Chinese English Sentence:
  • 美国的经济重心由村转到北方的工业中心。
    The centre of the U.S. economy shifted from the agrarian areas to the industrial centres im the north.
  • 经验证明,土改必须在贫雇发动起来的基础上去进行,才不致煮夹生饭。
    Experience has shown that agrarian reform cannot be thorough unless the poor peasants and farm labourers are fully mobilized.
  • 在土地革命中,我们根据村的阶级状况提出了正确的阶级政策。
    During the Agrarian Revolution we based our correct class policy on the conditions of classes in rural areas.
  • 也有两种革命深入:村革命深入和文化革命深入。
    The deepening of the revolution was of two kinds;both the agrarian and the cultural revolutions were deepened.
  • 必须向党员和民说明,目前不是实行彻底的土地革命的时期,过去土地革命时期的一套办法不能适用于现在。
    It must be explained to Party members and to the peasants that this is not the time for a thorough agrarian revolution and that the series of measures taken during the Agrarian Revolution cannot be applied today.
  • 而这种武装斗争,就是在无产阶级领导之下的民土地革命斗争。
    And this armed struggle was the peasant agrarian revolution under the leadership of the proletariat.
  • 国民党是反对土地革命的,因此没有民的援助。
    It opposes the agrarian revolution and therefore has no support from the peasantry.
  • 早在1859年,林肯当选总统之前,美国基本上还是个业国。
    In 1859 before Lincoln was elected president,our country was largely an agrarian nation.
  • “一个土地(或业)的社会”。
    an agrarian (or agricultural) society.
  • 雇佣劳工修好了栏杆扶手;大场的雇佣劳工。
    the hired hand fixed the railing; a ranch hand.
  • 场主把那块地用栅栏围起来。
    The farmers railed the area in.
  • 农作物需要雨水。
    The crops need rain.
  • 繁殖或增加牲畜的场主。
    farmer who breed or raises livestock.
  • 夫栽种作物并畜养牛只。
    The farmer raises crops and cattle.
  • 很多民干脆不养蚕了。
    Many peasants simply gave up raising silkworms.
  • 牧场主;农场主
    A ranch owner; a rancher.
  • 场或牧场的雇佣劳工。
    a hired laborer on a farm or ranch.
  • 在大场或露营地工作的厨师。
    the cook on a ranch or at a camp.
  • 场上的一所大宅院或是大宗的不动产。
    the main house on a ranch or large estate.
  • 取得硕士学位后,他准备去塔克森的一个好友的场,中途他去了米德兰看望朋友。
    Master's degree in hand,he headed for a buddy's ranch in Tacson and stopped to visit friends in Midland.
  • 一个富翁经营场或牧场经常赔钱,但经营工厂或从商则赚钱。
    A rich man who has a farm or ranch often runs it in the red, but makes his money with his factory or business.
  • “嗨,我的场大极了,”他说,“如果我想绕它一圈,一早就在场上开拖拉机,晚上才能回到家。”
    "Why, my ranch is so big," he said, "that if I start out in my truck in the morning to drive around it, it's night by the time I get home."
  • 弗拉格斯塔夫亚利桑那的中北部一城市,位于普雷斯科特东北部。它是伐木场和场区域中的一个疗养地并且是洛威尔观察所(建于1894年)的所在地。人口45,857
    A city of north-central Arizona northeast of Prescott. It is a health resort in a lumbering and ranching area and the site of Lowell Observatory(founded1894). Population,45, 857.
  • 梅迪辛哈特加拿大阿伯塔东南部城市,临近萨斯喀彻温省边界,位于卡尔加里东南。这座建于1883年的城市,是一个位于有天然气储备的牧区的贸易中心。人口40,380
    A city of southeast Alberta, Canada, near the Saskatchewan border southeast of Calgary. Founded in1883, it is a trade center in a farming and ranching region with natural gas reserves. Population,40, 380.
  • 流浪汉拦住场主,要他给点吃的和喝的。
    The tramp bailed up the rancher to ask him for some food and drink.
  • 几个偷牛贼在偷场的牛时,被牛仔们抓住,被私下绞死了。
    Cattle thieves were stealing the rancher's cattle when the cowboys caught them and had a necktie party.
  • 美国大草原土地很肥沃,因此大多数场经营人都在同一季内种两种作物。
    The land of the Prairie is so fertile that most ranchers double-crop.
  • 因此场主能在西部以低成本养牛,然后通过铁路运到东部市场赚取可观的利润。
    So, ranchers could raise cattle at low cost in the western states and send them by railroad to eastern markets.
  • 通常长在田和荒地上的一种开黄花的多年生植物,但在牧场上是一种有害杂草。
    yellow-flowered perennial common in fields and waste places but a weed in rangelands.
  • 积极开发一批市场信誉优良、文化特色鲜明的旅游景点和远郊旅游景区,建设好京城水系、森林公园、主题公园、观光业园等,满足广大游客和市民日益增长的现代体育、休闲、娱乐文化生活需求。
    An array of tourist sites and suburban tourist areas shall be aggressively developed to give them unique cultural features and strong standing in the market. The water systems, forest parks, theme parks, and sightseeing agricultural gardens shall be developed to meet the constantly growing need of both tourists and local residents for modern sports, leisure and entertainment.
  • 从古典到现代多种多样的音乐节目;多种经营场;多种制造业;多变的景色;多样投资。
    a diversified musical program ranging from classical to modern; diversified farming; diversified manufacturing; diversified scenery; diversified investments.
  • 自耕的自耕的、与之有关的或自耕阶层的
    Of, relating to, or ranking as a yeoman.