Chinese English Sentence:
  • 有人一直在我的坏话。
    Somebody's always passing rude remarks about me.
  • 粗暴的话或者对待。
    treat, mention, or speak to rudely.
  • 不要如此粗鲁地打断她的讲述,让她完。
    Don't cut into the story so rudely, let her finish.
  • 就休在聚会上对我粗话一事,我找他算了帐。
    I balanced accounts with Hugh for speaking rudely to me at the party.
  • 他要是允许孩子们对他话这样无礼,就会有失自己的尊严
    He has no pride if he lets the children talk to him so rudely
  • 他要是允许孩子们对他话这样无礼,就会有失自己的尊严。
    He have no pride if he let the children talk to him so rudely.
  • 我永远不会忘记,别人以这么粗鲁的方式跟我话时的那种感受。
    Still, I've never forgotten how it felt to be spoken to so rudely.
  • 那男青年却粗暴地∶“这与你无关”。“我们是私人谈话。”
    "It's none of your business", the young man said rudely, "This is a private conversation!"
  • 当这位太太责问那个小男孩无礼地盯着看什么时,小孩:“当然看你啰!猫还能看国王呢,是嘛?”
    When the lady asked the boy what he was staring at so rudely, he remarked, "You, of course! A cat may look at a king, mayn't he?"
  • 希腊境内的一个个小城邦,特别是那些比较原始和落后的城邦,是士兵的来源;他们受雇于东方的王公贵族来从事无用和破坏性的战争,然后携带积蓄回到自己的国家安度晚年;他们是非生产性劳动者,他们得到的报酬连同掠夺所得,对于提供这些报酬的国家来是没有回报的支出;
    The petty states of Greece, especially the ruder and more backward of those states, were nurseries of soldiers, who hired themselves to the princes and satraps of the East to carryon useless and destructive wars, and returned with their savings to pass their declining years in their own country.. these were unproductive labourers, and the pay they received, together with the plunder they took, was an outlay without return to the countries which furnished it;
  • 我们现有的文化工作者,一般工作还仅仅入门,只有虚心学习,将来才会有伟大的成就。
    In general, our current cultural workers have just learned the rudiments of their work. They will accomplish much if they learn with an open mind.
  • 混杂语;混杂行话由两种或多种语言混合而成的一种简化的话方式,语法和词汇较初等,被用于不同语言者进行交流,不作为第一语言或母语
    A simplified form of speech that is usually a mixture of two or more languages, has a rudimentary grammar and vocabulary, is used for communication between groups speaking different languages, and is not spoken as a first or native language.
  • 需要以年龄作为服力的政治观察家们
    Political observers who acquire authority with age.
  • 他好像暗指,干脆直吧,你是这件罪行的共犯。
    He seems to have suggested, not to put too rue fine a point on it, that you were an accomplice in the crime.
  • 广告上没有提到死者的姓名,只是拍卖将于十六日中午十二点到下午五点在昂坦街九号举行。
    The notice did not name the dead person, but the sale was to be held at 9 rue d'Antin on the 16th, between noon and five o'clock.
  • ‘我犯了一个大错。’他悔恨地
    `I made a big mistake,' he said ruefully.
  • 我们俩身材一样(我妈妈不无沮丧地)、声音一样(连亲戚在电话里都分不出我们俩谁是谁)、爱好一样,价值观也一样。
    We have similar builds(as Mom ruefully observes),similar voices(even close relatives have trouble telling us apart on the phone),similar hobbies,and similar values.
  • “在全国性的各种重要会议上,都是人们听我讲,可是在自己家里,”他遗憾地摇摇头,“不可能”。
    "At all sorts of important meetings up and down the country people listen to what I have to say, but at home," he shook his head ruefully, "no chance."
  • 一旦你听了所有的论调以后你会,好吧,也许他们尽了最大的努力了。可是当孩子的安全受到威胁时,我们便不应抱着迁就的态度。
    Once you hear all the arguments, you begin to say, well, maybe this is the best they can do. But when children are at stake we have to rise above that acquiescent mood.
  • 葛德华“也许会得罪一些人,但他对谁也不会示弱,”齐塞尔。“我就喜欢他这一点。”
    And Koch "might ruffle a few feather, but he never backed off from anybody,"said Zissel. "That's what I like about him."
  • 爸爸摩挲着我的头发道,"儿子,看来你已宽恕了它。
    Dad ruffled my hair.“ Seems you've forgiven him,son.
  • 一个(或者一套)详细明怎样解决问题的规则。
    a precise rule (or set of rules) specifying how to solve some problem.
  • :“我想我正在考虑这一切是多么令人难以琢磨。”
    "I expect," he said, "I was thinking jest (=just) what a Rum Go everything is."
  • “那个叫普罗风的比利时人,”他,“现在是本俱乐部队的会员,他是一个你惹不起家伙。”
    "That Belgian chap, Profond," he said, "is a member here now. He's a rum customer."
  • 匈牙利的官方语言(罗马尼亚也);属于乌戈尔语系。
    the official language of Hungary (also spoken in Rumania); belongs to the Ugric family of languages.
  • 成龙在亚洲是家喻户晓的武打影星,自从1996年《红番区》(拍于温哥华)及《尖峰时刻》(1998)告捷之后,他在北美也红了起来。成龙对北美的制片业至少有一点是十分赞赏的,他:"在这里拍片我感觉我感觉我就是国王,而在亚洲拍片时我要干摄影场上各种杂活。
    Still, Chan, Asia's biggest action star and a celebrity in North America since the success of 1996's Rumble in the Bronx (shot in Vancouver) and Rush Hour (1998), definitely approves of at least one aspect of North American moviemaking: "When I film here, I just feel like a king. When I make Asian films, I have to do everything on the set.
  • 汤姆因传球失误本来就不高兴,但他的队友却把这件事挂在嘴上不停地
    Tom was already unhappy because he rumbled the ball, but his teammates kept rubbing it in.
  • 她等了—会,没有听到什么声音,后来传来了小车轮的滚动声,以及许多人话的嘈杂声,她听到:“另外一个梯子呢?……
    She waited for some time without hearing anything more: at last came a rumbling of little cartwheels, and the sound of a good many voices all talking together: she made out the words: `Where's the other ladder?
  • 我听到风言风语汤姆要走。
    I've heard rumblings that Tom may leave.
  • 我听到风声她即将结婚。
    I've heard rumblings that she is going to be married.
  • 士兵们纷纷抱怨那位将军应该被撤职。
    There were rumblings in the ranks that the general should be dismissed.
  • “真的,”腾格拉尔道,“法国人比西班牙人强,西班牙人还在苦苦思考之时,法国人则一拍脑袋主意就来了。”
    "True," replied Danglars; "the French have the superiority over the Spaniards, that the Spaniards ruminate, while the French invent."