  • 过去一年,委员会行了一连串宣传及社区参与活动,特别着重劝谕吸烟者不要在公众场所和工作间吸烟。
    During the year, the council conducted publicity and community involvement campaigns with particular emphasis on discouraging smoking in public and in workplaces.
  • 这个课题后来的研究翻了早先的结论。
    "As far as this subject, later researches discredited the earlier conclusions."
  • 该学说已受到怀疑;该理论已过翻。
    The theory has been discredited.
  • 为此,中美两国外长曾于1994年10月发表联合声明,表示愿意共同努力,动尽早达成一项多边、非歧视性和可有效核查的“禁产公约”。
    For this purpose, the foreign ministers of China and the United States issued a joint statement in October 1994, saying that the two countries would make joint efforts to promote an early conclusion of a multilateral, non-discriminatory and effectively verifiable FMCT.
  • 慢餐运动起因于彼得里尼先生对麦当劳进入意大利人的生活感到厌恶,现在这一运动正成为日益广泛的运动,其主旨是反对全球化,反对标准化,以及维护地方和地区的特色--更不用提拯救树木免遭土机铲平以及对疯牛病和转基因食品的担心了。
    The Slow Food movement,which had its origins in Carlo Petrini's disgust over the inroads McDonald's was making into Italian life,now taps into a broader movement whose leitmotifs are anti-globalisation,anti-standardisation and the assertion of local and regional identity--not to mention saving trees from the bulldozers and worries about BSE and genetically modified foods.
  • 有什么好菜你可以荐吗?
    Are there any dished you would recommend?
  • 向顾客推荐菜式
    Recommending Dishes To A Guest
  • 翻或把…驱逐出;打翻
    To overthrow or dislodge; upset.
  • 算不吉利日是非常复杂的。
    The computation of the Dismal Days was very complicated.
  • 不吉利日有时叫做“埃及日”,因为这些日子是埃及占星家算出来的。
    Dismal Days were sometimes called Egyptian Days, because they were computed by Egyptian astrologers.
  • 广泛开展立体绿化,有条件的墙体、立交桥进行垂直绿化,逐步试点并广屋顶绿化,鼓励和引导居民绿化阳台。
    Roof plantation will be practiced. The residents will be encouraged to add green to their balcony. Efforts to dismantle walls to give a view of green and dismantle the illegal building occupying reserved green land will continue.
  • 我不得不下车步行,边走边小心地着车,在那随时都可能崴脚的地面上,上上下下地爬坡。
    I had to dismount and walk, maneuvering the bike on foot, up and down hills, on potentially ankle-Breaking terrain.
  • 由于影片在美国的票房成绩不够理想,迪斯尼公司希望该片在日本能创下1亿美元的收入,以保证公司的利润底线,这也是公司愿意耗费1000万美金巨资在日本广它的原因。
    Walt Disney Go. hopes the film will make close to $100 million in box?office receipts in Japan, which would help its bottom line after a relatively disappointing box office in the U.S., and explains why the company is spending a record $10 million to market it here.
  • 阳光计算机公司出的吉尼(音译)软件就是一种将这些毫无联系的装置连接在一起工作的网络管理系统,朗讯技术公司提供了管理智能网络的无线系统。
    Sun Computer's Jini software is a network management system that allows these disparate devices to work together, and Lucent Technologies offers wireless systems for managing these intelligent networks.
  • 又在1933年芝加哥世界博览会上出自动“汽水出售机”。
    The Chicago World Fair in 1933 introduced the automatic "fountain dispenser."
  • 这种喷剂是一种掺有乙醇的聚合物,被置于一个不大而精密中分配器中。这个分配器很像电影《星球大战》中道具飞船带喷咀的进器,用一外加电场对混合溶液充电。
    The spray consists of a synthetic polymer mixed with ethanol and placed in a small, high-tech dispenser that could be mistaken for a prop on the set of Star Trek.
  • 政府的政策,是确保没有人会因行这项新措施而无家可归。因此,当局会为所有需要迁离不符合新发牌安全标准的床位寓所而又合资格入住公屋的人士,编配公共房挝括包括中转房挝扩单位。
    As it is government policy that no one should be rendered homeless as a result of this exercise, public housing, including interim housing, will be offered to all eligible persons displaced from bedspace apartments which do not meet the new safety standards for licensing.
  • 命令主义地销公债,不管群众了解不了解,买不买得这样多,只是蛮横地要照自己的数目字去派,结果是群众不喜欢,公债不能好好地销。
    To push the sales of bonds in a commandist way and impose arbitrary quotas, regardless of whether people understand what the bonds are for and of how much they can afford, will ultimately arouse the people's displeasure and make it impossible to achieve good sales.
