  • )我们有一个明确的胜利者(就是我本人),没有议,没有绯闻,无需最高法院来判决让谁当总统。
    We had a clear-cut winner, (myself) with no hanging chads, pregnant chads or bulging chads, and did not need to invoke our Supreme Court to make a final ruling on who would be president.
  • 此书(在戴安娜本人的帮助下完成)揭开了戴安娜王妃如何与易饿症和精神抑郁症斗的过程,同时斥责了查尔斯作为丈夫不忠的一面。
    The book - written with Diana's cooperation - exposed the princess's battles with bulimia and depression, and reviled Charles as an unfaithful husband.
  • 对於那些曾参战的人来说,那场战仍记忆犹新。
    The war still bulks large in the memories of those who fought in it.
  • at&t公司称,这些无线电话服务能够为电视机、电脑和电话提供信号,而价格要比同类产品的竞者低25%。而且,所有的服务将只使用一个付账单。
    By bundling those services with wireless phones, the company says, it will provide signals and services for TV, computer, and phone about 25 percent cheaper than competitors, and all the services will come on a single bill.
  • 长期吵之後,兄弟俩终於和解了。
    After their long argument the two brother have at last bur the hatchet.
  • 一九四九年,以毛泽东主席为领袖的中国共产党领导中国各族人民,在经历了长期的艰难曲折的武装斗和其他形式的斗以后,终于推翻了帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的统治,取得了新民主主义革命的伟大胜利,建立了中华人民共和国。
    After waging hard, protracted and tortuous struggles, armed and otherwise, the Chinese people of all nationalities led by the Communist Party of China with Chairman Mao Zedong as its leader ultimately, in 1949, overthrew the rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism, won the great victory of the new-democratic revolution and founded the People's Republic of China.
  • 一个引发了激烈的官僚政治论的高级会议
    A high-level meeting that triggered bitter bureaucratic debates.
  • 这两个机构还强调,它们之间的官僚战已经结束。
    The two organizations also insist the bureaucratic war between them is over.
  • 我们必须向这些脱离群众的、官僚主义的现象进行经常的斗
    We must constantly combat such manifestations of bureaucratism and isolation from the masses.
  • 因此,贯彻群众路线,克服官僚主义,也必须是一个长时期的斗
    Therefore, carrying out the mass line and overcoming bureaucratism invariably involve a long-term struggle.
  • 在贯彻执行群众路线、反对官僚主义的斗中,密切同党外人士的合作,广泛地吸收党外人士参加这一斗,具有重大的意义。
    In carrying out the mass line and combating bureaucratism, it is of vital importance to work in close co-operation with non-Party people, getting as many of them as possible to participate.
  • 针对着这种情况,党必须经常注意进行反对主观主义、官僚主义和宗派主义的斗,经常警戒脱离实际和脱离群众的危险。
    In view of this situation, the Party must constantly be on the alert to combat subjectivism, bureaucratism and sectarianism and must keep up our guard against the danger of becoming divorced from reality and the masses.
  • 这个律师撒谎地辩说他的当事人对盗窃一无所知。
    the lawyer argued spuriously that his client knew nothing of the burglary.
  • 佛教的二大流派之一:流行于室利兰卡,缅甸,泰国和柬埔寨;强调通过个人信仰取个人救赎。
    one of two great schools of Buddhist doctrine emphasizing personal salvation through one's own efforts; chiefly in Sri_Lanka (Ceylon); Myanmar (Burma); Thailand; Cambodia.
  • 杀人放火(尤指於战中)
    Burning and killing, esp in war
  • 战争影响贸易。
    War affects trade.
  • 昨晚电影院外边发生了激烈的吵。
    There was quite a bust-up last night outside the cinema.
  • 西方的调解人与此不同。他们的姿态不偏不倚,甚至近乎冷眼旁观,所根据的价值观及前提假设是:在解决端时,个人的利益及其所关注、侧重的事项是至关重要的。
    On the other hand, the impartial and almost bystander-like stance of Western mediation practice embeds the value and assumption that the individuals' interests, priorities and preferences are paramount in the settlement of the dispute.
