  • 研究人员还指,来自附近的物体的重力吸引也可能是另一个原因。
    Researchers have also proposed that gravitational pull from a nearby object might be another possible cause.
  • 现这种情况的原因在于没有巨大的引力作用于这些气体,因而恒星力量不断削弱、变小。
    This occurs because there is not a tremendous gravitational pull upon those gases and therefore the star weakens and becomes smaller.
  • 月球露四分之一时,太阳和月球相对于地球成直角,因此它们的引力往往部分相互抵销,这时的潮汐既不高也不低,通常称为小潮。
    At the quarters of the moan, when the sun arid the moon are at right angles to each other in relation to the earth, their respective gravitational pulls tend partly to counteract each other. At these times the tides, commonly called neap tides are neither so high or so low.
  • 我深吸一口气大声说,‘万有引力。’
    I took a deep breath and yelled", ‘Gravity’”
  • 有时,别的鹿从树林里来吃草,弗兰基闻见它们的气味时,就抬起头来。
    Sometimes other deer came out of the woods to graze. When Frankie caught their scent, his head came up.
  • 现食草类哺乳动物。
    from 13 million to 25 million years ago; appearance of grazing mammals.
  • 作为这块国有土地的所有者,政府可在该土地上租牧地。
    On this public domain the government, as proprietor, can lease grazing, lands.
  • 二是实施草场责任制,按照以草定畜的原则,划定轮牧期、轮牧区和禁牧区,加大牲畜栏,严禁草场的超载过牧,使天然草地得到有效保护;
    Secondly, a pasture responsibility system has been implemented. In line with the principle of limiting the number of grazing animals by the size of the pasture, rotation grazing periods, rotation grazing areas and “no-grazing areas” have been designated. Efforts have been made to increase the market availability rate of the livestock and to effectively protect natural pastures by strictly prohibiting over-grazing.
  • 牧场这种植物生长的场地,尤指开辟来喂养草食家畜的场地
    Ground on which such vegetation grows, especially that which is set aside for use by domestic grazing animals.
  • 萨特宁从衣服内面口袋掏一只破旧不堪、油渍斑斑的皮夹子,骄傲地拿一张破照片。
    Saturnin drew from his inside pocket a worn, greasy wallet and proudly displayed a torn photograph.
  • 李妈长叹了一声,依旧从怀里摸那一条还带着油渍的大成蓝的手巾,拭一拭眼泪。
    Li-ma drew a loud sigh and pulled out her large greasy dark blue handkerchief, as always, to wipe away a few tears.
  • 我希望我的告诫会促使她作更大的努力。
    I hoped my warning would stimulate her to greater efforts.
  • 孩子受到鼓励,要他做更大努力。
    The boy was stimulated into greater efforts.
  • 世界最杰出的小说家
    The world's greatest novelist
  • 在那戏里他通常演罗密欧。
    He usually plays greatest stage performers.
  • 7.“你最突的优点是什么?”
    7. "What is your greatest strength?"
  • 它非常出色。
    It is greatly superior.
  • 这一天谢辽日卡在外行的玛特威面前表现他全部众的才华。
    Then Seryozhka displays himself before the ignorant Matvey in all the greatness of his talent.
  • 诺贝尔的伟大在于他具有把独创性科学家的品质与卓有远见的企业家的品质相互结合起来的杰能力。
    Nobel's greatness lay in the outstanding ability to combine the quality of an original scientists with those of a forward-looking industrialist.
  • 除了讲座授课这种形式,还采用了“导师制”。牛津和剑桥之所以能成为当代类拔萃的大学,根本原因之一便是导师制,即由学院组织的个别指导制度。
    Apart from lectures teaching is by means of the tutorial system, which has been, in modern times, one of the chief foundations of the greatness of Oxford and Cambridge among universities. This is a system of individual tuition organised by the colleges.
  • 正是由於他们作了巨大牺牲和努力,国家现了百年未曾有过的繁荣和良好机遇,国际上确立了我们的尊严,香港得以顺利回归。
    Their enormous sacrifice and tireless efforts have brought us to where we are today. Never have we, as a nation, had such prosperity and potential to achieve greatness as we do today. Nor have we achieved greater recognition and dignity in the international community as we do today; as Hong Kong is finally re-united with China in a smooth and peaceful manner.
  • 在这个国度里,你再也不易见到这种略似古代护胫的高明用具——这就问题了:足球季节应该现的激动人心的场面跑哪儿去了呢?
    In this country you will not easily see the remote likes of Greaves again--which is the problem: Where are the exciting prospects a football season should produce?
  • 从他的眼中透一种贪婪。
    His greed looked through his eyes.
  • 饿狼的眼中露凶残、贪婪的目光。
    The cruelty and greed of the hungry wolf look through its eyes.
  • 青年看了从他邻居那黑眼睛里流露的贪婪的目光。
    The young man remarked the greedy glance which shone in the dark eyes of his neighbor.
  • 在工厂后面的荒地上突然长了草木。
    Greenery has sprouted out in the waste land behind the factory.
  • 发芽长新芽、叶子或绿叶;长
    To put forth new buds, leaves, or greenery; sprout.
  • 水果店向享受养老金的老年人售水果叶总是稍便宜一些。
    The greengrocer always knocked a little off the price of this fruit for the old age pensioners.
  • 在这种温室里的植物能在人工条件下呈现非常好看的外形。
    a greenhouse in which plants are arranged in a pleasing manner.
  • 为此,年年拨巨资用于城市园林和绿化事业,历经30余年的不懈努力,才实现了全国由绿化到美化的夙愿。
    To this end, it allocated large funds year after year for the greening of the city. After more than 30 years of tireless effort, long-cherished wish of greening and beautifying the country has been fulfilled.
  • 为此,年年拨巨资用于城市园林和绿化事业,历经30余年的不懈努力,才实现了全国由绿化到美化的夙愿。
    To this end, it allocated large funds year after year for the greening of the city. After more than 30 years of tireless effort, the long-cherished wish of greening and beautifying the country has been fulfilled.
  • 绿林少年是一君深受欢迎的歌手。目前他们正在全国务地巡回演
    The Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country.