  • 尽管该预测在长期很可能是正确的,但对于今年毕业的大学生而言,就业市场的走势却恰好相反:由于经济衰退,成上万本已不再工作或退休的资深护士重新进入了劳动力市场。
    While that forecast is likely to hold for the long term, the job market for students graduating from college this year is headed in the opposite direction: Thousands of experienced nurses who had been inactive or retired have been re-entering the work force because of the recession.
  • 字体形状差万别,大小不一,颜色各异。但这不意味着你可以随心所欲,选择使用任何字体:以下几种字体就不建议使用。
    Fonts come in all shapes and sizes and colours. But that doesn't mean you're allowed to go mad and use just ANY font though: these ones are banned.
  • 不错.中医有五年的历史.它对疾病的发生,发展和治疗都有着完整的理论体系.针灸只不过是治疗像你的椎骨侧突疾病的一种最有效的方式.
    Yes, Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) has a history of more than 5,000 years. It has a complete theory about the occurrence, development and treatment of diseases. Acupuncture is only one of the most effective ways to treat diseases such as your pleurapophysis.
  • 您知道,问题是我们正处在世纪之交,年虫让我们担忧。所以为保险起见,我们只接受现金。
    The problem, you see, is that we are now at the turn of the century. We're worried about the millennium bug. To be on the safe side, I think cash is the only thing we can accept.
  • 公司成立于1989年,现有员工一四百人左右。
    The company was established in 1989, and we have about 1, 400 employees now.
  • 千叶银行
    Chiba Bank, Ltd.
  • 我看看……看这状况,假如我算得没错,我们大约比预算多出了三美金。
    Let me see.. . Looking at this, if my calculations are correct, we are about three thousand dollars over budget?
  • 是的。大约要多花三元来完成第一批订单。
    That's right. It's going to cost about three thousand more to complete the first order.
  • 环境年-行动起来吧!
    (2000) The Environment Millennium - Time to Act!
  • 一失足成千古恨
    The error committed on impulse may turn out to be the sorrow of a whole life.
  • 失之毫釐,差之千里
    A miss is as good as a mile.
  • 志在千里
    Hitch your wagon to a star.
  • 惡事傳千里
    Bad news travels quickly.
  • 失之毫厘,差之千里
    A slight mistake will result in a great error in the end.
  • 里送毛,物轻情意重
    The gift itself may be light as a goose feather, but sent from afar, it conveys deep feeling.
  • 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴
    One anthole may cause the callapse of a thousand-mile dyke.
  • 一失足成千古恨
    A wrong step can cause a lasting sorrow.
  • 一诺千金
    A promise is weightier than one thousand ounces of gold.
  • 应该有更好的方式开始新一天,而不是篇一律的在每个上午都醒来。
    There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning.
  • 美国成上万的失业者靠领取政局救济金生活。
    Thousands of Americans are out of jobs and may go on the dole.
  • 坏事传千里
    Bad news travels quickly.
  • 好事不出门恶事传
    Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide.
  • 有缘千里来相会
    Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination.