  • 切莉先于布莱尔到达德克萨斯,4月4日她在德州北部城市达拉斯参加公益活动时对观众们说道:"我们的乳房在哺乳和性生活中都有很重要的作用,所以如果发现乳房中有了肿块,女性魅力大打折扣,该会是多么痛苦啊!"
    Cherie, who arrived in Texas before her husband, told the audience in Dallas on Thursday: "We associate our breasts with our nurturing, our sexuality. To find a lump and to think of having that femininity removed is agonising."
  • 我是个不可知论者;我不假装知道许多无知的人以为知道的一清二楚的西。
    I am an agnostic; I do not pretend to know what many ignorant men is sure of.
  • 我是个不可知论者;我不假装知道许多无知的人以为知道的一清二楚的西。
    I am an agnostic; I do not pretend to know what many ignorant men are sure of.
  • 在设计和装饰爱巢这方面,雪球是个苛求的领导,而阳光则满脸兴奋地按雪球的指挥竭尽全力地把西放好。
    Snowball was a very exacting supervisor in designing and decorating their nest just so, while Sunshine, his face aglow with love, bent over backward to put everything just where she ordered.
  • 产于洛矶山脉部少雨地区的平原、山地和河床。
    of plains and hills and river bottoms in areas of low rainfall east of the Rocky Mountains.
  • "在南沿海地区,突如其来的暴风骤雨是常见的。"
    Sudden rainstorms are frequent on the southeast coast.
  • 提高了我的房租。
    The landlord raised my rent.
  • 中东汽车拉力赛。
    Middle East Rally Championship.
  • 这个思潮不顶住,加上开放必然进来许多乌七八糟的西,一结合起来,是一种不可忽视的、对我们社会主义四个现代化的冲击。
    If we fail to check this trend, it will merge with undesirable foreign things that will inevitably find their way into China because of our open policy and become a battering ram used against our socialist modernization programme. This is something we cannot afford to ignore.
  • 小伙子带著妄自尊大的神态没完没了地拉西扯。
    The young man ramble on with an air of great consequence.
  • 主题不明的,拉西扯的包含很大范围的主题;杂乱无章的
    Covering a wide field of subjects; rambling.
  • 扯西拉地告诉我们这件事,那件事。
    He rambled on telling us first of one thing, then of another.
  • 他与我在他办公室里遇见的那个一榔头西一锤说话不着边的小布什判若两人。
    He had become the precise opposite of the rambling scatter? shooter I had met in his office.
  • 他狼吞虎咽地把晚饭塞下肚,好象3天没吃过西似的。
    He rammed down his supper as though he had not eaten for three days.
  • 史密斯囫囵吞枣地把晚饭塞下肚,好像三天没吃过西似的。
    Smith rammed down his supper as though he had not eaten for three days.
  • 獴任一种獴属及相关种属的半球食肉哺乳动物,有一柔软而灵活的躯体和长尾巴,善于捕食毒蛇
    Any of various Old World carnivorous mammals of the genus Herpestes and related genera, having a slender agile body and a long tail and noted for the ability to seize and kill venomous snakes.
  • ??29岁的高桥真身的父亲说:“光天化日之下,我女儿在京最繁华的地段遇害,‘日本是安全的’这一神话在那一刻被打破了。”1999年9月,高桥真身在人潮涌动的商业区被一个狂暴冲撞的陌生人刺死。
    "My daughter died in Tokyo, which is supposed to be the safest city in the world, at the busiest place in the city, in the broad daylight," said the farther of Mami Takahashi, 29, who was stabbed to death by a stranger who rampaged through a crowded shopping district in September. "The myth that Japan is safe was destroyed at that moment."
  • 用城墙、类似城墙的西或其它堡垒来围住。
    surround with or as if with a rampart or other fortification.
  • 墨西哥及美国南部多草沼泽地区的一种健壮、敏捷的老鼠。
    hardy agile rat of grassy marshes of Mexico and the southeastern United States.
  • 半球敏捷的灵猫,有带斑点的皮毛和圈状的长尾巴。
    agile Old World viverrine having a spotted coat and long ringed tail.
  • 半球敏捷的灰色灵猫;捕食蛇和啮齿动物。
    agile grizzled Old World viverrine; preys on snakes and rodents.
  • 在西部牧场度假的部人或城里人
    An Easterner or city person who vacations on a ranch in the West.
  • 被批准的必须迁址浦,同时可以保留浦西支行。
    The licensed institutions must move their premises to Pudong, and the offices in Puxi could be maintained as sub-ranches.
  • 巴特而斯维尔位于俄克拉何马北一城市,位于塔尔萨北部的,是一个牧场与产油区的贸易中心。人口34,256
    A city of northeast Oklahoma north of Tulsa. It is a trade center in a ranching and oil-producing region. Population,34, 256.
  • 弗拉格斯塔夫亚利桑那的中北部一城市,位于普雷斯科特北部。它是伐木场和农场区域中的一个疗养地并且是洛威尔观察所(建于1894年)的所在地。人口45,857
    A city of north-central Arizona northeast of Prescott. It is a health resort in a lumbering and ranching area and the site of Lowell Observatory(founded1894). Population,45, 857.
  • 梅迪辛哈特加拿大阿伯塔南部城市,临近萨斯喀彻温省边界,位于卡尔加里南。这座建于1883年的城市,是一个位于有天然气储备的农牧区的贸易中心。人口40,380
    A city of southeast Alberta, Canada, near the Saskatchewan border southeast of Calgary. Founded in1883, it is a trade center in a farming and ranching region with natural gas reserves. Population,40, 380.
  • 因此农场主能在西部以低成本养牛,然后通过铁路运到部市场赚取可观的利润。
    So, ranchers could raise cattle at low cost in the western states and send them by railroad to eastern markets.
  • 用来随机选择的西(稻草或小石头等)。
    anything (straws or pebbles etc.) taken or chosen at random.
  • 兰迪好吃西,成了个胖墩儿。
    Randy love to eat, he's a butter-ball.
  • 兰迪好吃西,成了个胖墩儿。
    Randy love to eat, he's a butter ball.
  • 不过,正如杨振宁教授所讲的,除了保留方优良传统之外,也应注意注入西方“”精神及其他优点。
    Nevertheless, Singaporeans should learn the "aggressiveness" and other strengths from the West to complement their own fine Eastern tradition, as suggested by Prof Yang.
  • 屋子里所有值钱的西都被抢去了。
    The house had been ransacked of all that was worth anything.