  • 希特勒曾斥许多现代艺术形式为不道德的东西,可是我认为那些画希特勒肖像悬诸新艺术博物院以取悦他的艺术家,是最不道德的人。
    Hitler has denounced many forms of modern art as immoral, but I consider that those painters who paint portraits of Hitler, to be shown at the new Art Museum in order to please the powerful ruler, are the most immoral of all.
  • 最惹人注目的顽固分子是约旦国王候赛因。他最近表示不再过问[约旦河]西岸之事,现在同意[参加中东和平的努力]。
    The conspicuous holdout was Jordan's King Hussein, who, by his latest gesture of washing his hands of the West Bank, is now coming along.
  • 相对于东部、中部而言,西部地区的资源优势在今后一个时期对本区至全局性经济发展都将发挥不可替代的支持作用。
    Compared with eastern and central China, the resources advantage of western China will be an irreplaceable factor that supports the local and even the holistic economic development for the time to come.
  • 武汉失陷后日本的甜言蜜语,例如放弃其所谓“不以国民政府为对手”的方针,转而承认以国民政府为对手,例如所谓华中、华南撤兵的条件,是诱鱼上钓取而烹之的阴险政策,谁要上钓谁就准备受烹。
    Japan's honeyed words after the fall of Wuhan -- for instance, the suggestion that she would abandon the policy of "not accepting the National Government as the opposite party in negotiations" and would instead recognize it as such, or that she would withdraw her troops from central and southern China on certain conditions -- are nothing but cunning bait to hook the fish, so that whoever swallows the bait must expect to be well and truly cooked.
  • 现钱乃良药。
    Ready money id a ready medicine.
  • 懒惰乃万恶之源。
    Idleness is the root of all evil.
  • 这一举动严重威胁了南亚地区至世界的和平与稳定,破坏了国际社会为防止核扩散和全面禁止核武器所作的努力,引起国际社会的强烈谴责,也受到印度国内公正舆论的挞伐。
    The move, which has seriously threatened the peace and stability in South Asia and the world at large, and inflicted a hard blow on the international community's effort to prevent nuclear proliferation and completely ban nuclear weapons, has been strongly condemned by the international community and the impartial media in India as well.
  • 他现在强调国防,宣传党派观念已陈旧,是企图以“民族领袖”的资格,站在国内各种矛盾之上,表面上表示并不偏于一个阶级一个党,以便维持大地主大资产阶级和国民党的统治。
    In stressing national defence and preaching that party politics are out of date, he is posing as a "national leader" who is above domestic contradictions and feigning impartiality to class and party, his aim being to preserve the rule of the big landlord class and big bourgeoisie and the Kuomintang.
  • 信用状依进口商的请示而开立,但通常以电报开发信用状时,就不必另开信用状了。
    A letter of credit is issued on the request of the importer, but usually when credit is established by cable no letter of credit is issued.
  • 你这样做轻率之举。
    It's imprudent of you to have done such a thing.
  • 最早和最明显的替代物是牛的肌肉运动。渐渐地,非生物界的动力也用来协助人力,例如想办法把风、水、运动物体的一部分运动传送到轮子上,而在此之前轮子是靠肌肉力转动的。
    The first and most obvious substitute is the muscular action of cattle: by degrees the powers of inanimate nature are made to aid in this too, as by making the wind, or water, things already in motion, communicate a part of their motion to the wheels, which before that invention were made to revolve by muscular force.
  • 对此帐单,我公司所以办理现金折扣,系奖励如期付款。
    The cash discount given on this bill is an incentive to pay the bill on date due.
  • 于是母亲的特点给我们留下了无法抹去的影响。我们永远被与她的脸部特征、身材、个性至幽默感相似的人所吸引。
    So our mother's characteristics leave an indelible impression, we are forever attracted to people with her " facial features, body type, personality, even sense of humor.
  • 轻率之傻子国家最好之外交家。
    The indiscreet fool is a nation's best diplomat.
