  • 这样想着,我就问丁太太,为什么希刺克厉夫把画眉田庄租,宁可住在一个地点与房屋都差得多的地方。
    With this intention I asked Mrs Dean why Heathcliff let Thrushcross Grange, and preferred living in a situation and residence so much inferior.
  • 假如这个内在的熔化体喷后很快冷却,它就变成花岗石;
    If this internal molten mass came bursting out and cooled very quickly it became granite;
  • 花岗岩的墙伸在上面向前弯曲相互衔接,几乎形成一道拱门。
    The granite walls overhang and bend forward above to meet one another , almost forming an arch.
  • 从授予人一生便终生拥有的一种信托。
    a trust created and operating during the grantor's lifetime.
  • 倒使(液体或颗粒状固体)从一容器中流
    To make(a liquid or granular solid) stream or flow, as from a container.
  • 酸葡萄酿不出甜酒。
    Sour grape can never make sweet wine.
  • 葡萄汁是压出来的。
    The juice of the grapes is pressed out.
  • 他们压榨出葡萄汁。
    They pressed out the juice of the grapes.
  • 我们伸手摘了些葡萄。
    We stretched out our hands and picked some grapes.
  • 现在图下部的说明,用以标识图的各区域。
    The box that appears below a graph, identifying the fields of the graph.
  • 示波图用示波器画的图
    The graph traced by an oscillograph.
  • 这台打印机将输彩色图表。
    The printer will output colour graph.
  • 从图表可以看,在图中所示的幼年期间,女性一般比男性结婚较早。
    It can be seen from the graph that women generally got married at an earlier age than men in the 87 years shown in the graph.
  • 曲线图趋势从曲线图上或似乎从曲线图上呈现的趋势
    A trend derived from or as if from such a graph.
  • 无论照片的背面写有什么地名,都是明天这个时候我发要去的地方。
    Whatever the name place written on the back of this photo-graph was where I would be heading this time tomorrow.
  • 发音法说明一个词该怎样读的书面表达方法,常用音标表示
    A graphic representation of the way a word is spoken, using phonetic symbols.
  • 在图形处理技术中,用酸在金属板上腐蚀图象的处理方法。
    In graphical processes, the use of acid to bite an image in to a metal plate.
  • 利用图形表示法,流程图描绘完成一个动作所需的步骤。
    Using graphical notation, they describe the steps required to complete an action.
  • 当时的国际互联网中有的只是文字,但后来,ncsamosaic推了适合国际互联网使用的图形界面。
    The Web started as a text-only interface,but NCSA Mosaic later presented a graphical interface for it.
  • 当时的国际互联网中有的只是文字,但后来,ncsamosaic推了适合国际互联网使用的图形界面。
    The Web started as a text-only interface, but NCSA Mosaic later presented a graphical interface for it.
  • java的拥护者,如sun、ibm和oracle等公司,强调该语言及操作环境的可移植性,指它具有可对数据库进行标准化访问、可移植的图形用户接口开发和分布式对象等优点。
    Proponents of Java like Sun, IBM, and Oracle stress the portability of the language and operating environment, and point to its standard access to databases, portable graphical user interface development, and distributed objects, amongst other things.
  • 硬拷贝是现在纸上、印刷上或图表上的电脑输
    Hard copy is computer output on paper, printing or graphics
  • "纳员与抢劫银行犯格斗,但是被摔倒在地上。"
    "The cashier grappled with the bank robber, but was thrown to the ground."
  • 他费了一个小时才解了那道题。
    He grapple with the problem for an hour before he solve it.
  • 现在许多地方都存在无人负责的现象,积重难返,非突地抓一下不可。
    In many places now we often find that there is no one who takes responsibility for the work, and we have to make special efforts to grapple with this problem, since bad old practices die hard.
  • 摔跤一项体育运动,其中两名对手通过格斗试图把对方扔去或摔倒对方
    A sport in which two competitors attempt to throw or immobilize each other by grappling.
  • "小心点,那些贪婪的租汽车司机会向你漫天要价的。"
    Be careful. Those grasping taxi-drivers might charge you too much.
  • 不要让那些贪婪的租汽车司机向你漫天要价。
    Don't let those grasping taxi-drivers charge you too much.
  • 抓钩,多爪锚一端有爪的铁矛,通常用绳子抛并用来抓持和固定,尤指用于沿着边拖拽和固定敌船的那种
    An iron shaft with claws at one end, usually thrown by a rope and used for grasping and holding, especially one for drawing and holding an enemy ship alongside.
  • 唯利是图者卖他的财产了;
    the grasping fellow is seen selling his property;
  • 我看见他走出矿坑。
    I saw him come to grass.
  • 颤鸣声,唧唧叫声尖锐的呼声或颤声,由一些昆虫和鸟发,如蝗虫和鹧鸪
    The sharp whirring or trilling sound made by some insects and birds, such as the grasshopper and partridge.