  • 另外一个考虑就是,布什从旁观看了1989年东欧天翻地覆的变动以后,他在西方对伊拉克的战中扮领导角色。如果他逃避此一领导角色,仍然袖手旁观,他在国际间的声誉可能大大受损。
    Another consideration was that after watching the Eastern European upheaval of 1989 from the wings, Mr.Bush assumed the mantle of Western leadership in the war against Iraq, and he stands to lose heavily internationally if he shrugged off that mantle and came to be seen once again as a mere bystander.
  • 那位将军的名字成为了战中残酷行为的代号。
    The general's name had become a byword for cruelty in war.
  • 罗马将军和政治家和恺撒大帝吵过并逃往埃及,在那里他被谋杀。
    Roman general and statesman who quarrelled with Caesar and fled to Egypt where he was murdered.
  • 古代意大利和高卢的边界;凯撒和他的部队于公元前年越过此河发动战
    the boundary in ancient times between Italy and Gaul; Caesar's crossing it with his army in 49 BC was an act of war.
  • 高卢的战中,朱利叶斯凯撒将军领导下的罗马将军;为了埃及王后克利奥帕特拉而拒绝了他的妻子;他们被海岩群落屋大维打败。
    Roman general under Julius Caesar in the Gallic wars; repudiated his wife for the Egyptian queen Cleopatra; they were defeated by Octavian at Actium (83-30 BC).
  • 股票市场在黑色星期五崩溃了;不幸的惨败;那次战斗是灾难性战的灾难性终结;这样的教条,如果是真的话,对我的理论会是绝对致命的——查尔斯·达尔文;没有必胜的决心就参加任何战都是致命的——道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟;致命的错误。
    the stock market crashed on Black Friday; a calamitous defeat; the battle was a disastrous end to a disastrous campaign; such doctrines, if true, would be absolutely fatal to my theory- Charles Darwin; it is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it- Douglas MacArthur; a fateful error.
  • 战争是可怕的灾难。
    War is a frightful calamity.
  • 目前的战发展到世界大战之间,是不会间断的,人类的战灾难不可避免。
    There will be no interruption in the development of the present war into a world war; Mankind will not be able to avoid the calamity of war.
  • [3]而今天,她积极参与了一种体育课程,这种体育课强调终生健康和相互合作,而不是没完没了的健美操和激烈的竞
    [3] But today she participates eagerly in a physical education (PE) programme that emphasizes lifelong fitness and cooperation instead of endless callisthenics and cutthroat competition.
  • 冷静地判断国际形势,多取一点时间不打仗还是可能的。
    After calmly assessing the international situation, we have concluded that it is possible to gain a longer period free from war than we had thought earlier.
  • 中共国家主席江泽民于昨天访问柬埔寨,一般认为这象征着两个亚洲国家的联盟关系向上发展,但却也彰显出长期以来北京与河内(越南)两宿敌之间为取南亚地区影响力的角力战更为激烈。
    Chinese President Jiang Zemin's visit to Cambodia yesterday signifies a growing alliance between the two Asian nations and marks an intensification of the long-running battle for regional influence between old foes Beijing and Hanoi.
  • 甚至现代战中使用的“之”字形伪装也受到了立体派艺术的启发。
    Even the zig-zag camouflage used in modern warfare was suggested by Cubist art.
  • 毛答:在这次战爆发以前,中国共产党曾经再三向全国警告过,对日战是不能避免的,所有日本帝国主义者所谓“和平解决”的言论,日本外交家的漂亮词句,都不过是掩盖其战准备的烟幕弹。
    Mao Tse-tung: Before the war broke out, the Chinese Communist Party warned the whole nation time and again that war with Japan was inevitable, and that all the Japanese imperialists' talk of a "peaceful settlement" and all the fine phrases of the Japanese diplomats were only so much camouflage to screen their preparations for war.
  • 取爱尔兰统一的运动
    The campaign for aunited Ireland