  • 我知道我差不多60岁了,但怪的是,我觉得如40岁一样健康。
    I know I'm nearly sixty but oddly enough I feel as fit as I did at forty.
  • 说来实在怪,他连自己的生日也记不得。
    Oddly enough, he didn't remember his own birthday.
  • 说也怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。
    Oddly enough, he do not seem to remember his own birthday.
  • 太棒了,特别是云、松树和形怪状的石头。
    It’s fantastic, especially its clouds, pine trees and oddly-shaped rocks.
  • 说也怪,大自然不丰赐五谷时,却往往多降婴儿。
    Nature, very oddly, when the horn of plenty is quite empty, always fills it with babies.
  • 我有强烈的社会正义感和社会责任心,另一方面我却又明显地不愿与世间人事直接接触,这形成了特的反差。
    My passionate sense of social justice and social responsibility has always contrasted oddly with my pronounced lack of need for direct contact with other human beings and human communities.
  • 你的行为如此恶劣是很怪的。
    Your action so odiously is very strange.
  • 奥林匹亚希腊南部平原,位于伯罗奔尼撒的西北,它是用以祭拜宙斯的宗教中心,又是古代奥林匹克运动会的遗址。其中由菲迪亚斯所作的奥林匹亚宙斯神像是世界七大迹之一
    A plain of southern Greece in the northwest Peleponnesus. It was a religious center devoted to the worship of Zeus and the site of the ancient Olympic games. The statue of the Olympian Zeus by Phidias was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
  • 迹就是幸运的事故;令人振奋的兆头;有利于要求提升的时机;幸运星;有利于做出决定的时机。
    miracles are auspicious accidents; encouraging omens; a favorable time to ask for a raise; lucky stars; a prosperous moment to make a decision.
  • 计算机的工作就是通过计算机的软件组,充分利用计算机的各种资源,并指挥硬件实现无所不能的妙用途。
    The work of a computer is just making full use of various resources by software set in the computer, and directing the hardware to realize marvelous omnipotent functions.
  • 多年生洋葱中的一个普通品种,主要被用作珍品栽培或作早熟的色拉用洋葱;以花序中珠芽代替花的繁殖。
    type of perennial onion grown chiefly as a curiosity or for early salad onions; having bulbils that replace the flowers.
  • 这条有关大城市犯罪的特别新闻让人感到惊
    The news special is a real eye-opener about big city crime.
  • 萨姆纳,詹姆斯·巴勒1887-1955美国生物化学家,因在酶的结晶方面的开拓性研究,获1946年诺贝尔奖
    American politician. A U.S. senator from Massachusetts(1851-1874), he was a brilliant orator with an uncompromising opposition to slavery.
  • 然而,在那天之前,令人怪的事情发生了。一个声音告诉他:去找一张金箔纸,折一只金纸鹤。
    Before that day,however, something strange happened -- a voice told him to find a piece of gold foil paper and make a gold origami crane.
  • 王平:真新奇!
    Wang Ping: It is truly original!
  • 具有异常的智力和新创意的人。
    someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality.
  • 彭代尔式的一种18世纪英国特征为优美的外廓并常有华丽的装饰家具样式或与之相关的
    Of or relating to an18th-century English style of furniture characterized by flowing lines and often rococo ornamentation.
  • 我明确表示态度,说刘少同志在党内的地位是历史形成的,从总的方面讲,刘少同志是好的,改变这样一种历史形成的地位不适当。
    I made my attitude clear, saying that Comrade Liu's position in the Party was the outcome of historical development, that he was a good comrade on the whole, and that it was inappropriate to try to oust him from such a position.
  • 哈里如何得到这种稀古怪的东西,是一个他津津乐道的有趣的故事。
    How Harry came into the possession of this outlandish stuff makes an interesting story which he is fond of relating.
  • 她对儿童的看法很怪。
    Her views on children are rather outlandish.
  • 我可不愿意在这儿受这种耻大辱.
    I am not prepared to stay and listen to these outrageous insults.
  • 我可不愿意在这儿受这种耻大辱
    I am not preparing to stay and listen to these outrageous insults
  • 的观众对魔术师对表演长时间起立鼓掌;我迷醉的站着,惊于大教堂的巨大宏伟;惊骇的观众扫阅着俄克拉荷马州城市轰炸的照片;他站着,惊讶的说不出话来;科学家们震惊的发现不只一个而是至少有三种病毒。
    an amazed audience gave the magician a standing ovation; I stood enthralled, astonished by the vastness and majesty of the cathedral; astounded viewers wept at the pictures from the Oklahoma City bombing; stood in stunned silence; stunned scientists found not one but at least three viruses.
  • 她极为悲痛[惊奇]。
    She was overcome with grief [surprise].
  • 有些学生过分好多问。
    Some students are overcurious.
  • 他昨天买了一套新的衣服。
    she brought a change in her overnight bag.
  • 真稀, 这个月多给我钱了.
    By some freak (of chance) I was overpaid this month.
  • 毛主席和少同志说,我们党内不怕公开的反对派,怕搞鬼,搞阴谋。
    Chairman Mao and Comrade Liu Shaoqi say that we are not afraid of overt opposition in our Party, except people who play tricks on us and resort to underhanded schemes.
  • ,猎艳找出性对象并发出进攻
    To seek out and make a sexual overture to.
  • 充满了无法抵制的惊或震惊的情感冲击。
    filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock.
  • 房间里有猫头鹰是很怪的。
    It is very strange that there is an owl in the room.
  • 这个快乐的问题是一切无宗教的哲学家所注意的重大问题,可是基督教的思想家却完全置之不问,这是很怪的事情。
    It is strange that this problem of happiness, which is the great question occupying the minds of all pagan philosophers, has been entirely neglected by Christian thinkers.