  • 她的抱负是成为一总统
    Her ambition is the presidency.
  • 1923年,艾米丽雅获得了由著的联邦航空国际组织颁发的飞机驾照。
    In 1923 Amelia earned her flying license issued by the prestigious Federation Aeronautique International.
  • 作为第一个直接飞越大西洋的妇女,阿米莉亚.埃哈特在航空史上曾噪一时。
    Amelia Erhardt made her mark on aviation history by being the first woman to fly nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • 你方信用证称有误,请以电报更下为:西太平洋贸易有限公司。
    Your credit incorrectly ads cal amend read west pacific trading company limited.
  • 史密斯小姐,我已修改了那封信,帮我誊清后送给我签
    Miss Smith, I have amended that letter; would you please make a fair copy and bring it to me for signature.
  • 用缩写姓签批合同的修正
    To initial an amendment to a contract
  • 加德纳,海伦·汉米尔顿1853-1925美国改革家,因其在保证国家选举权修正案通过中所做的努力而闻
    American reformer known for her efforts to secure passage of a federal suffrage amendment.
  • 初见的印象果然不虚传,像是个花园绿洲,环境优美,设施发达,生活从容,人性真诚。
    My first impression of Singapore was that it had indeed lived up to its reputation. It was like an oasis garden with beautiful surroundings, well-developed amenities, an even pace of life and honest citizens.
  • 美洲印第安语的一种(字是由美国人类学家爱德华.萨丕创造的)。
    a group of Amerindian languages (the name coined by an American anthropologist, Edward Sapir).
  • 他以勇敢闻名。
    He is celebrated amid his contemporaries.
  • 盐酸阿米替林商标,抗抑郁药阿密曲替林的一种制剂
    A trademark used for a preparation of amitriptyline, an antidepressant drug.
  • 费拉德尔菲亚小亚细亚的一个古城,位于今天的约旦境内、死海东北。亚扪人的主要城市,由费拉德尔菲斯·托勒密二世(公元前285-246年)建立并扩张,为纪念他就以他的字命,约旦的首都,阿曼现在就位于该城遗址上
    An ancient city of Asia Minor northeast of the Dead Sea in modern-day Jordan. The chief city of the Ammonites, it was enlarged and embellished by Ptolemy II Philadelphus(285-246 b.c.) and named in honor of him. Amman, the capital of Jordan, is now on the site.
  • 昨天一位男子在火车上胡作非为—他打伤了两铁路员工,砸碎了几扇车厢窗户。
    A man ran amok in the train yesterday—he struck two railway staff and smashed several carriage windows.
  • 为解决年青离校生失业率偏高的问题,政府在九月展开一项大型青年职前综合培训计划,为"展翅计划"。
    To address the problem of high unemployment amongst young school leavers, the Government launched a large-scale Youth Pre-employment Training Programme in September.
  • 如选民在选票上选择多于一候选人,并注明选择的优先次序,则选票可在选民所选择的候选人之间转移。
    The vote is transferable amongst the candidates marked on a ballot paper if the elector marks his preferences for more than one candidate.
  • 他的黑人侍从爱默士,曾写了一本关于他的书,书是「西道尔.罗斯福恃从心目中的英雄」,在那本书?,爱默士说出一椿感人的故事:
    His valet, James E. Amos, wrote a book about him entitled Theodore Roosevelt, Hero to His Valet. In that book Amos relates this illuminating incident:
  • 今后我将以威尔逊公司义进行营业。
    We shall in future carry on the business under the style of wilson& co.
  • 该项业务从即日起以w。g。公司义继续经营。
    The business will be carried on from this day under the firm of w.&g.
  • 我们以伯德公司为在本市开始营业,特此奉告。
    We inform you that we have commence business in this city, under the style of Bird& co.
  • 同函附上订单,请立即安排,尤其应注意给颇有气的铃木服装公司供货。
    Enclosed please find order for immediate attention, especially that of messrs. suzuki& co., the well know firm of drapery.
  • 100多年以前,有一个伟大的法国科学家叫安培。
    More than one hundred year ago there is a great french scientist with the name ampere.
  • 安非他明的异构体(商品dexedrine)被用作中枢神经刺激物。
    an isomer of amphetamine (trade name Dexedrine) used as a central nervous system stimulant.
  • 它建于公元前1世纪下半叶,坐落于罗马城内,字叫弗拉维安竞技场。
    It was built in the later half of the 1st century BC. It was located in the city of Rome, and was called the Flavian Amphitheater.
  • 一些著的竞技场都是罗马人修建的.
    Some famous amphitheatres were built by the Romans.
  • 那位演员模仿某些人,以此逗乐观众。
    The actor amused the audience by mimic some well-know people.
  • 他有一肚子关於人的趣闻轶事。
    He has a great fund of amusing anecdotes about great men.
  • 他有一肚子关於人的趣闻轶事。
    He have a great fund of amusing anecdotes about great men.
  • 洛佩兹被《人物》杂志命为1997年最有魅力的50人之一;她继《塞莱娜》后的新作《阿纳康达》,最终将吉姆·凯瑞的《说谎者》挤出其霸占已久的春季票房排行榜首位。
    Lopez was named one of People magazine's Fifty Most Beautiful People for 1997,and her first post Selena project,Anaconda,was the film that finally knocked Jim Carrey's Liar Liar out of its holding pattern at the top spot in the spring box office rankings.
  • 年底时,这项服务的客户人数约有190万(即每100人便有29具流动电话),较一九九六年增加57%,其中1776使用模拟电话。
    At the end of 1997, they served about 1.9 million customers (29 mobile phones per 100 population), representing a 57 per cent increase over 1996, of whom 1 776 subscribed to analogue phones.
  • 杰夫:根据比赛规则,每项比赛中的第一获10分,第二获9分,依次类推,第十得1分。
    Jeff: According to the competition rules , the first place winner gets 10 scores, the second place winner gets 9 scores and the rest may be deduced by analogy, and the tenth place winner gets 1 score.
  • jupitermediametrix互联网调查公司一位叫dannielleromano的副调查员说,其它公司也在寻找一些可以为听众提供正确有效的指引的途径。
    Dannielle Romano, an associate analyst with market researcher Jupiter Media Metrix, notes that other companies are also looking to help steer music listeners to the right tunes.
  • “1989年,迈克尔的公司正在从pc'slimited成长为戴尔计算机公司。”当时是一记者,现在是技嘉信息集团分析员的patrickdryden回忆,“我采访了康柏的创始人之一rodcanion有关增长计划和目标的情况;
    "In 1989, Michael's company was growing from PC's Limited to Dell Computer," recalls Patrick Dryden, who was then a reporter and is now an analyst for the Giga Information Group. "I interviewed Rod Canion, one of the Compaq founders, about growth plans and targets;