  • 财政司司长在二零零零年三月的财政预算案演词中提进行企业管治检讨,这项工作亦由委员会负责。
    The SCCLR has also assumed responsibility for undertaking the Corporate Governance Review which was announced by the Financial Secretary in his Budget Speech in March 2000.
  • 此外,委员会亦在营商环境、财务及融资、企业管治与文化、人力资源、科技应用,以及市场拓展六大范畴下,提了约30项支援中小型企业的新措施。
    The SMEC also recommended about 30 other new support measures to assist SMEs in the six areas, namely, business environment, financing, corporate governance and culture, human resources, technology application, and market expansion.
  • 掌管证券的发行和售的法律。
    the body of laws governing the issuance and selling of securities.
  • 自由从不公正的或非法的政府控制下解放
    Freedom from unjust or undue governmental control.
  • 那件新的女长服袒露(她)大部分乳沟!
    That new gown shows a large amount of (her) cleavage!
  • 大学城的居民与大学师生大打手。
    There were fights between town and gown.
  • 他拿一件深蓝长衫,问道:"这行吗?”
    He produced a gown of dark blue."Will this do?"he asked.
  • 运动员们抓住了台子的前沿,这叫抓台发。
    The competitors grasp the front edge of the platform. It's called a grab start.
  • 房东抓住了捣蛋鬼,把他双臂反拧后强推门。
    The landlord grabbed the troublemaker and from marched him out the door.
  • 接球在一个被掷、踢或拍打的球落地前抓握住它的动作
    The grabbing and holding of a thrown, kicked, or batted ball before it hits the ground.
  • 譬如,“夜鹰计划”说明,在肯尼迪机场搭租车去曼哈顿有百分之六十六的危险被超额收费。那对[纽约]市的形象太好了。
    "Operation Nighthawk," for instance, showed that someone grabbing a cab at Kennedy Airport runs a 66% risk of being overcharged for a ride to Manhattan. Nice image for the city, that.
  • 我担心人们会钻这些ipcc成员的牛角尖,然后去说,气温将升高一度,而某些人则说,气温将升高六度。”
    "I'm wonied about people grabbing these IPCC numbers and then going out there and saying, oh, it's only going to warm up by one degree, 'and somebody else saying it's going to warm up by six."
  • 他本可以於礼貌说声抱歉的嘛。
    He might have had the grace to say he was sorry!
  • 情人眼里出西施。
    Every lover sees a thousand graces in the beloved object.
  • 一张端正的小嘴轮廓分明,柔唇微启,露一口洁白如奶的牙齿;
    draw a regular mouth with lips parting gracefully over teeth as white as milk;
  • 闲适和优雅是由一种身体胜任愉快的感觉产生来的,由一种不但能把事情做得好,而且做得美的感觉产生来的。
    Now ease and gracefulness come from a feeling of physical competence, a feeling of ability to do a thing more than well to do it beautifully.
  • 在这些树木中,最杰的是松树(以其雄伟的姿态得人们的欣赏),梅树(以其浪漫的姿态得人们的欣赏),竹树(以其线条的纤细和引动人们家乡的联想,而得人们的欣赏),以及柳树(以其文雅及象征纤细的女人,而得人们的欣赏)。
    Of these the most outstanding are the pine tree, enjoyed for its grand manner, the plum tree, enjoyed for its romantic manner, the bamboo tree, enjoyed for its delicacy of line and the suggestion of the home, and the willow tree,enjoyed for its gracefulness and its suggestion of slender women.
  • 该剧的拙劣的演出
    A graceless production of the play.
  • 母亲竭力扮演亲切的女主人,可我看得这对她尤其困难。
    Mother was doing her best to be the gracious hostess,but I could tell this was especially hard for her.
  • 当一位雇员度假或外一段时间返回公司时,要与其握手,亲切地表示欢迎。
    Shake hands and give a gracious welcome to an employee who's just returned from a vacation or from some other absence.
  • 优美的环境、热情的市民、优雅的社会、方便的起居行、更多成功的机会等等,不一而足。
    A scenic environment, a warm and caring people, a gracious society, good living conditions and more opportunities for success are just some possible reasons.
  • 我最后一次叫价的口气似乎把我那位对手给镇住了,他想想还是退这场角逐的好,这场角逐徒然使我要花十倍于原价的钱去买下这本书。于是,他向我弯了弯腰,非常客气地(尽管迟了些)对我说:
    Apparently the tone in which I had made my latest bid was enough for my opponent: he chose therefore to abandon a struggle which would have served only to cost me ten times what the book was worth and, with a bow, he said very graciously but a little late:
  • 一名好演员能够表现由快乐至痛苦的每一阶段的感情变化。
    A good actor can express every gradation of feeling from joy to grief.
  • 这种等级的羊毛可以以相当低的价格卖
    This grade of wool can be sold at a fairly low price.
  • 能够分等级(对质量、等级或者尺寸大小等)。
    capable of being graded (for quality or rank or size etc.).
  • 所有在工作中表现色的雇员都会得到提升。
    All the employees who show a great improvement in their work will be graded up.
  • 武夷红茶,红茶一种中国红茶,起初是精选来的高等级品,后来质量较差
    A black Chinese tea, originally the choicest grade but later an inferior variety.
  • 教师:远程学习正变得越来越广泛,随着网上学习和电子记分奇迹的现,今天的教师休息室可能变成明天的虚拟服务台,尽管完全的改变不太可能。
    Teachers: distance learning is becoming more popular, and through the miracle of online classes and electronic grading, today's faculty lounge could become tomorrow's virtual help desk though a complete conversion is unlikely.
  • 戏剧逐渐地达到高潮。
    The play climaxed gradually.
  • 中国北京附近的香山饭店,该设计将先进技术用于传统的屋顶上从而开创一种新的,有鲜明中国特色的现代建筑形式;
    the Fragrant Hill Hotel near Beijing, China, designed to graft advanced technology onto the roofs of indigenous building and there-by sow the seed of a new, distinctly Chinese form of modern architecture;
  • 现在经济改革,你们教育人民要致富,现了少数贪污腐化和滥用权力的现象,你们准备采取什么办法解决这些问题?
    In the current economic reform you are telling people to become prosperous, but some cases of graft and corruption and abuse of power have cropped up. What measures are you going to take to solve these problems?
  • 在今天的整党中,不论是思想、成份不纯,贪污腐化,作风不好,违反纪律,对战争厌倦,怕过长江吃苦头等等,都要从思想上好好整一整。最近,恐美病似乎有发展。有的人说,给蒋介石几万万美元和枪炮,我们已经知道没有多大用处了,现在就是怕美国兵,怕美国的原子弹。
    In the course of Party consolidation we should put right all erroneous ideas and other mistakes: impurities in ideology and class composition, graft and corruption, bad work style, lax discipline, war-weariness, fear of hardship and of crossing the Yangtze river, etc. it seems that a growing number of people are harboring a fear of the United States, some say they know it is not much use for the United States to supply Chiang Kai-shek with hundreds of millions of dollars and arms, but now they fear the United States may dispatch troops to China and use its atom bombs.