  • 我知道格雷厄姆分别同3个姑娘一起去,据说多样化会使生活有趣味!
    I know that Graham is going out with three different girls, but they say that vaiety is the spice of like!
  • 悉尼的澳大利亚传统协会是一家针对亚太地区各地的文化项目提建议的机构。该协会主席格雷厄姆·布鲁克斯说:“亚洲各地正在现声势浩大的群众运动,人们对地方认同的渴望与日俱增。”
    "There is a great grass-roots movement going on across Asia and a growing desire for a sense of place," says Graham Brooks, Sydney-based chairman of AusHeritage, which advises on cultural projects around the region.
  • 格雷厄姆昨晚同他女朋友一起外,他要我对他妻子说他整个晚上同我在一起。但我不明白我为什么要自讨苦吃,去帮他隐瞒他的风流韵事。
    Graham was out with his girlfriend last night and he asked me to tell his wife that he spent the evening with me. But I don’t see why I should put my head in a noose to conceal his affair.
  • 谷物是他们的主要口物资。
    Grain is their chief export.
  • 坚硬的带交叉纹理的圆形木料,现在有分支的地方。
    a hard cross-grained round piece of wood in a board where a branch emerged.
  • 盗版电影一般是在影片首映前的放映会上用手提摄像机偷拍的。画面往往有明显雪花,图象也很闪烁。一般早于影片公映的时间而现在网上。
    Pirated copies of films, often grainy, jumpy versions taped using a handheld camera at a pre-premiere screening, regularly show up on the Internet before a movie hits theaters.
  • 对不起,我们是按克售北京烤鸭的。
    Sorry, but we sell the roast Beijing duck by the gram.
  • (语法)给规范或者规则。
    (grammar) giving directives or rules.
  • 他不时一个语法错误。
    He slips now and then in his grammar.
  • “他说话总语法错误”。
    he always spoke in grammatical sentences.
  • 另外,这两位乐队联合创始人已被18岁的法拉·富兰克林和19岁的米歇尔·威廉姆斯所取代。这两名新人将在"格莱美"颁奖典礼上与诺尔斯和罗兰共同场。
    Moreover,the two co? founding members had already been replaced with 18? year? old Farrah Franklin and 19? year? old Michelle Williams,both of whom would join Knowles and Rowland at the Grammy ceremonies.
  • 恐怕这架旧唱机已故障了。
    I'm afraid the old gramophone has conked out.
  • 万一有个家长在收割时,因儿子都在服兵役,女孩也在城里工作,而自己又害病不能劳动,本堂神甫就把他的情形在宣道时提来,等到礼拜日,公祷完毕,村里所有的人,男的,女的,孩子们都到那感到困难的人的田里去替他收割,并且替他把麦秸和麦粒搬进仓去。”
    If, at the harvest season, the father of a family has his son away on service in the army, and his daughters at service in the town, and if he is ill and incapacitated, the cure recommends him to the prayers of the congregation; and on Sunday, after the mass, all the inhabitants of the village--men, women, and children--go to the poor man's field and do his harvesting for him, and carry his straw and his grain to his granary."
  • 你干得很出色.
    You've done a grand job.
  • 今晚正进行一场盛大演
    There's a grand performance going on tonight.
  • 他的相貌让我想象不我的外孙们会像什么样子。
    His appearance made me wonder what my grandchildren would look like.
  • 伟人要付高昂代价。
    Grandeur has a heavy tax to pay.
  • 伟人要付高昂代价。
    Grandeur have a heavy tax to pay.
  • 一些地方政府官员对自己的夸大妄想,远远超了他们对社区产生的实际价值。
    Some local government officials have delusions of grandeur far in excess of their actual value to the community.
  • 军事家活动的舞台建筑在客观物质条件的上面,然而军事家凭着这个舞台,却可以导演许多有声有色威武雄壮的活剧来。
    The stage of action for a military man is built upon objective material conditions, but on that stage he can direct the performance of many a drama, full of sound and colour, power and grandeur.
  • 战争指挥员活动的舞台,必须建筑在客观条件的许可之上,然而他们凭借这个舞台,却可以导演很多有声有色、威武雄壮的戏剧来。
    The stage of action for commanders in a war must be built upon objective possibilities, but on that stage they can direct the performance of many a drama, full of sound and colour, power and grandeur.
  • 拉合尔巴基斯坦东北部一座城市,位于靠近印度边界的拉瓦尔品第东南。它作为蒙兀儿王朝的首都于16世纪达到鼎盛时期,并且留有许多那个时期的杰建筑。人口2,685,000
    A city of northeast Pakistan near the Indian border southeast of Rawalpindi. The city reached the height of its grandeur as a Mogul capital in the16th century and retains many splendid architectural examples from that period. Population,2, 685, 000.
  • 他总是不断制订浮夸而不能实现的计划。
    He's always producing grandiose plans that never work.
  • 这种感人的情景通常采用真实的蔚为壮观的写实主义手法表现来。
    Such impressiveness usually takes the form of a truly grandiose realism.
  • 奶奶年事日高,不像从前那样常门了。
    Grandma's getting on a bit and doesn't go out as much as she used to.
  • 你心地真好,在我差期间照顾我年迈的外婆。
    It's very noble of you to look after my old grandmother when I was out for business.
  • 哎呀,这可真我乎意料之外!
    Well, this does beat my grandmother!
  • 我祖母在我1970年生以前就死了。
    My grandmother died before I was born in 1970.
  • 她还给他们留下了她的房契、银行户头、少许当地天然气及电气公司的参股,还有她席埃德温姥爷军事葬礼时获赠的美国国旗。
    She also bequeathed them the deed to her house,her bank account,a few shares of stock in the local Gas and Electric Company,as well as the American flag she was presented with at Grandpa Edwin's military funeral.
  • 当我的父母去年国的时候,我本想和我的祖父母住在一起。
    I had thought about living with my grandparents when my parents went abroad last year.
  • 虽然我的小孙子只有4岁,他能准确地认钟点。
    Although my little grandson is only four, he can tell the time exactly.
  • 这儿有一张多来的票,这是正面看台的好位子。
    Here's a ticket and to spare. It's also a good seat in the grandstand.