  • 新鲜的气和优质的食物有益于健康。
    Fresh air and good food are beneficial to the healthy.
  • 仁慈的微笑;温和的天;纯净气的有益影响。
    a benign smile; the benign sky; the benign influence of pure air.
  • 纯净空气的有益影响
    The benign influence of pure air.
  • 588团的女兵曾一度冒着敌人高射机枪的阻击,连续40天向一个被德军围困的苏军阵地投食品,直至阵地守军的同志们胜利突围。
    The women of the 588th once rescued a besieged Soviet garrison by airlifting food supplies through heavy German machine gun fire for 40 days until their male comrades on the ground escaped.
  • 我们要形成一系列良好的工作习惯,基于确凿事实而非凭捏造,以减少时间与精力的消耗(好坏习惯都经由时间形成)。
    As we develop a pattern of issuing restrictions based on something solid instead of “betting on the come”, they require less mental resources over time. (good and bad habits are developed over time).
  • 课间的空余时间
    Free time between classes.
  • 字与字之间的空白
    The spaces between words.
  • 但是近来的妥协气,反共声浪,忽又甚嚣尘上,又把全国人民打入闷葫芦里了。
    Of late, however, the dust and din of compromise and anti-communism have once again filled the air, and once again the people are thrown into bewilderment.
  • 要从根本上解决问题,就必须营造一个有利以文化传承的大气候,必须提供有利于文化传承的土壤、气、水分、养料和阳光,必须纠正忽视人文教育(包括历史教育)的偏差。
    We should get to the root of the problem. We must create a favourable overall environment and make sure that all the necessary factors are in place. Last but not least, we must also correct the bias against the humanities, including history education.
  • 起初,大自然给我们带来的是一派赏心悦目的奇景异象:观赏鹿群慢腾腾地上山,目睹猫头鹰飞过宁静的、雪光闪烁的夜,聆听着早晨五点钟郊狼的叫声,我似乎有一种身临伊甸园的感觉。
    The surprises that nature gave us were pleasant at first: watching a herd of deer move slowly up the hill;seeing an owl fly through a silent, snow-spangled night;listening to the coyotes bicker at 5a.m. I felt as though I had come to Eden.
  • 今年农民取得了前的大丰收。
    The farmers got the biggest crop ever this year.
  • 命运使他们的希望落
    Fate bilked their hopes.
  • 那位科学家的理论填补了生物化学中的一项白。
    The scientist’s theory has filled in a gap in biochemistry.
  • “国际周”高新技术展览会以电子信息技术、高新技术改造传统产业、环境保护、新材料新能源、新医药生物工程为主要领域,其中含括“国际地球间信息产业技术及设备展览会”和“国际医药卫生高新技术及产品展示交易会”两个专业展。
    High-tech exhibitions of the Week will mainly display electronic IT, high-tech renovation of traditional industries, environmental protection, new material and energy, new medicine bioengineering. Two specialized exhibitions will be included: Exhibition and Trade fair of World High-tech Medicine and Health Products and Exhibition of Technology and Equipment of World Global Spatial Information Industry.
  • 在古埃及,穷人死后,他的躯体仅用厚厚的一层沥青包起来以隔绝气。
    In Ancient Egypt, when a poor person died, his body was merely enclosed in a thick layer of bitumen to keep out the air.
  • 碳化作用烟煤的分解蒸馏,在没有气的条件下进行,为得到比最初的原料所含碳的百分比大得多的焦煤以及其它馏分
    The destructive distillation of bituminous coal, done in the absence of air in order to obtain coke and other fractions having a greater percentage of carbon than the original material.
  • 一只山雀唱着歌向中飞去。
    A blackbird nosed up into the sky, singing.
  • 天空变得一片漆黑。
    The sky blackened.
  • 酪氨酸酶动植物组织中一种含铜的酶,用氧化的方式催化,从酪氨酸中产生黑色素或其它色素,如在削皮的或削成片的土豆暴露在气里变黑的过程
    A copper-containing enzyme of plant and animal tissues that catalyzes the production of melanin and other pigments from tyrosine by oxidation, as in the blackening of a peeled or sliced potato exposed to air.
  • 你走了,也带走了我天的太阳,我的世界一片黑暗.-----《悲惨世界》
    You walked, also taking the sun of my the sky, my world one blackness.-----"Pathetic world"
  • 内窥镜,内视镜一种目测检查身体通道或中器官,如结肠、膀胱或胃的内部的仪器
    An instrument for examining visually the interior of a bodily canal or a hollow organ such as the colon, bladder, or stomach.
  • 遍布世界各地的草本或木本植物,茎干是中的并且有节,叶子是细长形的。
    cosmopolitan herbaceous or woody plants with hollow jointed stems and narrow long-bladed leaves.
  • 他太目空一切了。
    He's so dad-blamed sure of himself.
  • 重工业由于河流、土壤、气、噪音和视觉的污染而备受指责。
    Heavy industries have been blamed for river, soil, air, noise and visual pollutions.
  • 的食物总是平淡无味,还好有辣味番茄酱来帮忙。
    Salsa can usually overcome space blandness.
  • 郊区仍留有许多地。
    Many blank spaces are still left in the suburbs.
  • 白栏中写上你的名字。
    Write your name in the blank.
  • 在这一页顶的白处写上你的姓名、地址和电话号码。
    Write your name, address and telephone number in the blank spaces at the top of the page.
  • 我的脑中一片空白。
    My mind was a complete blank.
  • 请填一下这个空。
    Please fill in this blank.
  • 空白磁带;空磁盘
    A blank tape; a blank diskette.
  • 未被写过的;空白的
    Not written on; blank.