  • 他们可能取得全市半数的民的支持,共同与市政参议会作斗争。
    They could enlist half the population of the town in their fight against the council.
  • 整层楼的民都抱怨噪音太大
    The entire floor complained about the noise.
  • 终审法院确认临时立法会的合法性,但关于享有留权的判决却引起公众关注,因为判决可能导致大批内地人士来港,对香港造成沉重压力。
    The Court of Final Appeal upheld the legitimacy of the Provisional Legislative Council. However, there was public concern that the parts of the judgments in relation to the entitlement to right of abode would result in large numbers of people coming to Hong Kong and exerting a great strain on its resources.
  • 终审法院确认临时立法会的合法性,但关于享有留权的判决却引起公众关注,因为判决可能导致大批内地人士来港,对香港造成沉重压力。
    The Court of Final Appeal upheld the validity of the Provisional Legislative Council. However, there was public concern that the parts of the judgments in relation to the entitlement to right of abode would result in large numbers of people coming to Hong Kong and exerting a great strain on its resources.
  • 这是迄今所知的最为贫穷的社会状态,不过在有些富裕得多的社会中,部分民的生活境况比野蛮人也好不了多少。
    This is the state of greatest poverty in which any entire community of human beings is known to exist; though there are much richer communities in which portions of the inhabitants are in a condition, as to subsistence and comfort, as little enviable as that of the savage.
  • 北英格兰人英格兰泰恩河上纽尔斯卡及其周围的本地人或
    A native or inhabitant of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, or its environs.
  • 马萨诸塞族北美本土民族,早期定在马萨诸塞湾的从宝丽口北部到沙龙地区。因传染病而人口减少,该民族在17世纪消亡
    A Native American people formerly located along Massachusetts Bay from Plymouth north to Salem. Reduced by epidemics, the Massachusett ceased to exist as a people during the17th century.
  • 伊利人美洲土著人,过去住在俄亥俄州北部伊利湖南岸,宾夕法尼亚西北部及纽约州西部,自17世纪中叶被易洛魁人征服以后,伊利人作为一个民族不复存在
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting the southern shore of Lake Erie in northern Ohio, northwest Pennsylvania, and western New York. The Erie ceased to exist as a people after being defeated by the Iroquois in the mid-17th century.
  • 虽然她们住的小镇远离海洋(玛吉的家乡在纽约州北部,而埃琳来自伦敦北部),但这两个性格相似的姑娘在模特界白热化的生存竞争中结成了深厚友谊。
    And even though their towns are an ocean apart (Maggie is a native of upstate New York and Erin is from north of London), these two kindred spirits have formed a friendship that's surviving the ultracompetitive world of modeling.
  • 曼图亚意大利北部一城市,位于维罗那的西南偏南方向,原为伊特鲁里亚人住地,后于1714年割让给奥地利,最终于1866年回归意大利。人口60,932
    A city of northern Italy south-southwest of Verona. Originally an Etruscan settlement, it was ceded to Austria in1714 and was finally returned to Italy in1866. Population,60, 932.
  • 最初这个领域限于尼罗河、幼发拉底河、底格里斯河和印度河流域。但是,到了上述这段时期终了的时候,这个领域已扩展到地球上适于住的绝大多数地区。
    At first it had been confined to the Nile, the Euphrates, the Tigris and the Indus, but at the end of the period in question it covered much the greater part of the inhabitable globe.
  • 详细的计划;对民进行细致的登记以免逃税——约翰·巴奇;仔细、精致的论文。
    a detailed plan; the elaborate register of the inhabitants prevented tax evasion- John Buchan; the carefully elaborated theme.
  • 组织防洪区内的单位和民积极参加防洪工作,因地制宜地采取防洪避洪措施。
    They should organize units and residents within flood control areas to actively take part in flood control work and take measures for flood control and flood evasion in the light of local conditions.
  • 我的第一桩生意,由于货仓收到了妈妈的逐客令而出现危机,迈克的任务变成了告诉邻们快些用完他们的牙膏,告诉他们牙医希望他们比平常更多地刷牙。
    My first partnership was already being threatened with an eviction notice from our warehouse space by my own mom. It became Mike's job to tell the neighbors to quickly use up their toothpaste, saying their dentist wanted them to brush more often anyway.
  • 随着本世纪初中国侨民大量移海外,文学工作者也在华侨较多的地区落户。
    With the exodus of many Chinese immigrants early this century, men of letters also settled down in places where there were many Chinese immigrants.
  • ·作者是旅本地的艺术工作者。
    (The author is an expatriate artist living in Singapore.)
  • ·作者是旅本地的艺术工作者。
    (The writer is an expatriate artist living in Singapore.
  • 香港的外国民不但对我们的经济发展贡献良多,也使我们的文化更有特色。
    The expatriate community contributes greatly to our economy and to our unique culture.
  • ·作者曾在美国读书和工作,目前旅新加坡。
    (The writer, an expatriate living in Singapore, has studied and worked in the US.
  • 目前在香港住的澳籍人士约有三万,香港因而是亚洲区内,最多澳籍人士聚的地方。
    Around 30,000 people, the largest Australian expatriate community in Asia, are living in Hong Kong.
  • 在香港住的美国人,是香港特区内最大的外国商业社群,突显出香港是美国在亚洲区内最密切的商业伙伴。
    The American community in Hong Kong - the largest expatriate business group in the SAR - underlines the fact that Hong Kong is America's closest business partner in Asia.
  • 他并不以这方面专家自
    He has no pretensions to being an expert on the subject.
  • 地铁公司也在杏花设置了一个隔音罩,保护2300名民。
    The Mass Transit Railway Corporation has also completed a noise cover to protect 2300 residents at Heng Fa Chuen.
  • 我已和邻商量妥喂猫的事.
    I've arranged with the neighbours about feeding the cats.
  • 一种是邻居的感觉
    A feeling of neighborhood.
  • 在如今快速膨胀的老龄队伍中,成千上万的为人父母者。其儿女身为印度人,却客他乡,留下他们自己照顾自己。老妪就是其中一员。
    The old lady is one of thousands who now form part of the fast swelling segment of the elderly -- the parents of Non-Resident Indians who are left here to fend for themselves.
  • 女王在群的蜜蜂、蚂蚁或白蚁群体中,可繁殖并发育完全的雌虫
    The fertile, fully developed female in a colony of social bees, ants, or termites.
  • 火星人假想的火星上的民,尤指小说中的人物
    A hypothetical inhabitant of the planet Mars, especially as a stock fictional character.
  • 作为一个谦虚者,他愿意于他人的次要位置。
    Being a modest person , he was content to play second fiddle to others.
  • 巴黎,是个有五分之四的民死于悲伤的快乐城。
    Paris is a city of gaiety and pleasure where four fifths of the inhabitant die of grief.
  • 劣势的总统候选人杜卡基斯昨天来本市[费城]。就在这里银屏世界劣势拳手“洛基”克服万难获得胜利。
    Underdog presidential candidate Michael Dukakis yesterday came to the town (Philadelphia) where "Rocky" —filmdom's boxing underdog—triumphed against all odds.
  • 资助市民置业安居。
    Financial Assistance for Home Ownership