  • 目前,中国已初步形成了四个卫星系——返回式遥感卫星系、“东方红”通信广播卫星系、“风云”气象卫星系和“实践”科学探测与技术试验卫星系,“资源”地球资源卫星系也即将形成。
    Altogether, four satellite series have been initially developed in China, namely, recoverable remote-sensing satellites, "DFH Dongfanghong" telecommunications satellites, "FY Fengyun" meteorological satellites and "SJ Shijian " scientific research and technological experiment satellites. The "ZY Ziyuan" earth resource satellite series will come into being soon.
  • 新加坡已经晋升发达国家行,在经济和其他领域的成就,也使我们成为他国效仿的对象。然而,在教育和文化修养上,要向西方国家,日本,或者中国大陆和台湾等看齐,我们还要走一段漫漫长路。
    Even though the Republic is now a First World country, with economic affluence and other praiseworthy achievements that others envy, the fact remains that it still has some way to go before its educational and cultural sophistication is on par with the advanced Western countries and Japan, or with that of mainland China and Taiwan.
  • 尽管如此,要使我国跻身文明国家之,不少方面仍有待努力。我国的经济成功声名远扬,生活之富裕也超过许多工业化国家而令人羡慕,但不幸国民的行为并未相应地优雅起来。
    Despite the nation's resounding economic success and the resultant enviable affluence which surpasses the living standards of many industrialised countries, such a feat is, unfortunately, not matched by a corresponding improvement in the social graces of its citizens.
  • 在这个新兴的城市里,贫穷和富裕(两极)并
    Extremes of poverty and affluence meet in this mushrooming town.
  • 梅花形五点排将五个物体分别安排在一个长方形或正方形的四个边角和一个中心里
    An arrangement of five objects with one at each corner of a rectangle or square and one at the center.
  • 一种包含给定数量字的磁心矩形网格,其中的每个字由构成矩形阵的给定位数组成。
    A rectangular grid of cores containing a given number of words each of a given number of bits making up the rectangular array.
  • 以行的原理矩阵。
    a rectangular array of elements set out by rows and columns.
  • 矩阵用于数学运算的数值量和代数量的矩形阵
    A rectangular array of numeric or algebraic quantities subject to mathematical operations.
  • 数组量数横为行,纵为的矩形排,如矩阵中
    A rectangular arrangement of quantities in rows and columns, as in a matrix.
  • 在大部分工业化世界里,空气、水和土壤长期缓慢的污染所引起的一系问题难以解决和纠正。
    In many parts of the industrialized world, long-term chronic pollution of air, water, and soil pose problems that are difficult to resolve and rectify.
  • 第三十条使用注册商标,有下行为之一的,由商标局责令限期改正或者撤销其注册商标:
    Article 30.Where any person who uses a registered trademark has committed any of the following, the Trademark Office shall order him to rectify the situation within a specified period or even cancel the registered trademark:
  • 一个有机体经一个基础阶段的不断重复而成的一系阶段。
    a series of stages through which an organism passes between recurrences of a primary stage.
  • 以事物的逻辑顺序或周期为序的排
    arrangement in which things follow in logical order or a recurrent pattern.
  • 它可获取财富,它要剥夺竞争对手的财富。信息战争与权力有关。控制信息就控制了金钱。信息战争与恐惧有关。控制信息的人能让那些企图保住自己秘密的人感到恐惧。纽约银行就经历了这种恐惧,它在一天里就丢失了230亿美元。信息战争与政治有关。当德国政府支持情报机构对美国进行黑客活动时,盟友的含义就需要重新确定了。或者当为扰乱美国经济伊朗政府暗中支持向美国市场投放假币时,我们应该隐隐察觉到冲突已不同于以往。信息战争与生存有关。法国和以色发展各自的经济,把全部所有的工业部门都建筑在偷窃美国的机密的基础上。日本和韩国,在他们政府的帮助下,只要美国的技术一离开设计图板就把它偷走了。信息战争与挑衅和侵犯公民权有关。无论是在发达国家还是在发展中国家,从网络空间的城堡里走来了不起眼的黑客,他们一无所有而不怕失去。他们了解进行信息战争的经济收益。信息战争就是要控制信息。随着网络空间的扩展和电子无政府状态的蔓延,现实社会越来越失去控制。从80年代末和整个90年代的情况来看,信息战争不可避免。
    It's about the acquisition of wealth,and the denial of wealth to competitors. Information Warfare is about power. He who controls the information controls the money. Information Warfare is about fear. He who controls the information can instill fear in those who want to keep their secrets a secret.It's the fear that the Bank of New York felt when it found itself $ billion short of cash in only one day. Information Warfare is about politics. When the German government sponsors intelligence agency hacking against U.S. computers,the concept of ally needs to be redefined. Or when Iran takes aim at the U.S. economy by state sponsored counterfeiting,we should have a glimmer that conflict is not what it once was. Information Warfare is about survival.France and Israel developed their respective economies and based entire industries on stealing American secrets.Japan and Korea purloin American technology as it comes off the drawing boards with the help of their governments. Information Warfare is about defiance and disenfranchisement in both modern and Third World societies. From the inner cities of Cyberspace come fringe? element hackers with nothing to lose. They recognize the economic benefits of waging Information Warfare. Information Warfare is about the control of information.As a society we maintain less and less control as Cyberspace expands and electronic anarchy reigns.Given global conditions of the late 1980s and 1990s, Information Warfare is inevitable.
