  • 虽然恒利是个诗人而非哲学家,却用诗的形式一语道破了伟大的真理,并且以此自励,诗中的哲学意味留待继往开来的后人发扬光大。
    But, being a poet, and not a philosopher, Henley contented himself by stating a great truth in poetic form, leaving those who followed him to interpret the philosophical meaning of his lines.
  • 有一种人,抱着一技之长和一孔之见,再也没有进步,这对革命虽在一地一时有些作用,但是没有大的作用。
    There are some people who, contented with a single skill or a peep-hole view, never make any progress; they may play some role in the revolution at a given place and time, but not a significant one.
  • 一种利用规的比赛来决定胜利者。
    a contest with rules to determine a winner.
  • 中国主张通过谈判解决边界和海域划界问题,按照公平原划定与海岸相向相邻国家的海域界限,反对使用武力或采取激化事态的行动。
    China advocates settling unresolved border and maritime demarcation issues through negotiation, and demarcating maritime boundaries with neighboring countries or countries contiguous to opposite coasts based on the principle of equity, and opposes the use of force or provocative acts.
  • 二十世纪五十年代和六十年代初,兵团按照“不与民争利”的原,在天山南北的塔克拉玛干、古尔班通古特两大沙漠边缘和自然环境恶劣的边境沿线,兴建水利,开垦荒地,在茫茫戈壁荒漠上建成一个个田陌连片、渠系纵横、林带成网、道路畅通的绿洲生态经济网络。
    In the 1950s and early 1960s, following the principle of “not competing for benefits with the local people,” the XPCC built water conservancy works and reclaimed wasteland along the edges of the Taklimakan and Gurbantünggüt deserts to the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, respectively, and along the borders where the natural environment was adverse. Now they have built up ecologically sound economic networks of oases, with contiguous fields, crisscrossing canals, ubiquitous forest belts and radiating roads.
  • (欧洲)大陆人有性生活,英国人有热水瓶。
    Continental people have sex life; the English have hot-water bottle.
  • (欧洲)大陆人有性生活,英国人有热水瓶。
    Continental people have sex life; the english have hot- water bottle.
  • 如果以酬金形式付酬,该企业可能会同时与好几家猎头公司联系。
    A business may use several headhunters if compensation is on contingency basis.
  • 退却,属于防御一类,是防御的继续;而追击,是进攻的继续。
    Retreat is in the category of defence and is a continuation of defence, while pursuit is a continuation of attack.
  • 1954年,中央人民政府决定在新疆组建生产建设兵团,是这一历史经验在新的历史条件下的继承和发展。
    The decision of the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China in 1954 to establish the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps represented a continuation and development of this historical experience in the new historical conditions.
  • 旧中国姓氏是家族传宗接代的标志,女性出嫁前大多没有正式名字,出嫁后随夫姓,子女随父姓。
    In old China, surnames symbolized the continuity of a clan. Most women had no formal name before marriage. They adopted their husband's surname after they wed and children used their father's surname.
  • 在统一体的另一端是小t性格者。
    At the other end of the continuum is the small-t personality.
  • 数学中的一种逻辑形式,其中变量被认为是在0和1之间的连续值。当逻辑规把输入数据和判定与目标或子目标联系起来时,它可用于专家系统,但此时数据常常是用似然语言而不是用确定语言表示。
    In mathematics, a form of logic in which the variable may assume a continuum of values between1 and0. It is used in expert systems when logical rules relate the input data and assertions to goals and subgoals but the data is often expressed in terms of likelihood rather than certainty.
  • 如果学生违规,两周内不许离开学校。
    if students are caught with such contraband, they cannot leave campus for two weeks.
  • 而走私往内地的物品一般包括左?车、汽车零件、高科技电子产品、手提电话、电影产品及视听器材。
    Contraband commonly discovered being smuggled to the Mainland included left-hand drive vehicles, vehicle spare parts, hi-tech electronic goods, mobile phones, film products and audio-visual equipment.
  • 对于不适宜或不愿意采取这种措施的育龄夫妇,指导他们根据自身情况选择其它适合的避孕方法。
    As to those couples who are unsuitable or unwilling to accept such measures, family planning workers guide them to select other contraceptive measures according to their needs.
  • 在公共的非商业使用场合,如果政府或政府授权之合同人未经专利检索而知或有明显理由应知政府将使用或将为政府而使用某有效专利,应立即通知权利持有人;
    In the case of public non-commercial use, where the government or contractor, without making a patent search, knows or has demonstrable grounds to know that a valid patent is or will be used by or for the government, the right holder shall be informed promptly;
  • 一般项目的合营期限原上为10年—30年。
    In general, the term of a contractual joint venture may range from 10 years to 30 years.
  • 在有合同的环境中,需求是在合同中规定的;而在其它环境中,应对隐含需求进行验证和定义。
    In a contractual environment, needs are specified, whereas in other environments, implied needs should is identified and defined.
  • 你的行为违背了你宣称的道德准
    Your actions contradict your declared moral principles.
  • 口头证据不能用来否认书面契约条款的规
    a rule that oral evidence cannot be used to contradict the terms of a written contract.
  • 否定,反对或否定的原
    A denial, contradiction, or negative statement.
  • 二律对立,二律矛盾矛盾或对立,尤指两种法律或规之间的
    Contradiction or opposition, especially between two laws or rules.
  • 那违反规则。
    It is contradictory of the rule.
  • 除非同时得到相反的消息,否一切照我方28日电进行。
    Please proceed as advise in ours 28th unless hearing contrarily meantime
  • 他总是予以应允;她相反,总是拒绝.
    He always gives permission; she, contrariwise, always refuses it.
  • 但与此相反,品质优秀者是在他们的好运赓续不断时遭妒最甚,因此时他们的优点虽依然如故,但已不如当初那样耀眼,后起之秀已使其黯然失色。
    Whereas contrariwise, persons of worth and merit are most envied, when their fortune continueth long. For by that time, though their virtue is the same, yet it hath not the same lustre; for fresh men grow up that darken it.
  • 不道德的和既定的道德准相违背的
    Contrary to established moral principles.
  • 那是违反规则的。
    It is contrary to rules.
  • 不正当的与被普遍接受的道德准或传统相反的;违反规定的
    Contrary to accepted morality or convention; illicit.
  • 你的行为与你的处世原相差甚远。
    Your actions contrast unfavourably with your principles.
  • 不合世界贸易组织规和中国的承诺的,要加以废除;
    All those that may contravene the WTO rules or our commitments will be abrogated.