  • 与此同时,过度强调的立场,积累的误解,视而不见的分化,以及狭隘的排他心理,都是导致族失和的点滴障碍。
    At the same time, we would do well to remind ourselves that over-insistence on any particular stand, misconceptions that are not clarified and allowed to fester, turning a blind eye to divisive forces, and an attitude of exclusion, are all obstacles to racial harmony.
  • 公务员们被告诫不要脱离人民众。
    The government servants are warned not to be divorced from the people of the masses.
  • 被奴役民族温顺的众。
    the docile masses of an enslaved nation.
  • 海鸥在甲板上方盘旋
    A flock of gulls wheeled just above the dock.
  • 我们的同志如果对个人的、家庭的利益关心得太多了,就没有多大的心思和精力去关心众了,顶多只能在形式上搞一些不能不办一办的事情。
    When comrades pay too much attention to their personal or family interests, they don't have much time and energy left to devote to the masses, and at best they attend perfunctorily to matters they can't dodge.
  • 真是该走了,因为池塘里已经有了一大鸟兽,有一只鸭子、—只渡渡鸟(一种现已绝种的鸟,原产非洲毛里求斯。)、一只鹦鹉,一只小鹰和一些稀奇古怪的动物。
    It was high time to go, for the pool was getting quite crowded with the birds and animals that had fallen into it: there were a Duck and a Dodo, a Lory and an Eaglet, and several other curious creatures.
  • 非洲南部和东部强壮的狗类哺乳动物,成大捕食;现在在其定居的地区很少。
    a powerful doglike mammal of South and East Africa that hunts in large packs; now rare in settled area.
  • 她是这一孩子中的孩子头.
    She's the dominant child in the group.
  • 单优种体具有一种优势植物的亚门
    A subdivision of an association having one dominant species of plant.
  • 第五,有了众自己的组织,或在统一战线的组织中取得了基本众的优势;
    5) The masses have their own organizations or they hold dominant positions in united-front organizations.
  • 城堡带有厚墙的用来设防的大型建筑物或建筑,通常控制周围的村庄
    A large fortified building or group of buildings with thick walls, usually dominating the surrounding country.
  • 精英统治由这样一或一类人来管理、控制或统治
    Control, rule, or domination by such a group or class.
  • 中国的宗教事业由中国各宗教团体、教职人员和信教众来办,中国的宗教事务和宗教团体不受外国势力支配。
    China's religious affairs are handled by the various religious bodies, their clergy and followers themselves.China's religious affairs and religious bodies are not subject to any foreign domination.
  • 中国的宗教事业由中国各宗教团体、教职人员和信教众来办,中国的宗教事务和宗教团体不受外国势力支配。
    China's religious affairs are handled by the various religious bodies, their clergy and followers themselves. China's religious affairs and religious bodies are not subject to any foreign domination.
  • 当地众排队给这位勇敢的姑娘献血。
    Local people lined up to donate blood for the brave girl.
  • 门外边有一大人要见厂长,看门人示意要他们走开,可他们不予理会,仍呆在那儿大声叫喊。
    There was a crowd of people outside the door demanding to see the director; when the doorman motioned them away, they took no notice, but stayed there, shouting.
  • 牛羊分散在草地上,一个男孩坐在一块岩石上。
    A crowd of cattle were dotted around the grass land with a little boy sitting on a rock.
  • 若承蒙看官同意,我们不妨就竭力开动脑筋,想象看官跟我们一道,夹杂在穿着短上衣、半截衫、短袄的嘈杂人中间,跨进大厅时会有什么样的感觉。
    With the reader’s permission we will attempt to evoke in thought the impression he would have experienced in crossing with us the threshold of that great Hall amid that throng in surcoat, doublet, and kirtle.
  • 愤怒的示威众焚毁了十来辆警车。
    The angry demonstrators burnt a dozen police vehicles.
  • 快点,你们这笨蛋开动脑筋嘛!
    Come on, you dozy lot use your heads!
  •  《中华人民共和国妇女权益保障法》就是在国家权力机关、行政机关及众团体的共同努力下颁布实施的。
    The Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women is the product of joint efforts by organs of state power, executive bodies and mass groups. The idea of drafting such a law was first put forward by the All-China Women's Federation.
  • 集合在岸上的这一大,确实稀奇古怪——羽毛湿了的鸟、毛紧贴着身子的小动物等等,全都是湿淋淋的,横躺竖卧的,显得很狼狈。
    They were indeed a queer-looking party that assembled on the bank--the birds with draggled feathers, the animals with their fur clinging close to them, and all dripping wet, cross, and uncomfortable.
  • 加那利岛上的高大乔木;龙血源。
    tall tree of the Canary Islands; source of dragon's blood.
  • 恐怖主义的恶行已经超越了人类可以接受的范围,威胁平白无辜的人。恐怖分子阴险地踩在国际间最脆弱的族和宗教议题裂缝上,刻意造成文明对落后的欺压假象,强调西方与东方的冲突,以及列强对弱国的攻击,目的正是要扩大国际间不同阵营的误会,顺水推舟演一场西方霸强凌辱无助百姓的煽情大戏,恶意分裂这个世界。
    Taking full advantage of the sensitive issues of race and religion, the terrorists have created a false image of being victimised by developed nations. By playing up conflicts between the West and the East and the assaults of the powerful on the weak, it hopes to deepen misunderstandings between different camps in the world. It also hopes to dramatise the humiliation of the helpless and innocent by Western powers, with the evil intention of splitting the world.
  • 属于少数社的艺术家,因为力量特别微弱,所以采取的方法可能更激烈、更极端。
    Those from the minority communities, as they do not feel strong enough, may opt for ways that are more drastic and extreme.
  • 由于干旱,牲口成地死去。
    Herds of cattle were dying off because of the draught.
  • 马路上的事故吸引了一大人。
    The street accident drew a big crowd.
  • 街上发生的祸事总是吸引众。
    Street accidents always draw crowds.
  • 一些同志不了解问题的性质,认为这只是单纯的对待众的问题,实际上,对方不只是一些是非不分的众,还有一批造反派和大量的社会渣滓。
    Some comrades did not understand its nature and thought that we were only dealing with the masses. In fact, we were dealing not only with people who merely could not distinguish between right and wrong, but also with a number of rebels and many persons who were the dregs of society.
  • 被驱赶的牛,顺流而下的原木
    The cattle or logs thus driven.
  • 牧人,牧工放牧或驱赶牧的人
    One who tends or drives a herd.
  • 印地安部落居住在这种房屋里的一
    The group living in such a dwelling.