  • 这电视机以200美元低价售。
    The TV set went for only 200 US dollars.
  • 这个商店售的货物质量下降了。
    The goods sold at this shop have gone off.
  • 电脑出了毛病。
    The computer has gone on the fritz.
  • "天气多好啊,为什么不去散散步?"
    What a pleasant weather. Why not go out for a walk?
  • 布告公布出去了吗?
    Have the notices gone out?
  • 乘游艇出游
    Go on a yacht
  • 滚出去!
    Out you go! ie Go out!
  • 在野反对党正努力激起政府提选举。
    The opposition is trying to goad the government into calling an election.
  • 没有显示任何目的。
    not evidencing any purpose of goal.
  • 守门员表现出色
    The goalie is really on.
  • 守门员先把球拍了两下, 然後一脚踢.
    The goalkeeper bounced the ball twice before kicking it.
  • 守门员表现出色。
    The goalkeeper played excellently.
  • 伦敦队的中锋竞技状态非常好,而且守门员表现十分色。
    The London forwards were in excellent form(shape)and their goalkeeper did his job splendidly.
  • 伦敦队的中锋竞技状态非常好,而守门员表现十分色。
    The London forwards were in excellent form (shape) and their goalkeeper did his job splendidly.
  • 最后红队罚的那个任意球,力量并不很大,守门员完全可以扑来;
    Finally, the Red Team's free kick did not use much strength and the goalkeeper could kick it out without doubt.
  • 国有特定的目标(是否已为此定下了明确的目标)?
    Do you have particular goals that you want to achieve?
  • 咩咩叫发咩咩的叫声,如绵羊或山羊
    To make a bleating sound, as a sheep or goat.
  • 发羊叫声发山羊或绵羊特点的叫声
    To utter the characteristic cry of a goat or sheep.
  • "孩子们急急忙忙吞下食物,便跑去玩了。"
    The children gobbled up their food and rushed out to play.
  • 被仙女和英俊的王子从继母和异母姐妹那里救来的少女。
    a young girl who is saved from her stepmother and stepsisters by her fairy godmother and a handsome prince.
  • 妈说,你的谊母此七月中旬生日,她想就该款中提一部分买数码布送礼,但这该由你自己寄信请妈代办方合人情。
    Mother says that your godmother's birthday will be in mid July. She is thinking of using part of your money to buy a few yards of cloth for her, but it would be proper if you yourself write to make that request to let your mother to arrange it for you.
  • 在这遇见你真是喜外。
    It's a godsend to meet you here.
  • 她是个十足的骚货人尽可夫,什麽事都干得来!
    She's a real goer she'll do anything with anyone!
  • 他通常在黄昏时去散步。
    He usually goes out for a walk at dusk.
  • 常外出参加社交活动
    Goes out a lot.
  • 如果你属于过分仔细的那一类,而且你的经理是一个能干而有进取心的人,你就要问一下她认为哪些项目最重要,以便拿足够的时间来完成这些项目,并问清每个项目的确切截止时间。
    If you're a meticulous type with a gogetter manager, ask her which projects she consider top priority so you can give yourself plenty of time to finish them, and ask for a precise deadline for each one.
  • 他的启程是意外的。
    His going was unexpected.
  • 您要出远门吗?
    Are you going far?
  • 你能派租车到郁金香饭店吗?
    Can you send a taxi to Golden Tuilps Hotel?
  • 大卫准备就绪,去与巨人歌利亚交战
    David girded up his loins and went out to meet the Giant Goliath
  • 这是以弱胜强的一例,然而子公司却引人注目地价盘进了那家很大的控股公司。
    It was a David and Goliath situation and yet remarkably the subsidiary company made a successful take-over bid for the large holding company.
  • 我刚走饭店就遇见了我的朋友。
    Hardly had I gone out of the hotel when I met my friend.