  • 波洛奈兹舞一种庄重的、行军的波兰舞蹈,主要是由两个人共跳的方格舞
    A stately, marchlike Polish dance, primarily a promenade by couples.
  • 随着老监狱人满为患,新监狱像杂草繁生,监狱管理成了新兴的行业。
    New facilities sprout like weeds as the old prisons fill up, and prison management is the new growth in-dustry.
  • 他们一是从职业角度而不是从社交活动上去评价和探讨事情的,所以他们很快就开始谈正事。
    Since they generally assess and probe professionally rather than socially, they start talking business very quickly.
  • 手续;普通的汽车设备。
    standard procedure; standard car equipment.
  • 水处理一分为三个阶段进行。
    Three procedures generally are carried out in water treatment.
  • 在高性能端,网络处理器一是基于一个与通用处理不同的定制内核。
    At the high-performance end, network processors are typically based on a custom core, as opposed to a general-purpose processor.
  • 自恃自由、民主、人权信徒与媒体经常嘲笑新加坡是个芝麻绿豆小事情都要管制与动辄罚款、缺乏自由、民主和人权的国家。
    Some journalists from the foreign media and people who proclaim themselves as firm supporters of freedom, democracy and human rights, often ridicule Singapore as a place with strict control over all aspects of life and where fines are imposed freely.In other words, it is a country with no freedom, democracy and human rights.
  • 词不需要注发音。
    The pronunciation is dispensed with for the common words.
  • 神谕(似)的属于神谕的或神谕的;言的
    Of or resembling an oracle; prophetic.
  • 外国投资比例一不低于25%。
    The foreign investment proportion shall be no less than 25%.
  • 诉状,答辩状提出诉讼案件或对案件辩护的正式的一为书面的声明书
    A formal statement, generally written, propounding the cause of action or the defense in a case.
  • 当然,有时会有例外,但我指的是一而不是个别的情况。
    Granted, there are some that have proven otherwise, but I speak of the masses, not the few.
  • 像一所认为的乡下人一样愚蠢、无知;“这个男孩茫然、无知的表情”。
    stupid and ignorant like proverbial rural inhabitants; 'the boy's empty yokel-like expression.
  • 及时的雨解救了庄稼;奇迹的恢复。
    a heaven-sent rain saved the crops; a providential recovery.
  • 要不然就得行政高官们以身作则,率先让孩子报读一的邻里小学,以破除家长非名校不可的迷思。
    They could allow the numerous schools a freer hand in proving their worth by putting their ideal of education into practice. Their success will help rid the public of a blind faith in elite schools.
  • 根据一的看法,普通常识和对时事的了解,不是新加坡人的强项。
    It was commonly held that Singaporeans were not noted for their prowess in general knowledge and current affairs.
  • 由于对性功能的威胁而造成的焦虑;一用于男性也可用于女性。
    (psychoanalysis) anxiety resulting from real or imagined threats to your sexual functions; originally applied only to men but can in principal apply to women.
  • 对16周岁以上不满18周岁的未成年人犯罪案件,一也不公开审理。
    and in general, criminal cases of persons aged 16 and 17 are not tried publicly.
  • 出版社接到雪片飞来的订单。
    The publisher was inundated with orders.
  • 体育专卖店的衣服都是著名商标品牌的。如:耐克(nike),“彪马”(puma)等,这些都是世界驰名的品牌。
    Generally, the clothes sold at the unique sports goods stores are famous brand clothes, such as Nike and Puma. They are world famous brands.
  • 没什麽文化的人是不会去看歌剧的.
    Your average punter (ie The ordinary uncultured person) does not go to the opera.
  • 个人、企业或国家为特殊目的(原来是为了达到某种反社会的目标,但现在是为了一的政治或经济目的)结成的联盟。
    an alliance of people or corporations or countries for a special purpose (formerly to achieve some antisocial end but now for general political or economic purposes).
  • 道学先生地疾恶如仇
    Pursue vice with puritanicalzeal
  • 大卫:一来说一套不杆包括的杆3、4、5、6、7、8、9、pw,及木杆1、3、5再加上一根推杆。
    David:In general,a set of golf clubs in cludes:Irons:3,4,5,6,7,8,9,PW Woods:1,3,5 and a putter.
  • 庸医般的治疗
    A quack cure.
  • 炸弹雨点般落下。
    The bombs came raining down.
  • 计算机程序设计人员的一工资是多少?
    What's the going rate of computer programmers?
  • 他口中像爆豆一念那名单.
    He rattled through the list of names.
  • 从个别到一的推论(归纳法)
    reasoning from particulars to generals
  • 你要长枝的还是一(长短)的香烟?
    Do you want king size cigarettes or regular size?
  • 我们必须关心一读者的需要。
    We must pay respect to the needs of the general reader .
  • 那是很一般的演出。
    It was a rather routine performance.