  • 贸易管制处监察储备商品(如食米及冻肉)的储藏量,以确保香港的主要食粮供应足,价格稳定合理。
    The branch monitors the stock of reserved commodities such as rice and frozen meat to ensure that there is always an adequate supply of essential foodstuff in Hong Kong at reasonably stable prices.
  • 此外,为确保香港居民的主要食粮供应足,价格稳定合理,海关亦监察特区的食米储存量。
    In addition, to ensure that Hong Kong has an adequate supply of rice, which is an essential foodstuff for the local population, at a reasonably stable price, the department monitors the local stock of rice.
  • 精力沛或者有力量。
    vigorously energetic or forceful.
  • 生气勃勃的满激情与活力的;强有力的
    Marked by intensity and vigor; forceful.
  • 以有力量、精力沛的活动或者行动为特点。
    characterized by forceful and energetic action or activity.
  • 精力沛的、有力量的、积极活跃的特性。
    the trait of being active and energetic and forceful.
  • 强烈要求竭力主张,竭力要求,提出足理由
    To present a forceful argument, claim, or case.
  • 这必将有力地促进少数民族地区的经济、社会发展和少数民族平等权利的分实现。
    This will forcefully promote economic and social development in these regions, and the full realization of the equal rights of ethnic minorities.
  • 涡轮风扇喷气发动机一种涡轮喷气发动机带有一个风扇,通过将空气直接压入热的涡轮排气管而补总推力
    A turbojet engine in which a fan supplements the total thrust by forcing air directly into the hot turbine exhaust.
  • 那辆新的涡轮电福特牌汽车行驶得飞快。
    That new turbo-charged Ford goes like the clappers.
  • 下层社会的角色也包括在内,他们要么是当有喜剧色彩的笑柄,要么是当对主要角色点头哈腰的从属。
    Lower-class character are included either as comic butts or faithful forelock-touching adjuncts of the main characters.
  •  英国的工业革命在这个转折中起了火车头的作用,亚当斯密的《论财富》则当了舆论上的先驱。
    England's Industrial Revolution was the vanguard of this transformation, while Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations"was the intellectual forerunner.
  • 英国的工业革命在这个转折中起了火车头的作用,亚当斯密的《论财富》则当了舆论上的先驱。
    England's Industrial Revolution was the vanguard of this transformation, while Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations" was the intellectual forerunner.
  • 相信世界满了……无形的、通常是邪恶的东西。
    belief in a world filled with...formless but often malevolent beings.
  • 我们进了屋,看见80多岁、紫色头发的埃玛坐在床上,瘦弱但满活力;她面带微笑,用手拍着床。
    As we walked into the room,a frail but lively eightyish,violet haired Emma sat in bed,smiling,patting her hand on the bed.
  • 穿越森林的探险满了艰辛和危险。
    The expedition through the jungle was fraught with difficulties and danger.
  • 到原始森林去探险满了危险。
    The expedition into the jungle was fraught with danger.
  • 旅途充满艰辛。
    The journey was fraught with difficulties.
  • 穿越热带从林的长途旅行满了危险。
    The long journey through the tropical forest was fraught with danger.
  • 任何新生事物的成长都满着矛盾和斗争。
    The growth of any new-born thing is fraught with contradictions and struggle.
  • 满不稳定因素的动荡局势
    A fluid situation fraught with uncertainty.
  • 满危险的事件;高度戏剧性的一个夜晚
    An incident fraught with danger; an evening fraught with high drama.
  • 满危险的,满冒险的;濒临毁灭的
    Fraught with danger or risk; perilous.
  • 满极度的危险;几乎没有希望。
    fraught with extreme danger; nearly hopeless.
  • 未定局的满不定或怀疑的;未决的
    Fraught with uncertainty or doubt; undecided.
  • 满困难和不测的境况。
    a situation fraught with difficulties and imponderables.
  • 指不确定的结果;尤指满危险的。
    of uncertain outcome; especially fraught with risk.
  • 饱含意义的词语;满了危险的事件;饱含不安的沉默。
    words fraught with meaning; an incident fraught with danger; a silence pregnant with suspense.
  • 穿越森林的长途旅行满了危险。
    The long journey through the forest was fraught with danger.
  • 任何新生事物的成长都满着矛盾和斗争。
    The growth of any new born thing is fraught with contradictions and struggle.
  • 可是今天超市之行却满了社会与政治色彩。
    Today a trip to the supermarket is fraught with social and political overtones.
  • 水会满岩石的缝隙,天气非常冷时,水会结冰,这样,使得缝隙更大,渐渐地一片片小石块剥蚀下来。
    Water may fill a crack in a rock; it freezes when it is very cold and, in doing so, makes the crack wider. Gradually little pieces of rack break away.