  • 思绪交集在我的心头。
    These thoughts thronged on my mind.
  • 鱼可以产数以千计的卵。
    Some fish lay thousands of eggs.
  • 瞧那鱼在网里乱蹦乱跳!
    Look at all those fished thrashing around in the net!
  • 纱头,线头这线中的一根
    One of these threads.
  • 他咕哝着说威胁的话。
    He muttered a threat.
  • 化学武器严重威胁着当地人民的生命安全,也对当地的生态环境造成了严重破坏。
    These weapons still seriously threaten the lives of the local people and have caused serious damage to the ecological environment.
  • 如果那在国境外从事或可能以侵略相威胁的国家继续使用陆海空武器装备,则未来的和平将无法维持;所以他们相信,在一个更普遍和更持久的全面安全体系建立之前,解除这国家的武装是必要的。
    Since no future peace can be maintained if land, sea or air armaments continue to be employed by nation which threaten, or may threaten, aggression outside of their frontiers, they believe, pending the establishment of a wider and permanent system of general security, that the disarmament of such nations is essential.
  • 惊恐突然、紧张的恐惧,象某可怖事物突然出现;惊恐
    Sudden, intense fear, as of something immediately threatening; alarm.
  • 他们采取这措施来防止洪水威胁天津。
    They took these measures to prevent the flood waters from threatening Tianjin.
  • 我们反复讨论那问题,直到深夜。
    We were threshing out those problems until far into the night.
  • 谷壳包在成熟小麦粒和其他一作物粒上的干壳,在脱粒时被除去
    The dry bracts enclosing mature grains of wheat and some other cereal grasses, removed during threshing.
  • 但是,对于站在通向正义之宫艰险门槛上的人们,有一话我必须要说。
    But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice.
  • 在这物品中,我想列举的是细绳和牛皮纸。节俭的人在打开一个包裹时,会把这两样东西收起来,省得再买这两
    Among these I would list string and brown paper,kept by thrifty people when a parcel has been opened,to save buying these two requisites.
  • 在这物品中,我想列举的是细绳和牛皮纸。节俭的人在打开一个包裹时,会把这两样东西收起来,省得再买这两样必需品。
    Among these I would list string and brown paper, kept by thrifty people when a parcel has been opened, to save buying these two requisites.
  • 你凭什么指望我收拾你的烂摊子?孩子是你的。主意是你拿的,美滋滋儿的感觉也是你的。尤其,你认为在照顾孩子上应该多减一税。你可曾想到那因为负担不起,才决定一个孩子以后不再生的人。
    Why do you expect me to pick up your slack? It's YOUR baby. It was YOUR choice and YOUR thrill. To top it off, you think you should get even more of a tax break for child care. How about people who choose not to have more than one child because they can't afford it?
  • 我们大家都读过一令人激动的故事,这故事里的主人公仅仅活在有限并且特定的时间内。
    All of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live.
  • 我们大家都读过一令人激动的故事,这故事里的主人公仅仅活在有限并且特定的时间内。
    All of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live.
  • 种类的细菌在简单化合物上生长,如酒精。
    Some species of bateria thrive on simple compoundssuch as achohol.
  • 松树甚至在沙丘地区也长得很茂盛。
    Some types of pines will thrive even in the sandhill areas.
  • 地区宜于种麦种麻,有宜于栽培葡萄和各种果品,还有则宜于培养森林,进行畜牧,等等。
    In one district corn and hops chiefly thrive, in another vines and fruit, in a third timber production and cattle rearing, &c.
  • 所有热带和温带海洋中重要的食用和猎用海生鱼;一是少部分吸热并可以在寒冷水域中繁衍。
    important marine food and game fishes found in all tropical and temperate seas; some are at least partially endothermic and can thrive in colder waters.
  • 尤其是那情窦初开的少男少女,更容易痴迷于美丽的爱情故事,甚至对那种浪漫的生活产生憧憬之情。
    The teenyboppers just never seem to get enough of their heart-throbs and may even yearn for the same romantic experience.
  • 但是这种猖獗,不但表示了这黑暗势力的还有力量,而且表示了它们的最后挣扎,表示了人民大众逐渐接近了胜利。
    but this very violence indicates that while the forces of darkness still have some strength left, they are already in their death throes, and that the people are gradually approaching victory.
  • 有那么一人还是老殖民主义者的头脑,他们企图卡住我们穷国的脖子,不愿意我们得到发展。
    There are still some people around who are wedded to the ideas of the old-line colonialists; They are reluctant to see the poor countries develop, and attempt to throttle them.
  • 如果你把球置于脑后再掷,你能把球掷得更远一
    You can throw the ball farther if you bring the ball behind the head while throwing.
  • 1.扔掉那些记录卡。
    1.Throw away the score card.
  • 你认为投掷运动员应具备的基本素质有哪
    What do you think are the fundamental qualities of throwers?
  • 她在研究中有发现令人很感兴趣。
    Her research has thrown up some interesting facts.
  • 有关“违例”(exception)的详细情况,我们会在第9章讲述。简言之,它们是一特殊的对象,若某个方法失败,就可将它们“扔出”对象。
    throws will be demonstrated in Chapter 10, but briefly they are objects that can be “thrown” out of a method if that method fails.
  • 不要扔掉那坏手套。
    Those bad gloves are not thrown away.
  • 房主要价的口气似乎有软,我们趁此机会再次指出房子的毛病,将价压了下来。
    The owner seemed to be weakening about his price, so, thrusting home our advantage, we mentioned again the faults in the house and offered a lower price.
  • 警方把那恶棍抓起来。
    The police glomed the thugs.