  • 生活中也有爱做家务,喜欢拿菜篮的男人,据说上海男人是这面的典范,因此尊称他们“穿围裙的男人”,能以主理家事为己任;
    In reality, there are also men who enjoy doing what the women do -- housework, going to the market and cooking. Men in Shanghai are said to belong to this type and they are often respectfully referred to as " men in aprons. " They regard housekeeping as their responsibility.
  • 在这儿,我们将由衷地对挪威人尊崇自然的独特式而感叹。
    It's easy to admire Norwegians for their unique way of respecting the nature!
  • 关于财富我们已作了以上预述,下一步将转而考察财富在不同国家与不同时代之间的巨大差异,考察财富在数量和种类面的差异,并考察在社会成员之间分配财富的面的差异。
    These things having been premised respecting wealth, we shall next turn our attention to the extraordinary differences in respect to it, which exist between nation and nation, and between different ages of the world; differences both in the quantity of wealth, and in the kind of it; as well as in the manner in which the wealth existing in the community is shared among its members.
  • 爱必须是相互照顾,一尊重另一的人格。
    Love has to be a give-and-take, each respecting the other's personality.
  • 请允许我们感谢你在此索赔中所表现的公正态度。
    Allow us to thank you for the fairness with which you have treated us respecting this claim.
  • 签约双都应履行各自的合同义务。
    Both parties shall fulfil their respective contract obligation.
  • 各级人民政府领导本行政区域内的国防教育工作。
    Local people's governments at all levels exercise leadership over defense education in their respective administrative areas.
  •  地各级人民政府保护本行政区域内的文物。
    Local people's governments at various levels shall place under their protection cultural relics in their respective administrative areas.
  • 两国在资源结构、产业结构、消费水平等面的差异,决定了双经济具有较强的互补性。
    The differences in our respective resource composition, industrial structure and consumption levels testify the strong complementarity between our two economies.
  • 有关部门和地也分别制定了实施可持续发展战略的行动计划。
    The various departments and localities also worked out their respective plans of action to implement the strategy for sustainable development.
  • 县级以上地人民政府渔业行政主管部门主管本行政区域内的渔业工作。
    Departments of fishery administration under people's governments at or above the county level shall be in charge of fisheries in their respective areas.
  • 这一全面性案旨在协助各国在相应政策、优先事项和资源面单独或共同采取实际行动。
    It is a comprehensive programme designed to assist States in taking concrete actions individually or jointly within their respective policies, priorities and resources.
  • 须有国际武联会员协会的主席或秘书长的签名和盖有该协会会章为有效。
    They are valid only when signed by the President or Secretary General of the respective Federation and bearing the official stamp of the Federation.
  • 极好地以极好的式;出色地
    In an excellent manner; admirably.
  • 两厂均使用石脑油为原料,现时每天煤气产量分别为840万立米及220万立米。
    They have output capacities of 8.4 and 2.2 million cubic metres per day respectively.
  • 竞技体育面已连续在最近两届奥运会上获得金牌和奖牌总数第四名的好成绩。
    At the previous two Olympic Games, China ranked fourth respectively on the gold medal tallies.
  • 在一九九七年全年,录得总悬浮粒子的最高平均水平为每立米131微克,可吸入悬浮粒子则为每立米73微克;
    In 1997, the highest annual averages recorded were 131 micrograms per cubic metre of total suspended particulates and 73 micrograms per cubic metre of respirable suspended particulates.
  • 除了小堡,还有屠宰场圣雅各教堂的华丽形钟楼,各个墙角布满雕像,尽管十五世纪时尚未峻工,却已经叫人赞叹不已了。
    there was the rich square bell tower of Saint-Jacques de la Boucherie, with its angles all frothing with carvings, already admirable, although it was not finished in the fifteenth century.
  • 凡尔赛宫中有些地可能要停止对公众开放,以期能保存下来。欧洲有一些以有三万年历史的古画而著称的洞窟已经关闭了,因为那些画已受到人类呼出的空气的损坏。
    Parls of the palace of Versailles may have to be closed to the public in order to preserve them, and some European caves, famous for their thirty-thousand-year-old paintings, have already been closed because the paintings were damaged by human respiration.
  • 伯承同志可供同志们学习的地太多了,这些不过是其中的一枝一叶。
    Comrade Bocheng has so many admirable traits for us to emulate that the ones I have mentioned are only like a branch or a leaf of the tree.
  • 气管造口术在气管中造一呼吸通道的外科建构
    Surgical construction of a respiratory opening in the trachea.
  • 以一种限制的式围住。
    surround in a restrictive manner.
  • 给予雇员过大保障和采用有约束性雇佣常规,西国家已证实不可行,香港也不会适用。
    Excessive protection and restrictive employment practices have failed elsewhere in the West and they have no place in Hong Kong.
  • 在税收、土地使用、企业开办、进出口等面,取消一切不利于民间投资和民营经济发展的限制性和歧视性规定;
    Eliminate all restrictive and discriminatory regulations that are not friendly towards private investment and private economic development in taxes, land use, business start up and import and export.
  • 但是在当今世界,公司权力遭到越来越强有力的抵触,知识产权受到限制,全球化得到发展,资源开放成为一种可能的选择,一种蕴藏巨大潜力的反击式。
    But in a world of growing opposition to corporate power, restrictive intellectual property rights and globalisation, open source is emerging as a possible alternative, a potentially potent means of fighting back.
  • 唯有检负有举证责任
    The burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone.
  • 不管哪种法,管理人员都需知道如何按包过滤器能理解的术语来识别数据包。
    Either way, an administrator needs to understand how to identify data packages in terms the packet filer can understand.
  • 另一个涉及的问题是长期污染,即使在一个很低的水平它也能影响整个自然界,影响到生物的多样性,其结果使生态系统在如何发挥作用面发生意想不到的变化。
    Another concern is that long-term pollution, at even low levels, can affect whole ecosystems, with resultant impacts on biodiversity that bring about additional changes in how ecosystems operate.
  • 安全管理员仅从这个控制台上就可以管理企业安全基础结构的各个面。
    Security administrator can manage all aspect of the enterprise security infrastructure from this single console.
  • 从派生中产生或者使用了派生的法。
    resulting from or employing derivation.
  • 长官视察了这座监狱;行政官视察了这个实验室。
    The governor visited the prison; The grant administrator visited the laboratory.
  • 拉美一些国家的地行政长官
    A district administrator in some countries of Latin America.