层管理人才的公司则会以酬金的形式支付。
    In general, businesses looking for a top-level executive pay a headhunter on a retainer basis, and those looking for middle-level managers pay on a contingency basis.
  • 为保证动标准的科学性和合理性,并使其得到顺利实施,中国在制订、公布和调整动标准过程中,都要向工会组织、企业组织以及专家学者广泛征求意见。
    To ensure that labor standards are scientific and rational and that they are implemented smoothly, the government solicits suggestions from trade unions, enterprises, specialists and scholars while formulating, promulgating or adjusting labor standards.
  • 中国政府重视合理确定、依法公布、适时调整动标准,保障动者合法权益,促进经济和社会发展。
    The Chinese government attaches great importance to rationally determining, legally promulgating and timely adjusting labor standards to guarantee the lawful rights and interests of workers and promote economic and social development.
  • 由于旅途顿,我很早回房睡了。
    Tired from my journey, I retired early.
  • 几年来,共筹集慰问款104.4亿元,走访慰问了3975万户次困难职工、动模范、离退休职工和伤病残职工家庭。
    Over the past few years, a total of 10.44 billion yuan for this purpose have been raised and sympathy visits paid to families of 39.75 million poverty-stricken employees, model workers, retirees, and injured, sick or disabled employees.
  • 专责小组自成立以来,已推行多项措施,包括提前展开政府工程项目、加强就业辅导服务、改善职业训练和雇员再培训,以及加强措施遏止非法雇用工。
    Since its establishment, it has advanced government projects, strengthened employment services, enhanced vocational training and employees' retraining and tightened measures to combat illegal employment.
  • 由财政司司长领导的就业专责小组,自一九九八年六月成立以来,采取了四十多项措施纾缓失业情况,包括提前展开政府工程项目、加强就业服务、提供更佳的职业训练和雇员再培训,以及采取更严厉措施遏止非法雇用工。
    The Task Force on Employment, set up in June 1998 and led by the Financial Secretary, has implemented over 40 measures, including advancing government projects, strengthening employment services, enhancing vocational training and employees' retraining and tightening measures to combat illegal employment to ease the unemployment situation.
  • 为确保本地工人可优先获聘,雇主提出的输入工申请必须先符合三项条件,才会提交教育统筹局局长批核。这三项条件是:已在报章刊登招聘广告;已由工处安排为期六星期的就业选配(在可能的情况下,包括为本地工人提供特别设计的再培训课程);以及已由工顾问委员会审议。
    To ensure priority of employment for local workers, each application for imported workers has to pass three tests before it is submitted to the Secretary for Education and Manpower for a decision - advertising in newspapers, job-matching by the Labour Department for six weeks (plus tailor-made retraining course for workers, if possible), and consideration by the Labour Advisory Board.
  • 为更好地解决农村动者的就业问题,从2000年起,中国政府开展了为期三年的城乡统筹就业、组织农村动力转移培训、推进西部地区农村动力开发就业和鼓励扶持返乡创业的试点工作。
    To better solve the employment of rural labor, the Chinese government has carried out a three-year program for the overall planning of urban and rural employment since 2000, retraining rural workers, promoting the development and employment of the rural labor force in the western region, and encouraging and supporting migrant laborers to return to their home villages to start businesses.
  • 这些是拉·多伊尔在《屈服的妻子》一书中所阐述的观点,对之嘲讽,认为是倒退或荒谬是很容易的。
    It would be easy to scoff at such ideas, elaborated by Laura Doyle in her book The Surrendered Wife as retro or ridiculous.
  • 工界功能界别选出三名立法会议员,余下27个界别各选出一名议员。
    The labour functional constituency returns three Legislative Council members and the other 27 functional constituencies return one member each.
  • 劳资纠纷的裁决人
    An adjudicator in an industrial dispute
  • 当社会有紧急需要或财源有限而要求迅速回收资金时,为了在遥远的未来获得收益而投入动,不但会使国家在当时陷于贫困,即所雇用的动者消费多少,国家就损失多少,而且即使是到最后,国家也不如采取另一种作法富裕,所谓另一种作法,就是从一开始便寻求眼前的收益,而推迟远期获利的事业。
    Labour sunk in expectation of a distant return, when the great exigencies or limited resources of the community require that the return be rapid, may leave the country not only poorer in the meanwhile, by all which those labourers consume, but less rich even ultimately than if immediate returns had been sought in the first instance, and enterprises for distant profit postponed.
  • 资纠纷进行裁决的一组人
    Group which adjudicate in industrial dispute
  • 1979年改革开放以来,中国实行以公有制为主体的多种所有制经济,并对国家统包就业制度作了改革,实行动部门介绍就业、自愿组织起来就业和自谋职业相结合的方针,广辟就业门路;
    Since the policy of reform and opening to the outside world was adopted in 1979, China has instituted a multi-ownership economic system with public ownership of the means of production taking the dominant position. The employment system whereby the state assigns virtually all the jobs has been revamped and the principle has been carried out to open up all avenues for job opportunities by combining the efforts in three fields--job placements by labor departments, employment in enterprises organized by those who need jobs, and self-employment.