  • 螨类蜱螨目的任何一种小的至微小的蜘蛛纲动物,通常寄生于动植物体内,也寄生在储藏食物中,有些种还传播疾病
    Any of various small or minute arachnids of the order Acarina that are often parasitic on animals and plants, infest stored food products, and in some species transmit disease.
  • 这样一来,才不会在制造业不景气至没落时才匆匆忙忙追逐生化。
    This instinct would have spared us the rush in switching to the biochemical industry when the manufacturing sector went into decline.
  • 一个经济学家赖以维生的,是机关行号投资大户或公司财务主管,他们可能给该[投资]公司更多的生意以换取经济预测。
    But the bread and butter for an economist is the institutional investor or corporate treasurer who might direct more trades to the firm in exchange for economic forecasts.
  • 部分破裂但保持着它的完整性。
    break partially but keep its integrity.
  • 所以,无论如何,中国无产阶级、农民、知识分子和其他小资产阶级,是决定国家命运的基本势力。
    Therefore, the proletariat, the peasantry, the intelligentsia and the other sections of the petty bourgeoisie undoubtedly constitute the basic forces determining China's fate.
  • 乡、区两级至县一级,政府的执行委员会,都是用一种群众会选举的。
    The executive committees of the township, district or even county governments were invariably elected at some kind of mass meeting.
  • 约翰。甘迪为新拓荒者精神的典型人物。
    John F. Kennedy typified the new frontier spirit.
  • 中国政府几个月前显然认定美国政府说要全面提高进口税时,是虚张声势。因此北京没有积极表示让步。
    The Chinese authorities apparently decided months ago that the Administration is bluffing when it talks about jacking up tariffs across the board, and that is one reason why Beijing has been lackadaisical about offering concessions.
  • 在本章,我们将探讨java程序的基本组件,并体会为什么说java至java程序内的一切都是对象。
    In this chapter we’ll see the basic components of a Java program and we’ll learn that everything in Java is an object, even a Java program.
  • 美德乃是无价宝。
    Virtue is a jewel of great price.
  • 迪一去世,詹森即继任为总统。
    On Kennedy's death, Johnson succeeded.
  • 香港特别行政区护照采用电脑可读形式印制,并分为两种:普通型(32页)及加厚型(48页)。
    The HKSAR passport is in a machine-readable format. There are two types of HKSAR passports: the regular size (32 pages) and the jumbo size(48 pages).
  • 飞机于上午十时从甘迪机场起飞。
    The airplane lifted from Kennedy Airport at 10 a. m.
  • 加蕃茄酱或美乃滋?
    With ketchup or mayonnaise?
  • 后期之中国字,若在初期,“栏”亦没有木旁,“栏杆”只写作“阑干”,都没有“木”旁,说不定“走廊”亦可写作“走郎”,但我不曾见过,想当然耳。
    This however is a later development of the Chinese script. In its early form, the word 栏 lan did not possess a 木mu (wood) radical. The phrase 栏 杆 lan gan was originally written as 阑 干, without the 木 mu (wood) radical. It is possible that the expression 走 廊 zou lang could also at one time have been written as 走 郎 zou lang. I have never come across the expression being written in this form, but this is how I think it would have developed.
  • 世界著名的《格萨尔王传》是藏族人民在漫长历史长河中创造出来的一部珍贵的长篇英雄史诗,是中国至世界文学宝库中少有的珍品,但一直是通过民间说唱艺人口头流传。
    The world-famous Life of King Gesar, a lengthy and valuable heroic epic created by the Tibetan people over a considerable length of time, is a rare literary treasure of China and the whole of mankind. However, it has all along been passed down by folk artists orally.
  • 他的资本连同全部可能的收益已被毁灭了。他所得到的是另一个人的资本,此人愿意用自己的资本换取甲对赋税的扣押权。
    that, and all its possible returns, are extinguished: what he gets is the capital of some other person, which that person is willing to exchange for his lien on the taxes.
  • 何其相似乃尔!
    What a striking likeness!