Chinese English Sentence:
  • 你看这些磁带行吗?
    Do you think these tapes ' are all right?
  • 后面打薄些。
    I'd like it taper in back.
  • 后面打薄些。
    I 'd like it tapered in back.
  • 尖的逐渐尖细至一尖点,如某树叶的尖端
    Tapering gradually to a sharp point, as the tips of certain leaves.
  • 坚果某植物组织上通常硬而坚的顶端,如一种子和果实
    A usually firm, tapering tip on certain plant structures, such as some seeds and fruits.
  • 悬挂物一诸如挂毯之类的悬挂物
    Something, such as a tapestry, that is hung.
  • 被悬挂(作为一条花毯)在一堵墙上或者在一扇窗子上方的某东西。
    something that is hung (as a tapestry) on a wall or over a window.
  • 用来指例如绦虫或者一甲虫之类的寄生动物,在整个生命循环中只有同一个寄主。
    of parasitic animals such as tapeworms or some beetles; having the same host during the entire life cycle.
  • 当糖枫树的树液开始向外流淌时,他们便切割这枫树皮。
    They tapped the sugar maples when the sap began to flow.
  • 我希望人类在开发这新能源方面很快获得成功。
    I hope man will soon succeed in tapping these new energy sources.
  • 你可以试着问问杨先生关于这次考试的一提示。
    You could try tapping Mr. Young for a few hints as to how the exam went.
  • 你不知道屏幕另一边谁在敲键盘,敲什么。
    You have no idea who or what is tapping away on the keys on the other side of the screen.
  • 未关的水龙头、时间过长的洗浴、夏天的水仗嬉戏,这都浪费了宝贵的饮用水资源。
    Taps are left running, showers last too long and summer water fights waste valuable drinking water.
  • 吹过熄灯号后,那青年露营者就得熄灯睡觉。
    After taps was blown, the young campers had to turn out their lights and go to bed.
  • 学会了这,你就能避开生活中最大的陷阱,就不会感到恐惧了。
    Learn this, and you'll avoid one of life's biggest traps. You'll never, ever, touch that Tar Baby."
  • 在这样的形势之下,富农才慢慢地进了农会,有是缴过五角钱或一块钱(本来只要一百钱)入会费的,有是托人说情才邀了农会允许的。
    Only under the impact of all this are the rich peasants tardily joining the associations, some paying fifty cents or a yuan for admission (the regular fee being a mere ten coppers), some securing admission only after asking other people to put in a good word for them.
  • 从价税可用于各种类型范围的商品,复合关税常常用于工业产品,包括那应纳税的原材料。
    Ad valorem tariff can be applied to products with a wide range of grade variations.Compound tariff is compound duties are often applied to manufactured products embodying raw materials that are subject to tariffs.
  • 当前,也还有一干部,不把自己看作是人民的公仆,而把自己看作是人民的主人,搞特权,特殊化,引起群众的强烈不满,损害党的威信,如不坚决改正,势必使我们的干部队伍发生腐化。
    At present there are still some cadres who, regarding themselves as masters rather than servants of the people, use their positions to seek personal privileges. This practice has aroused strong mass resentment and tarnished the Party's prestige. Unless it is firmly corrected, it is bound to corrupt our cadres.
  • 早上出门前,他吃了一果酱点心。
    He ate some tart in the morning before going out.
  • 这些苹果太撕笏。
    These apples are very tart.
  • 在买主来看房子之前,尽量把它装饰得好看,用涂料把墙上的污迹盖掉,把地板擦得亮亮的。
    Do what you can to tart up the house before the buyers come to look at it; cover up the bad marks on the walls with some paint, and polish the floors.
  • 同志们,这就是我们今后一个长时期的任务。这个任务绝不比过去的革命任务来得容易和轻松一
    Comrades, this will be our task for a long time to come, and it is not a bit easier or lighter than our revolutionary tasks were in the past.
  • 我妈妈做的这煎饼非常好吃。
    These pancakes made by my mother are really tasty.
  • 李子熬成果浆以后,味道会很好。
    These plums will be made tasty when they have been toiled down.
  • 我知道他穿着破烂的牛仔裤看上去有浑金璞玉的样子,但清楚他是为当地的慈善事业做了许多有益的工作。
    I know he looks a bit of a rough diamond in his tattered jeans, but apparently he does a lot of good work for local charities.
  • 女人闲谈着最新的流行款式。
    The women tattled about the latest fashions.
  • 男孩子发现被关在俱乐部大门外面,就呯呯地使劲敲门。
    The boys played a devil's tattoo on the club door when they found they had been locked out.
  • 大学生采用导师制要好一
    undergraduates are better taught tutorially.
  • 每个孩子都必须学习这原则。
    Every child must be taught these principles.
  • 如今已经51岁的努斯说,当警方试图逼绑匪头目说出那英国游客的下落时,那个人竟然还把警察们嘲弄了一番。
    Nuss, now aged 51, said the lead captor taunted police who tried to force him to reveal where the Britons were.
  • 所有这顾虑,都可以归结为这样一个同义反复:一旦没有资本,也就不再有雇佣劳动了。
    The whole of this objection is but another expression of the tautology: that there can no longer be any wage-labour when there is no longer any capital.
  • 底线就是税收:美国公民必须给他们的城市、县、州、联邦政府交税,然后再想办法靠剩下的那钱过日子。
    The bottom line is taxa- tion: some U.S. citizens must pay taxes to their city, county, state, and federal governments, and then try to live on anything left over.