  • 为了不重复错误,有效地团结一切社会力量反对美蒋,更早地完成全部解放中原人民的任务,全区应即停止分土地,停止打土豪分浮财,停止乱没收,禁止一切破坏,禁止乱打人、乱捉人、乱杀人等等现象,并根据下的方针和策略步骤进行和调整各方面工作。
    In order to avoid repeating past mistakes, unite with all social forces to fight effectively against U.S. imperialism and Chiang Kai-shek and liberate all the people in the Central Plains at an early date, we should immediately end redistribution of land, expropriation of local tyrants, distribution of their movable property and indiscriminate confiscation of items in the area as a whole. All sabotage activities and beating, arresting and executing people contrary to the law should also be strictly prohibited. We should carry on and readjust our work in all fields in accordance with the following guiding policies and practical measures:
  • ioc及其下属的世界反兴奋剂协会将从6月6日起召开一系会议,来研究出一套应对这个威胁的策略。
    The IOC, together with the affiliated World Anti?Doping Agency, will hold a series of meetings--starting on 6 June to hammer out a strategy to tackle the threat.
  • 一口气背出一首诗、说出许多名字、发出一系指令
    Reel off a poem, list of names, set of instructions
  • 甚至中学生都会对可能产生的结果举一二:海洋将会变暖;冰川将会融化,引起海平面上升,海水将会淹没许多地势较低一带海岸附近的民居。
    Even high school students can reel off some projected outcomes: the oceans will warm, and glaciers will melt, causing sea 1evels to rise and salt water to inundate settlements along many low-lying coasts.
  • categorybag:这是一个类别引用的表。
    categoryBag: This is a list of category references.
  • (逻辑)用来指区别某个词语的所指对象的一系特点。
    (logic) used of the set of attributes that distinguish the referents of a given word.
  • 当大多数时装设计家显然在寻求典雅与精美的时候,罗姆的一系的款式则略嫌差失。与其他设计家的款式相比,饰物略显过分,裤管稍宽,胸衣略欠妆饰。
    At a time when most designers are in clear pursuit of elegance and refinement, Carolyne Roehm's collection is slightly off center. Jewelry is a little exaggerated, pants are a little wider and bodices a little barer than those by other designers.
  • 应采取下步骤:轻按两边,取下蓄电池盖,插入电池,然后盖上盖子。
    The following procedure should be adopted: remove battery holder by pressing lightly on both sides, insert the battery and refit the holder.
  • 将它罗在这里只是为了保持历史代码集合的完整性。
    Included here for historical code set completeness.
  • 将它罗在这里只是为了保持历史代码集合的完整性。
    Included here for historical code-set completion.
  • 反射装置在汽车前灯的照耀下闪光的玻璃或塑料制反射装置,用于汽车的安全设备或在高速公路上成安置作为道路标志
    A glass or plastic reflector designed to glow in the beam of a headlight, used on a vehicle as a safety device or set in rows along a highway as lane markers.
  • 近几年来,按政府财政预算改革的统一要求,对国防费管理进行了一系改革:改革国防费预算编制办法;对武器装备采购资金实行集中统一支付;对国防物资、工程、服务实行招投标采购制度。
    In recent years, in line with financing and budgeting reforms in the government, the administration of defense expenditure has undergone a whole array of reforms, including reform in the defense expenditure budgeting method, centralized payment for weapon and equipment procurement, and a tendering and bidding system for the procurement of defense materials, projects and services.
  • 请告知下货物的最低报价:。
    Please quote us your lowest price for:.
  • 一系改革试验完成了。
    A series of reformation test has been completed.
  • 这引起一系有关战略的问题。
    This gives rise to a series of problems regarding our strategy.
  • 将整个团阵于阅兵场
    Arrayed the whole regiment on the parade ground.
  • 功能界别选举候选人,除要符合适用于地方选区选举有关年龄和居港年期的规定外,还须是名正式选民登记册的登记选民,并已登记为有关功能界别的选民或与该界别有密切联系。
    To become a candidate in the functional constituencies, one must satisfy the same age and residential requirements as in a geographical constituency election, be a registered elector on the Final Register, and also a registered elector of or have a substantial connection with the relevant functional constituency.
  • 香港特别行政区永久性居民中的中国公民,只要年满21岁,在外国无居留权,过去三年通常在香港居住,并且是名正式选民登记册的登记选民,便可在任何一个地方选区参选。
    Any permanent resident of the HKSAR who is a Chinese citizen with no right of abode in any foreign country may stand for election in any geographical constituency, provided that he or she is a registered elector on the Final Register, has attained the age of 21, and has ordinarily resided in Hong Kong for the preceding three years.