  • 污水收集整體計劃研究定出總值115億元的工程,通過期進行的改善計劃,逐步使污水渠符合標準。
    The Sewerage Master Plan studies identified works estimated to cost a total of $11.5 billion to bring the sewers up to standard in a phased improvement programme.
  • 協議要求從那個國傢批撤出軍隊。
    The agreement called for the phasing out of troops in the country.
  • 這個時期又可為兩段。
    The period falls into two phases.
  • 當局正期發展這個新市鎮。
    The new town is being developed in phases.
  • 這一段歷史為兩個階段。
    This period of history falls into two phases.
  • 使階段實行階段性的係統計劃或執行
    To plan or carry out systematically by phases.
  • 按揭證券公司的業務兩個階段發展。
    The HKMC's business is being developed in two phases.
  • 研究所得的建議正期實施,以期改善服務。
    Recommendations from the studies were being introduced in phases to improve the service.
  • 醫院管理局會在未來數年,階段接辦衛生署餘下的普通科門診服務。
    The remaining clinics will be transferred in phases in the next few years.
  • 土地平整及基礎建設工程,將於一九九九年年中開始期實施,預期於二零零三年或之前完成。
    Site formation and infrastructure works will be implemented in phases commencing in mid-1999 for completion by 2003.
  • 政府正逐步實施這些管製,以期至一九九八時對大部指定工序實施牌照管製。
    The department has implemented this control in phases with most specified processes to be licensed by 1998.
  • 將軍澳新市鎮的發展始於一九八二年,發展計劃三期進行。
    The development of Tseung Kwan O new town, which started in 1982, is divided into three phases.
  •  縱觀新中國建立以來糧食生産的發展,大致為三個階段:
    The development of grain production since the founding of New China can be divided roughly into three phases:
  • 任一能完全區各種化學係統所有構成成所必需的最少量物質
    Any of the minimum number of substances required to specify completely the composition of all phases of a chemical system.
  • 按揭證券公司是根據《公司條例》註册成立的公共有限公司,業務兩個階段發展。
    The HKMC is a public limited company incorporated under the Companies Ordinance. Its business is being developed in two phases.
  • 茶葉中另一酚類組是3-鄰-沒食子酰奎尼酸,它約占茶葉幹重的1%。同屬酚類化合物的緑原酸在茶葉中是次要成
    Another phenolic constituent is tea, theogallin, accounts for approximately 1 percent of the dry weight of the leaf. Chlorogenic acid, also a phenolic compound, is a minor constituent in tea.
  • 這些酚類化合物的子式為:表兒茶素酸酯是幹緑茶中的主要黃烷醇。
    The formulas for these phenolic compounds are Epigallocatechin gallate is the main flavanol in dried green tea.
  • 異構現象存在同異構體的現象
    The phenomenon of the existence of isomers.
  • 氯丙嗪一種藥物,c17h19cln2s,從苯硫醯胺製得,可抑製嘔吐並可作為鎮靜劑和鎮定劑,尤指用於治療精神裂癥和其他精神異常狀態
    A drug, C17H19ClN2S, derived from phenothiazine and used to suppress vomiting and as a sedative and a tranquilizer, especially in the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychotic states.
  • 菲爾將永遠不能成為一名職業落袋撞球運動員,因為觀衆衹要稍微有一點聲響,就會使他完全散註意力。
    Phil will never make a professional snooker player because the slightest noise from the audience put him completely off his game.
  • 倫理學是哲學的分科.
    Ethics is a branch of philosophy.
  • 拉瓦錫,安托萬·洛朗1743-1794法國化學家,被認為是現代化學的奠基人。他離出空氣中的主要成,證明了氧氣在燃燒中所起的作用從而否定了燃素理論,並把化合物進行了類。拉瓦錫在恐怖統治時期被處死
    French chemist who is regarded as the founder of modern chemistry. He isolated the major components of air, disproved the phlogiston theory by determining the role of oxygen in combustion, and organized the classification of compounds. Lavoisier was executed during the Reign of Terror.
  • 對一種語言的語音係統與其音位的析與類的研究。
    the study of the sound system of a given language and the analysis and classification of its phonemes.
  • 這個男子的身是冒充的
    The man's a complete phoney.
  • 唱片類學,唱片類目錄對錄音唱片的研究和類目錄
    The study and cataloguing of phonograph records.
  • 一種長期播放的留聲機唱盤;每鐘轉.圈。
    a long-playing phonograph record; designed to be played at 33.3 rpm.
  • 鐘四十五次轉速的唱片
    A phonograph record designed to be played at45 revolutions per minute.
  • 槽脊平滑表面凸起的部,如留聲機唱片上的槽脊
    The raised portion of a grooved surface, as on a phonograph record.
  • 慢轉的,密紋的關於或作為以每33!/3轉的速度播放的錄音的
    Relating to or being a phonograph record that turns at33! /3 revolutions per minute.
  • 凹槽慢速照片上任何清晰的紋路,該照片包含個別選擇或整體中一部
    Any of the distinct grooves on a long-playing phonograph record that contains an individual selection or a separate section of a whole.
  • 第二階段,這種不穩定的原子,即我們稱之為“放射性磷”的新的放射性元素在3鐘的半排出期內呈指數級方式進行解。
    Next, this unstable atom , this new radio-element which we have calle "Radio-phosphorus" decomposes exponentially with a half-life of three minutes.
  • 感光紙對光十分敏感.
    Photographic paper is highly sensitive to light.