Chinese English Sentence:
  • 米姬是作为"幸福家庭"系中的成员出售的。她戴着一枚小小的结婚戒指,腹部可以解开,里面还蜷缩着一个婴儿。
    Midge is sold as part of the "Happy Family" set, wearing a tiny wedding ring and a detachable stomach with a curled-up baby inside.
  • 在那次事故里,车的3节车厢脱了节(脱挂了)
    Three carriages were detached from the train in the accident.
  • 请把你的各项开支在这张表格上,好吗?
    Could you detail all your expenses on this form?
  • 发货清单;发票关于发送的货物或提供的服务的一份详细的清单,带有所有费用的记录;逐项出的票单
    A detailed list of goods shipped or services rendered, with an account of all costs; an itemized bill.
  • 现存所有条目的详细表。
    a detailed list of all the items in stock.
  • ,即探测随时间相关连的事件;
    sequences, or detecting events linked over time;
  • 名牌辅助产品,系新产品一种延伸产品,如某种软饮料的保健型或某种洗涤剂的液体型,这种产品附加到一系产品中以促进主要产品销售
    An extension product, such as a diet version of a soft drink or a liquid version of a detergent, added to a line to support the sales of the main product.
  • 决定位置,排确定…的位置;设于,位于
    To determine the position of; locate.
  • 当局没有意识到,或是根本不在乎在消除一系项目——numlugardomenie项目的同时,这些严厉的措施会对我们自己的核武器基本结构造成更大的破坏,而nld项目却有各种机会防止俄罗斯“分散的核弹”的扩散。?
    The Administration either doesn't realize or doesn't care that those draconian measures are going to further devastate our own nuclear weapons infrastructure while killing the one set of programs-the "Nunn-Lugar-Domenici" programs-which had any chance of preventing the proliferation of Russian "loose nukes."
  • 单态的在一系发展变化中只有一种或相同的基因型、形状或结构的
    Having one or the same genotype, form, or structure through a series of developmental changes.
  • 一系相连续的事件动作或发展。
    a connected series of events or actions or developments.
  • 系统网络体系结构(sna)中,对话控制程序提供的一种功能。一个由两个方向上的一系请求和应答组成的单元。
    A facility provided by dialog control in SNA. A unit composed of a series of requests and responses in both directions.
  • 当年流落他乡的犹太人现在生活在以色.
    People from every country of the Diaspora now live in Israel.
  • 正如周二系剧中所表现的,狄更斯是维多利亚时期传统型的父亲,卓越而有风采。
    Dickens was a traditional Victorian father in the grand manner, as the Tuesday series 'Dickens of London' shows.
  • 狄更斯被为英国最伟大的小说家之一。
    Charles Dickens is ranked one of the greatest English novelists.
  • 用一页纸把柴油机的所有用途都出来几乎是不可能的。
    It is hardly possible to take one page for listing all the ways in which diesel engines are used.
  • 出版发行了藏医名著《四部医典》,编写出版了《四部医典系挂图全集》、《医学百科全书-藏医分卷》、藏医《生理学》、《病理学》、《药理学》、《饮食学》、《新编藏医学》等数十种藏医教材或专著。
    The Four-Volume Medical Code, a famous book on Tibetan medical knowledge, was published and distributed. Efforts have also been made in the compiling and publishing of A Complete Collection of Wall Charts of the Four-Volume Medical Code and Medical Science Encyclopedia: Tibetan Medicine, plus dozens of teaching materials and special books about Tibetan medicine, including Physiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Dietetics, and Newly Compiled Tibetan Medicine.
  • 看起来不同或有不同特征的活生物,也具有不同的dna序
    Living organisms that look different or have different characteristics also have different DNA sequences.
  • 包括微积分和极限定理的数学分支:序级数微分,与积分。
    a branch of mathematics involving calculus and the theory of limits; sequences and series and integration and differentiation.
  • 由许多等厚度的金属盘组成的由梯状排进行不断弥补的衍射光栅。
    a diffraction grating consisting of a pile of plates of equal thickness arranged stepwise with a constant offset.
  • 每个点编码都是带有下三个字段的一个9位数实体:
    Each point code is a 9-digit entity with the following three fields:
  • 购买时需要考虑数码相机的下特性:
    Features to look for in a digital camera
  • 持权标者,司仪在学术、法律或宗教的要人前的队中持权杖或其它权力象征的人
    One who carries the verge or other emblem of authority before a scholastic, legal, or religious dignitary in a procession.
  • 勤奋与智慧,使他毕业时在班上名前茅。
    Because of his diligence and unusual intelligence, he surpassed all his classmates at graduation.
  • 象素陈在象素走向方向上的尺寸与在行进向方向上的尺寸之比。
    The ratio of the dimension of a pel array in the direction of the pel path to the pel path to the dimension on the direction of the line progression.
  • 光讲毛泽东思想,不提马克思宁主义,看起来好像是把毛泽东思想抬高了,实际上是把毛泽东思想的作用降低了。
    However, if we lay stress on Mao Zedong Thought to the neglect of Marxism-Leninism, it may seen as if we are building it up, but we are actually diminishing its importance.
  • 车员:您把它丢在餐车里了。
    You left it in the dining car.
  • 列车上有餐车吗?
    Is there a dining car on that train?
  • 在里昂,这火车挂上了餐车。
    The dining car join the train at lyon.
  • 最近几个月,泰恩经历了一系失败的捕捞,老板对他非常不满,于是他决定在捕鱼季节结束前再一次出海。
    For several months Tyne has had a run of disappointing catches, and his boss was quite dissatisfied with him. So he decides to make one more trip before the end of the fishing season.
  • 我是不赞成“两个凡是”的。“两个凡是”不是马主义、毛泽东思想。
    I disapprove of the "two whatevers" because they don't represent Marxism-Leninism or Mao Zedong Thought.
  • 要说服强裁军是很困难的。
    It is difficult to persuade the Great Powers to disarm.