  • 我敢向你保证他干不了多久;他只不过是把这份事当作向上爬的阶梯罢了。
    You may take it from me, he won't keep his job for long; he's only using it as a stepping-stone to higher things.
  • 她对于教师有种一成不变的观念,认为他们都与她以前那些教师一样
    She has a stereotyped view of teachers, believing that they are all as bad as hers were.
  • 点被吓得心脏停止跳动。
    My heart stood still.
  • kirwin说:“支持用windows的办公人员与支持用unix的股票经纪人是别很大的。
    "Supporting office workers on Windows can be quite a different thing from supporting stockbrokers on Unix.
  • 优先购买权买卖股票的选择权,包括投资、交货、买卖额和买空卖空
    An option to buy or sell a stock, including put, call, spread, and straddle.
  • 城市贫民和自由职业者不多已经失掉成为社会阶层的条件。
    The conditions under which the urban poor and professional people existed as independent social strata have virtually been eliminated.
  • 拥有计算机和获得上网机会的情况,按财产、种族教育和地域的不同、别很大。
    Computer ownership and Internet access are highly stratified along lines of weal th, race, education, and geography.
  • 颜色明暗别强烈的带子。
    a stripe of contrasting color.
  • 明暗别强烈的颜色或质料的带子或斑文。
    a strip or stripe of a contrasting color or material.
  • 跑完300米,第二名与她了10米,当她再跑80米时,地上有个水洼,她迈开步子跨了过去,也许太用力了,落地后脚蹦了一下,只努着力跑了20米便倒了下去,全场惊呼起来。
    After 300 meters, she kept 10 meters from the second runner. When she ran another 80 meters, there was some water in front of her. She strode over it but fell down as it took too much strength to do it.
  • 减小某特定范围内强弱信号之间别的一种电路。
    A circuit that decreases the difference between the strongest and the weakest signals in a particular range.
  • 哈德尔共研究了1617名脑癌患者,并将他们的与人数不多的非脑癌患者进行了比较。他的研究刊登在最近的《欧洲癌症预防》杂志上。
    Hardell, whose study was published recently in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention, studied 1,617 patients with brain tumors and compared them with a similar-size group of people without tumors.
  • 上学的时候,我认为这是个好事。
    I think it is great stuff in school.
  • 香港位于亚热带,不多有半年时间气候极为温和。
    Hong Kong's climate is sub-tropical, tending towards the temperate for nearly half the year.
  • 在任意亚原子结构中的重子数和反重子数之;在各种粒子的相互作用中守恒。
    a number equal to the difference between the number of baryons and the number of antibaryons in any subatomic structure; it is conserved in all types of particle interactions.
  • 低下地处于或走向低或的状况,如臣服、失败或屈辱
    To or into a lower or inferior condition, as of subjection, defeat, or disgrace.
  • 附属地,下等地在或进入附属或较的状况或位置
    In or into a subordinate or inferior condition or position.
  • 有许多同志感到,现在军队组织纪律性,什么下级服从上级呀,个人服从组织呀,都不管了。
    Many comrades feel that organizational discipline is weak in our army today. Subordination of the lower levels to the higher, and of individuals to the organization is being neglected.
  • 诺亚就知道地面上的水退得不多了。
    Then Noah knew for certain that the water on the earth had subsided still further.
  • 电视中为听力的观众加设的字幕
    TV subtitles for the hard of hearing
  • 必须注意微妙的异。
    It is necessary to remark a subtle difference.
  • 尽管这异太小,肉眼看不到。他说,鼻子些微的肿胀会使人禁不住去挠一挠,从而泄露了秘密。
    Although the difference is too small to see with the naked eyes, he says the subtle swelling can trigger a bout of telltale scratching.
  • 详细地推究事物之间的细微别,如同义词之间的别。
    mark fine distinctions and subtleties, as among words.
  • 数一个数减去另一个数剩下的
    The amount that remains after one quantity is subtracted from another.
  • 想一想,你点儿被憋死。
    Imagine, you might have stifled/suffocated to death.
  • 振动叠加不同频率的波以产生拍,拍音
    To cause beating by superposing waves of different frequencies.
  • 大学毕业的人与只受过小学教育的人相比在家上网数相16倍。
    College graduates are 16 times as likely to be Internet surfers at home as are those with only elementary ?school education.
  • 全年对外贸易顺304亿美元。
    The trade surplus was 30.4 billion US dollars in 2002.
  • 当月实现顺34.2亿美元,为今年至今实现顺最多的一个月。
    The 3.42 billion US dollar trade surplus of July also makes it the month that has registered the biggest surplus since this year unfolded.
  • 进出口顺112.9亿美元。
    and the trade surplus was recorded as 11 .29 billion US dollars.
  • 日本的贸易顺在过去几年里迅速增长。
    Japan's trade surplus increase rapidly over the last few years.
  • 我们自己与原始人之间的这些别之点在人的思想上占据统治地位。
    These distinctions between ourselves and the primitiveheld sway over people's minds.