  • 他是日本通, 很可能被委为驻日大使。
    His intimacy with Japan makes him the likely choice as ambassador to that country.
  • 一个不能接受其它宗观点的宗成员。
    a member of a sect who is intolerant of the views of any other sect.
  • 谢谢你介绍伯先生给我,也很感谢他,我们谈得很顺利。
    Thank you for introducing me to Mr. Piper. Thanks to him, the negotiations went smoothly.
  • 大乘佛教的流,宣称教化能胜于信念从冥想和直觉中传出;中国和日本。
    school of Mahayana Buddhism asserting that enlightenment can come through meditation and intuition rather than faith; China and Japan.
  • 灵知对于宗教真理的直觉认识,尤指古代诺斯替所说的只有信仰才得到的知识
    Intuitive apprehension of spiritual truths, an esoteric form of knowledge sought by the Gnostics.
  • 一切反动都以捣乱开始,以失败告终。
    All reactionaries invariably begin by making trouble and end up in defeat.
  • 登山者了两个人爬上去察看岩石坠落的情况。
    The climbers sent two men up to investigate the rockfall.
  • 登山者了两个人爬上去察看岩石坠落的情况。
    The climbers sent two men up to investigate the rock fall.
  • 正统伊斯兰教的两个主要流之一;主要在伊朗。
    one of the two main branches of orthodox Islam; mainly in Iran.
  • 因为在卡塔米上台4年内,他的政见不断受到势力强大的伊朗宗教和保守的反对,而保守正是20几年前"伊斯兰革命"的发动者。
    Almost four years after he was elected, Khatami's vision continues to behampered by the influential Iranian clerics and conservatives who drove the Islamic Revolution decades ago.
  • 各地区和有关部门加大了对乱罚款、乱收费、乱集资和各种摊的查处力度。
    Every region and related ministries increased the investigation and penalty for irrational fines, fees, fund raising and illegal contribution.
  • 目前回教百分之九十属於正统
    The Sunni compose about90 per cent of present-day Islam.
  • 正统伊斯兰教的两个主要流之一。
    one of the two main branches of orthodox Islam.
  • 这个电报,曾经取得当时中间的同情,孤立了蒋介石。
    The telegram won the sympathy of the intermediate sections and served to isolate Chiang Kai-shek.
  • 如果我们采取了这种看法,将一切地主资产阶级都看成和国民党顽固一样,其结果将使我们自陷于孤立。
    Were we to adopt this view and identify all the landlords and the bourgeoisie with the Kuomintang die-hards, we would isolate ourselves.
  • 没有这些条件,中间势力就会动摇起来,或竟变为顽固向我进攻的同盟军;因为顽固也正在极力争取中间,以便使我们陷于孤立。
    If these conditions are lacking, the middle forces will vacillate or even become allies of the die-hards in the latter's attacks on us, because the die-hards are also doing their best to win over the middle forces in order to isolate us.
  • 坚持这种有理、有利、有节的斗争,就能发展进步势力,争取中间势力,孤立顽固,并使顽固尔后不敢轻易向我们进攻,不敢轻易同敌人妥协,不敢轻易举行大内战。
    By keeping to this kind of struggle, waged on just grounds, to our advantage and with restraint, we can develop the progressive forces, win over the middle forces and isolate the die-hard forces, and we can also make the die-hards think twice before attacking us, compromising with the enemy or starting large-scale civil war.
  • (八)在发展进步势力,争取中间势力,孤立顽固势力的斗争中,知识分子的作用是不可忽视的,顽固又正在极力争取知识分子,因此,争取一切进步的知识分子于我们党的影响之下,是一个必要的重大的政策。
    8. In our struggle to develop the progressive forces, win over the middle forces and isolate the die-hard forces, we must not overlook the role of the intellectuals, whom the die-hards are doing their utmost to win over;therefore it is an important and indeed an essential policy to win over all progressive intellectuals and bring them under the influence of the Party.
  • 这些阶层的争取,是孤立顽固的一个重要的步骤。
    Winning over these sections is an important step in isolating the die-hards.
  • 这些是已经普及于人民中的最简单的纲领,但是许多共产党员还不知利用它们作为动员民众孤立顽固的武器。
    It is a simple enough programme and is widely known, yet many Communists fail to use it as a weapon for mobilizing the masses and isolating the die-hards.
  • (七)对于反共顽固是革命的两面政策,即对其尚能抗日的方面是加以联合的政策,对其坚决反共的方面是加以孤立的政策。
    With respect to the anti-Communist die-hards, ours is a revolutionary dual policy of uniting with them, in so far as they are still in favour of resisting Japan, and of isolating them, in so far as they are determined to oppose the Communist Party.
  • 顽固在反共方面也有两面性,因此我们的政策也有两面性,即在他们尚不愿在根本上破裂国共合作的方面,是加以联合的政策;在他们对我党和对人民的高压政策和军事进攻的方面,是进行斗争和加以孤立的政策。
    As their opposition to the Communist Party has also a dual character, our policy, too, should have a dual character;in so far as they are still unwilling to break up Kuomintang-Communist co-operation altogether, it is one of alliance with them, but in so far as they are high-handed and launch armed attacks on our Party and the people, it is one of struggling against them and isolating them.
  • 其他基本的服务,例如发衣物及救济品等,则由惩教署负责。
    Other essential services, such as the issuance of clothing and relief items, are provided by the CSD.
  • 九、驳顽固派
  • 格雷厄姆,约翰1649?-1689苏格兰詹姆斯二世党人的领袖和国民誓约成员的长期迫害者,在一场其受到致命伤的血战中击败了国民誓约(1689年)
    Scottish Jacobite leader and long-time persecutor of the Covenanters, whom he defeated in a bloody battle in which he was mortally wounded(1689).
  • 一个以对犹太族的传统绝对服从而著称的古代犹太人教里的成员。
    a member of an ancient Jewish sect noted for strict obedience to Jewish traditions.
  • 基督教徒早期犹太起源的基督教徒的一中的一员,保留了多规定的犹太教义
    A member of a sect of early Christians of Jewish origin who retained many of the prescribed Jewish observances.
  • 杰米被委为负责收取饭费的班长。
    Jimmy has been made dinner money monitor.
  • 乔去了解一下与他们做一笔交易的可能性.
    I sent Joe along to sus out the possibility of doing a deal with them.
  • 当乔伊的母亲问他在主日学校学了什么时,9岁的他说:“啊,妈妈,我们老师告诉我们上帝摩西深入敌后解救以色列人逃出埃及。
    Nine-year-old Joey was asked by his mother what he had learned in Sunday School. "Well, Mom, our teacher told us how God sent Moses behind enemy lines on a rescue mission to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.
  • 犹太教堂毗邻现有两座住宅楼宇,犹太教社区中心位于楼宇内,服务三大教会友共710个家庭会员,中心提供犹太餐、宴会、文化和康乐设施,并设有一所图书馆,专门收藏有关犹太文献和文物的资料。
    The site adjoining the Ohel Leah Synagogue, now containing a residential complex, also houses the Jewish Community Centre which serves all three congregations. The Centre offers its 710 member families supervised kosher dining and banquet, cultural and recreational facilities as well as a specialist library covering all aspects of Judaica.
  • 最自由的犹太教;不严格遵守犹太法典但为适应现代世界设法去改变所有的犹太教的历史形式的犹太教
    the most liberal Jews; Jews who do not follow the Talmud strictly but try to adapt all of the historical forms of Judaism to the modern world.