Chinese English Sentence:
  • 一阶偏微分方程
    first order partial differential equation
  • 他们被地下忽然传来的隆隆声吓了跳。
    They were alarmed by the sudden rumbling in the earth.
  • 声警报响我们就迅速卧倒。
    Alarmed at the first sound, we hit the dirt.
  • 如果在诊断检查期间einlink出现告警,则它将直保持告警状态,直到进行手工干预使其恢复为active。
    If an EINLINK becomes alarmed during diagnostic checks, it remains alarmed until manual intervention restores it to ACTIVE.
  • 起初这个议程式直解不出。
    At first the equation refused to work out.
  • 某天体赤道与平行于该赤道的天体周围的条虚构线之间的角距离。
    the angular distance between an imaginary line around a heavenly body parallel to its equator and the equator itself.
  • 惊恐种惊惧或害怕的状态;惊恐
    A state of alarm or dread; apprehension.
  • ap的维护和告警状态
    maintenance and alarm status for each AP
  • 在金牛星座天赤道东部的星座;包含参宿四(位于猎户星座的颗鲜红色固有变星,距地球572光年)和参宿七(猎户座星群中的颗明亮的双星)。
    a constellation on the equator east of Taurus; contains Betelgeuse and Rigel.
  • 有电线连接在起的警报系统。
    wired together to an alarm system.
  • 室女星座在狮子座和天秤座之间赤道区的个星座
    A constellation in the region of the celestial equator between Leo and Libra.
  • 太平洋中西部刚好在赤道以南的个岛国,是个共和国。
    an island republic in the west central Pacific just S of the equator.
  • 赤道以北,大约百分之六十的表面为水所盖。
    North of the equator about61 percent of the surface is covered by water.
  • 在天球上天赤道与黄道相切的两点中的任点。
    (astronomy) either of the two celestial points at which the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic.
  • 二分点在天球上天赤道与黄道相切的两点中的任
    Either of two points on the celestial sphere at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator.
  • 半天球被黄道,天赤道或地平圈分成两半的天球的
    Either half of the celestial sphere as divided by the ecliptic, the celestial equator, or the horizon.
  • 赤纬到达某天体点的角距,从天体赤道向北或向南测量得出
    The angular distance to a point on a celestial object, measured north or south from the celestial equator.
  • 把地图投影到个圆锥上的地图;离赤道越远的地区显得越大。
    a map projection of the earth onto a cylinder; areas appear greater the farther they are from the equator.
  • 纬线,纬度圈与赤道平面平行且环绕地球用来表明纬度高低的许多假想线中的任意
    Any of the imaginary lines representing degrees of latitude that encircle the earth parallel to the plane of the equator.
  • 太阳离天赤道的距离最远时的两次中的任何次。
    either of the two times of the year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator.
  • 你需要一个闹钟吗?
    Do you need an alarm clock?
  • 太阳每年通过天赤道的两个时刻中的任何个时刻,在此时各地的昼夜时间是等长的。
    either of two times of the year when the sun crosses the plane of the earth's equator and day and night are of equal length.
  • 种惊慌或害怕的情绪。
    a feeling of alarm or dread.
  • 你需要一个闹钟!
    You need an alarm clock!
  • 赤道附近片难以穿越的森林。
    an impenetrable equatorial forest.
  • 蛇夫星座个在天赤道区靠近武仙座和天蝎座的星座
    A constellation in the equatorial region near Hercules and Scorpius.
  • 比奥科,费尔南多波赤道几内亚的个岛,位于几内亚湾
    An island of Equatorial Guinea in the Gulf of Guinea.
  • 这种警报发出,汽车就停止不动了。
    This alarm immobilizes the car.
  • 几内亚海湾内的个岛屿,是赤道几内亚的部分。
    an island in the Gulf of Guinea that is part of Equatorial Guinea.
  • 摩羯座南半球赤道区域的个星座,在宝瓶座和人马座附近
    A constellation in the equatorial region of the Southern Hemisphere, near Aquarius and Sagittarius.
  • 宝瓶座在南半球赤道区邻近双鱼座及天鹰座的星座
    A constellation in the equatorial region of the Southern Hemisphere near Pisces and Aquila.
  • 他需要一个闹钟。
    He needs an alarm clock.