  • 歐亞的種植物,具有疏鬆的粉紅色或紫色總狀花序、有刺的莖和堅韌的根。
    Eurasian plant having loose racemes of pink or purple flowers and spiny stems and tough roots.
  • 尼古拉斯·歐文,這位英國itn電視網的記者着實受到過震撼。當時在瑞士美麗的滑雪勝地剋洛斯特斯(這裏深受查爾斯和他兩個兒子的喜愛),位皇傢助理和這位記者進行了接觸。
    Nicholas Owen,a correspondent for the British television network ITN,was understandably startled when a royal aide approached him at Klosters,the chic Swiss ski resort favored by Charles and his sons.
  • 主要為北美多汁草本植物的個屬,常在總狀花序基部開白色或粉色花。
    genus of mainly North American succulent herbs with white or pink flowers usually in terminal racemes.
  • 熱帶美洲附生蘭花的個屬,花美麗,成總狀花序。
    genus of tropical American epiphytic orchids with showy racemose flowers.
  • 舊大陸個草本屬,總狀花序;木犀草;淡黃木犀草。
    Old World genus of herbs having racemose flowers: mignonette; dyer's rocket.
  • 北美較冷地區的種多年生小草本,具有齒的、近圓形的葉和紫色花的總狀花序。
    small perennial herb of cooler regions of North America with racemose purple flowers.
  • 石斛屬的任何種植物,其莖像甘蔗,有總狀花序、花豔麗。
    a plant of the genus Dendrobium having stems like cane and usually showy racemose flowers.
  • 美洲的費沙尼亞芥屬的幾種植物中的任何種,具有總狀花序的黃花和膨脹的莢。
    any of several plants of the genus Physaria having racemose yellow flowers and inflated pods.
  • 英王和剋拉剋將軍在蓬車裏進行密談。剋拉剋將軍吩咐副官查下引起爆炸的原因。
    The king and the general held secret talks in the truck and the genral gave orders to his aide to find out the cause of the explosion.
  • 腹痛根的種,具有黃色苞片的總狀花序的花;與法氏粉條兒菜相似;生長於美國的東南部。
    colicroot with yellow-bracted racemose flowers; smaller than Aletris farinosa; southeastrn United States.
  • 北美西部個美麗的植物屬,手掌狀葉,總狀花序由多種顔色的花組成。
    genus of showy plants of western North America having palmate leaves and variously colored racemose flowers.
  • 北美洲東部和中部的種健壯的多年生植物,有掌狀葉和豔麗的藍色總狀花序。
    stout perennial of eastern and central North America having palmate leaves and showy racemose blue flowers.
  • 密爾頓蘭屬的任何種蘭花,花單生,總狀花序疏鬆,花舒展而豔麗。
    any of various orchids of the genus Miltonia having solitary or loosely racemose showy broadly spreading flowers.
  • 些權威人士把第夫人最近的拋頭露面歸功於布什總統的長期助手卡倫·休斯。
    Some pundits attribute the First Lady's new visibility to a publicity push from President Bush's longtime aide Karen Hughes.
  • 賴斯在白宮直都不是最高層的政策助手,但是她的機遇棒極了。
    She was never a top tier policy aide in the White House,but her timing was perfect.
  • 亞洲的種常緑樹,有光亮的羽狀葉片和總狀的乳白色有香味的花;作為種緑蔭樹。
    evergreen Asiatic tree having glossy pinnate leaves and racemose creamy-white scented flowers; used as a shade tree.
  • 舊大陸年或二年或多年生草本植物的個屬,總狀花序的花;許多被認為是雜草。
    genus of Old World annual or biennial or perennial herbs with racemose flowers; many are considered to be weeds.
  • 北美洲東部和歐洲的種小形陸生蘭花,葉幾乎基生,總狀花序,花暗黃緑色。
    small terrestrial orchid of eastern North America and Europe having two nearly basal leaves and dull yellow-green racemose flowers.
  • 種舊大陸的綿棗兒屬植物,具有窄的基生葉和粉紅色的或藍色的或白色的總狀花序。
    an Old World plant of the genus Scilla having narrow basal leaves and pink or blue or white racemose flowers.
  • 無葉根寄生蘭類的個屬,花小,略帶紫色或微黃色,具全緣或分裂的唇;在溫帶地區廣泛分佈。
    genus of leafless root-parasitic orchids having small purplish or yellowish racemose flowers with lobed lips; widely distributed in temperate regions.
  • 亞洲的種灌木,花紫色,呈顯著總狀花序,廣泛用作觀賞植物,是野鳥的食源,並可控製水蝕作用。
    Asian shrub having conspicuous racemose rose-purple flowers widely used as an ornamental and in erosion control and as a source of wild-bird feed.
  • 索布瑞爾蘭屬中任何種美麗的蘭花,多葉莖,花豔麗、單生或總狀花序,類似於卡特蘭屬植物。
    any of various showy orchids of the genus Sobralia having leafy stems and bright-colored solitary or racemose flowers similar to those of genus Cattleya.
  • 長有奇怪的羽狀葉子和總狀花序的或穗狀的花且每朵有個帶有爪鈎的花瓣象豌豆似的花冠廣泛分佈的長青灌木或半灌木。
    large widely-distributed genus of evergreen shrubs or subshrubs having odd-pinnate leaves and racemose or spicate flowers each having a pealike corolla with a clawed petal.
  • 美國西部長在沙質林地或溪岸上的種灌木,羽狀葉、生滿灰白色柔毛,總狀花序、花顔色深暗;有些人認為這種植物指示鉛礦的存在。
    shrub of sandy woodlands and stream banks of western United States having hoary pinnate flowers and dull-colored racemose flowers; thought to indicate the presence of lead ore.
  • 種大灌木或灌木狀樹,羽狀葉有脫落的小葉和尖刺,具有芳香的、橙黃色總狀花序;作為觀賞植物或用作籬笆,也作牲畜的救急食物。
    large shrub or shrubby tree having sharp spines and pinnate leaves with small deciduous leaflets and sweet-scented racemose yellow-orange flowers; grown as ornamentals or hedging or emergency food for livestock; tropical America but naturalized in southern United States.
  • 這位競賽者决心不顧切危險,贏得這場500英裏的車賽。
    The racer meant to win the 500-mile race at all hazards.
  • 參賽運動員在次比賽中要跳多少個動作?
    How many dives does a racer have to take in an event?
  • 名出色的選手飛人般遙遙領先,讓觀衆領略了什麽是速度——和更快。
    A superb racer pulled away,showing the audience what fast looks like and faster.
  • 奧德菲爾德,貝爾娜·艾麗1878-1946美國賽車手,是第個打破每分鐘英裏速度障礙的車手(1903年)
    American automobile racer who was the first driver to break the mile-a-minute speed barrier(1903).
  • 黑蛇種黑色,多為無毒蛇類,如北美黑遊蛇屬黑蛇和食鼠黑蛇
    Any of various dark-colored, chiefly nonvenomous snakes, such as the black racer or the black rat snake of North America.
  • 迪剋為大賽造了輛新型比賽用汽車,因為他知道他能夠改進原來的那輛。
    Dick built a new model racer for the derby race, because he knew he could improve on his old one.
  • 個恰當的背景將有助於信息處理。
    An appropriate context can aid information processing.