  • 她出国去了。
    She 's gone abroad.
  • 我并不介意孩子们进进
    I don't mind the children's comings and gongs.
  • 谢天谢地,我现在算是从那个问题中解放来啦。
    Thank goodness that problem is off my hands now.
  • 货未售出。
    Goods have not been sold. =Goods unsold.
  • 进出口商品检验
    import and export goods inspection
  • 以1,000元在市场出售
    To market goods at $1, 000
  • 友好的,亲善的,温和的具有友好或亲善特征或表现友好或亲善的;友善的
    Characterized by or exhibiting friendliness or goodwill; friendly.
  • 资产负债资产负债表总帐目,表明所有有形资产和无形资产,以及可直接或间接对他人财物提所有权要求的,以偿付某人或企业的债务,如现金,原料和信誉
    The entries on a balance sheet showing all properties, tangible and intangible, and claims against others that may be applied, directly or indirectly, to cover the liabilities of a person or business, such as cash, stock, and goodwill.
  • 在一个政治受到种族、语文甚至宗教分歧所影响的时代与国度,晴山能够表现如此宽容的气度、谅解与容忍,使他在50年代传统作家圈子中成为一个杰的典范。
    In a country and time when political divides were along the lines of race, language and even religion, Qing-shan's display of such exceptional abundance of goodwill, understanding and tolerance stands out as a shining example amongst the community of orthodox writers of the 1950's.
  • sampaio说:正因如此,罗纳尔多每次都训练得很晚才回来,每当我要发怒时,父亲冲我露一丝呆滞的微笑,叫我感到心碎。
    Sampaio said: 'Because of this, Ronaldo often turned up late for training, but before I could get mad he used to flash that goofy smile at me and it would break my heart.
  • 那鹅愤怒地向我发嘶嘶声.
    The goose hissed at me angrily.
  • 象鹅叫的声音鹅或鸭发的咯咯嘎嘎的声音
    The low muttering sound of a goose or duck.
  • 雁或类似雁发的叫声。
    the cry of a goose (or any sound resembling this).
  • 用户不仅要知道信息资源所处的位置,而且要知道一些有关的操作命令。为了减轻用户寻找信息的负担,近来现了一些方便的搜索工具,如gopher,www和netscape。
    Not only should the users know where the resources locates, but also he should know some operating commands concerned to ease the searching burden of the users, recently some convenient searching tools appears, such as Gopher, WWW and Netscape.
  • 库存品已经变质,而且全都搞混了,因此经理决定快刀斩乱麻,把它们当作废品售,然后重新储藏新的物资。
    The old stock had deteriorated and was all mixed up so the manager decided to cut the Gordian knot, sell it all as scrap, and re-stock with new materials.
  • 副总统戈尔宣布退总统大选,在他的退演说中,他展现的真诚和人缘获得美国一致的认同。
    As he stepped off the political stage, Vice President Al Gore managed to achieve what had often eluded him during his presidential campaign: He won Americans over by persuading them of his sincerity and likability.
  • 弗雷德一再说乔治无能,但我却认为这话的背景是于一种职业上的妒忌。
    Fred insists that Gorge can't act but I think a bit of professional jealousy is at the back of it.
  • 维多利亚瀑布地区维持着一种雨林气候,这在当地是十分独特的。瀑布冲向谷底时飞溅大量水珠,从而使这一地区的空气保持湿润。
    In the case of Victoria Falls they sustain a rain forest type environment which is very unique to that area and this is due to the constant moisturization of this area by the spray that's being thrown up from the falls as they plunge to the bottom of the gorge.
  • 在佩特森离开后,她听到科科用大猩猩的方式表达了痛苦:发一连串大叫。
    Then, once alone, Patterson heard Koko make the gorilla's distress call: a loud series of hoots.
  • 在科科一岁时,佩特森开始教科科聋哑人使用的手语,努力把她的小手指摆成正确的位置,做“喝”、“吃”、“更多”等手势,然后用食物奖赏她。当时她并不知道科科能学得多快。
    When she began teaching Koko the sign language that deaf-mute people use, forcing the little fingers of the one-year-old gorilla into the correct positions for " drink" , " eat" , " more" and rewarding her with food,she had no idea how quickly Koko would pick it up.
  • 读经台上得雕一个十字架和一本摊开的福音书。
    on the lectern is to be carved the cross and the open gospel.
  • 使徒,门徒尤指耶稣基督选传布福音的十二个门徒之一
    One of a group made up especially of the12 disciples chosen by Jesus to preach the gospel.
  • 我们看得,他有一种奇特和独有的批判事物的态度。我怀疑他是从《福音书》中得到这一切的。
    It will be perceived that he had a peculiar manner of his own of judging things: I suspect that he obtained it from the Gospel.
  • 部门经济出现问题。
    The economy has gotten the better of your department.
  • 这个价太高了,显得有些荒谬。
    The offer was too big and had gotten ridiculous.
  • 你拿可怜的迈克尔打趣可要圈儿了。
    All your tease of poor Michael is gotten beyond a joke.
  • 我记得是彼得从衣帽间取我的雨衣的。
    I remembered that Peter had gotten my coat from the coatroom.
  • 一条穿过田野的沟
    Gouge out a trench across the field
  • 他两眼被挖出。
    He had his eyes gouged out.
  • 希钦斯,乔治·赫伯特生于1905美国生化学家,因研制治疗白血病及痛风的药而获1988年诺贝尔奖
    American biochemist. He shared a1988 Nobel Prize for developing drugs to treat leukemia and gout.
  • 痛风石;风石在发生痛风病时,皮肤和关节附近或外耳上的组织上现的尿酸盐结晶
    A deposit of urates in the skin and tissue around a joint or in the external ear, occurring in gout.
  • 校本管理谘询委员会发表了谘询文件,经过为期两个月的公众谘询后,向署长提有关建立校本管治架构的建议。
    Following a two-month public consultation, the ACSBM has made its recommendations to the Director on the school-based management governance framework.