  • 我们的对手们想利用我们计算中的一个小小失误来翻我们的整个论点。
    Our opponents tried to make a great deal of capital of a small mistake in our calculations in order to disprove our whole argument.
  • 多奇怪呀,正是我们这种对现状的一直不满意动着社会前进。
    How odd that it is our constant dissatisfaction with the status quo that propels society forward?
  • 第三十六条 国家发展和广洁净煤技术。
    Article 36 The State shall develop and disseminate clean coal technology.
  • 此外,亦举办研讨会及工作坊,以广资讯科技教育的良好行模式,以及让学校分享经验。
    Seminars and workshops are organised to disseminate good practices and to facilitate experience sharing.
  • 该署亦举办研讨会及工作坊,广资讯科技教育的良好实践模式,让学校和教师分享经验。
    Seminars and workshops are organised to disseminate knowledge of good practices and to facilitate the sharing of experience.
  • 除了行其他措施以确保建立一个公开、具透明度和负责任的政府之外,当局还使用互联网向公众传播政府政策和计划的资讯,并与公众沟通。
    Among other measures for ensuring open, transparent and accountable government, the administration uses the Internet to disseminate information on its policies and plans and to communicate with the public.
  • 教材、教育制度,教育部要出主意,提方案,还要注意抓典型,总结先进经验,加以广。
    The Ministry of Education should work out ideas and plans with regard to the teaching materials and educational system. It should also grasp typical examples, review advanced experience and disseminate it.
  • 为了有计划地将国防科技成果转为民用,中国成立了国防科技成果应用中心,并建立了成果广网。
    China has established a center for the application of the national defense technologies and a network to disseminate products in order to better convert such technologies to civilian use in a planned way.
  • 为了有计划地将国防科技成果转为民用,中国成立了国防科技成果应用中心,并建立了成果广网。
    China has established a centre for the application of the national defence technologies and a network to disseminate products and information in order to better convert such technologies to civilian use in a planned way.
  • 介受资助计划的优良教学模式及经验,基金除不时出版专讯外,还举办经验分享会、简介会、研讨会、星期六讲座及计划汇展等活动。
    To promote and disseminate good practices and experiences of approved projects, the QEF has organised experience-sharing sessions, briefings, seminars, Saturday talks and project expositions. In addition, newsletters have also been issued from time to time.
  • 为了支援学校行报告书所载的各项建议,课程发展处会陆续为教师举办培训课程,包括网上自学课程。课程发展处还会广全方位学习,协助学校建立良好的学习环境,进行有关的研究和发展项目,以及广有效的课程实践经验。
    To support schools in implementing the recommendations of the report, the Curriculum Development Institute (CDI) will continue to provide training programmes for teachers including web-based courses, promote life-wide learning, facilitate the development of desirable learning environments, conduct relevant research and development projects, and disseminate effective curriculum practices.
  • 第二十八条 县级以上人民政府有关部门应当制定工业固体废物污染环境防治工作规划,广能够减少工业固体废物产生量的先进生产工艺和设备,动工业固体废物污染环境防治工作。
    Article 28 The relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall formulate a program for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by industrial solid waste, disseminate the advanced production techniques and equipment which can reduce the discharge of industrial solid waste, and promote the prevention and control of environmental pollution by industrial solid waste.
  • 按照《教育统筹委员会第七号报告书》的建议,督导委员会设立了杰出学校奖励计划,表扬和鼓励表现卓越的学校、广和宣传各学校的卓越教育工作,以及在学界培养优质文化,鼓励学校因应本身的独特条件追求卓越成就。
    Arising from the recommendations of the ECR 7, the QEFSC has also set up an Outstanding School Awards (OSA) scheme. The scheme aims to give recognition and encouragement to schools with excellent practices and performance, promote and disseminate schools' excellent educational practices and cultivate a quality culture within the school sector to strive for excellence having regard to the school's unique conditions.
  • 此前,我们成功地举办了三届“高交会”,“高交会”集中地展示了一大批我国最新的高新技术成果,展示了国际知名的高科技公司的先进产品和技术,广泛传播世界高科技发展的前沿理念,有效地动了科技成果向现实生产力的转化,“高交会”已成为中国与世界在高新技术领域的开放窗口和交流舞台。
    So far we have successfully organized three such fairs, showcasing a large number of China's high-tech achievements and the state-of-the-art products and technology from other world renowned high-tech companies. All these have helped to disseminate the up-to-date concept and perception heralding global scientific and high-tech development, and effectively facilitating the conversion of scientific and technological achievements into tangible productive forces. The Hi-tech Fair has become a window of opening-up and a stage of interaction between China and the rest of the world in the field of high and new technology.