  • 您要是想获得现代的巴黎所无法给您提供的有关这古城的某种印象,那么您不妨就在某一盛大节日的清晨,在复活节或圣灵降临节旭日东升的时,登上某个高处,俯览整个京城,亲临其境地体验一下晨钟齐鸣的情景。
    And if you wish to receive of the ancient city an impression with which the modern one can no longer furnish you, climb--on the morning of some grand festival, beneath the rising sun of Easter or of Pentecost--climb upon some elevated point, whence you command the entire capital; and be present at the wakening of the chimes.
  • 甲氰咪胺一种药品c10h16n6s,其抑制胃酸的泌,用于治疗肠胃失调(如消化性溃疡)
    A drug, C10H16N6S, that inhibits acid secretion in the stomach and is used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, such as peptic ulcers.
  • 能通过蛋白质水解过程将蛋白质催化解为更小的缩氨酸和氨基酸的酶。
    any enzyme that catalyzes the splitting of proteins into smaller peptide fractions and amino acids by a process known as proteolysis.
  • 苹果每箱涨价二至五钱。
    Apples appreciated2 to5 cents per box.
  • 汽油曾卖到每加仑40美
    Gasoline once cost40 cents per gallon.
  • 价格降低了百之九。
    The price was reduced9 per cent.
  • 增长了百分之几?
    What is the increase per cent?
  • 我百之百同意你的看法。
    I am a hundred percent in agreement with you.
  • 马氏本,马登斯体一种由铁和高达百之一的碳组成的溶液,是硬化碳工具钢的主要成
    A solid solution of iron and up to1 percent of carbon, the chief constituent of hardened carbon tool steels.
  • 我百分之百同意。
    I am 100 percent in agreement.
  • 之六十的学生是男孩”是指每100个学生中,有60个是男孩。
    ‘Sixty percent of the pupils are boys’ means that of every hundred pupils, sixty are boys. “
  • 百分之二的成功者
    The 2 Percent Who Succeed
  • 利息率最高在百之十六封顶
    Interest rates topped out at16 percent.
  • 迫使批发商降价百之十
    Knock the wholesaler down ten percent
  • 您的帐单包括了百之十的税和百之一的服务费。
    Your bill includes a ten percent tax and a ten percent service charge.
  • 其中,发明、实用新型、外观设计别占27.5%、62.8%和9.7%;
    Of those, 27.5 percent were for inventions, 62.8 percent for utility models, and 9.7 percent for exterior designs;
  • 知识子697名,占23.4%;
    697, or 23.4 percent, are intellectuals;
  • 大约是账单的百之十五至二十。
    About 15 to 20 percent of the bill.
  • 地球上百之多少被海水覆盖着?
    What percentage of the earth is covered by oceans?
  • 我们只有一少部外文书。
    We have only a small percentage of foreign books.
  • 现在人类所使用的所有纤维之中,有很大的百比是人造的。
    Of all the fibers now used by man, a very large percentage is man-made.
  • 旷课的学生占百之几?
    What percentage of the students were absent?
  • 现在大部教科书有插图。
    A large percentage of school-books now have pictures.
  • 用百数表示的一半。
    a half expressed as a percentage.
  • 这里它是以百比表示的。
    Here it is expressed as a percentage.
  • 那数字是以百比表示的.
    The figure is expressed as a percentage.
  • 有固定利率的公债按特定百比生息的公共证券
    Public securities yielding interest at a specified percentage.
  • 有多少百比谮的学生获准进出大学?
    What percentage of the students are admitted to college?
  • 销售收入和销售成本之间的百比差额
    Percentage difference between sales income and the cost of sales
  • 全年经济增长率波动幅度由上年的2.7个百点下降为0.3个百点。
    The fluctuating range of economic growth rate dropped to 0.3 percentage points in 2001 from 2.7 percentage points in the previous year.
  • 1990年以来,中国的男女童入学率差距由1.28个百点降至0.1个百点。
    Since 1990, the gap between the school attendance rates for boys and girls has narrowed from 1.28 percentage points to 0.1 percentage point.
  • 狭义货币供应量m1为4.6万亿元,增长17.7%,增幅比上年提高近6个百点,超过年初调控目标3个百点。
    M1 was around 4.6 trillion, up 17.7%, about six percentage points higher than the year before and three percentage points above the target.