  • 维维亚娜幸运地从那个男人手中逃了去,现在住在加纳。
    Viviane managed to escape and now lives in Ghana.
  • 黄金海岸在加纳南部几内亚湾沿岸的一段西非海岸,由于以前在该地区发现大量黄金并到岸上售而得名
    A section of coastal western Africa along the Gulf of Guinea on the southern shore of Ghana. It was named for the large quantities of gold formerly found in the area and brought to the coast for sale.
  • 用压力使集中居住分开、分或象在少数人集中区;隔离
    To set apart in or as if in a ghetto; isolate.
  • 她告诉“时报”,很多人极力想搬拉丁区,而她是唯一要搬入的人。
    She told the Times that she was one of the people who tried to get into the ghetto while so many others fought to get out.
  • 像鬼一样没;追赶。
    haunt like a ghost; pursue.
  • 鬼怪现时她吓得毛骨悚然。
    Her hair stood on end when the ghost appeared.
  • (灵魂)以肉体形式现。
    an appearance in bodily form (as of a ghost).
  • 物理学界的巨人;智慧众人物
    A giant in the field of physics; an intellectual giant.
  • 幼虎队在巨人队派威利击,而同时又有两人占着易得分的二、三垒时,真是危险万分。
    The Cubs were in trouble as the Giants had Willie coming to bat and two men in scoring position.
  • 另外,nc的现是一种武器的成功击,这种武器带来另一次解放:整个计算市场从全面的控制和(由业界几家巨头的)垄断中解放来。
    For one thing, the appearance of NCs is a healthy shot in the arm that brings another liberation: Liberation from the total control and monopoly -- by a few industry giants -- of the total computing market.
  • 这所躲在偏僻角落里的学校,居然曾吸引过诸如夏丐尊、李叔同、丰子恺、叶圣陶等许多大师级的文学家和艺术界前去执教,培养了许多名留史册的大学者。
    Yet many literary and artistic giants like Xia Minzun, Li Shutong, Feng Zikai, Ye Shengtao and so on, were attracted to the school and had taught there. They nurtured many prominent scholars who went on to make their own marks in history.
  • 这所躲在偏僻角落里的学校,居然曾吸引过诸如夏丐尊、李叔同、丰子恺、叶圣陶等许多大师级的文学家和艺术界前去执教,培养了许多名留史册的大学者。
    Yet many literary and artistic giants like Xia Minzun, Li Shutong, Feng Zikai, Ye Shengtao and so on, were attracted to the school and had taught there. Among them, they nurtured many prominent scholars who went on to make their own marks in history.
  • 以礼物赠送;出售
    Transference by gift or sale.
  • 如果复制该科学家,可能会在某一天制造一个同样有天资的科学家,但无法确定是什么时候。
    Reproductive chance might one day produce another scientist just as gifted, but there is no telling when.
  • 基于乡村音乐进行创作的夏普先生是一位很有天才的歌词作者,他在许多歌曲中都做好成绩。
    Mr Sharp who works out of the country-music tradition, is a gifted lyricist who does something good in every second song.
  • 下个月他们要到伦敦演
    They're doing a gig in London next month.
  • 我刚向他开枪,他就跳马车拼命地跑了。
    When I first shot him he jumped out of the gig and ran like the devil.
  • 千兆位以太网也已现。
    And gigabit Ethernet lies ahead, too.
  • 千兆位以太网的现非常及时。
    Gigabit Ethernet couldn't happen at a better time.
  • 随着全双工和千兆位以太网计划在地平线上的现,技术继续向前发展。
    And the technology continues to advance, with plans for full-duplex and gigabit Ethernet on the horizon.
  • 这里让我们来看一看到1997年中市场上将现的千兆位以太网产品的类型以及用户应选择哪类产品进行评估。
    Here's a look at the types of Gigabit Ethernet products that will appear in the market by mid-1997 and what users should look for in evaluating these products.
  • 她给他的想像插上了翅膀,巨大而光辉的画幅在他眼前展开,画幅上现了爱情、浪漫故事和为妇女而创造的英雄业迹的模糊的、巨大的形象——为一个苍白的妇女,一朵黄金的娇花。
    She lent wings to his imagination, and great, luminous canvases spread themselves before him whereon loomed vague, gigantic figures of love and romance, and of heroic deeds for woman's sake - for a pale woman, a flower of gold.
  • 资产阶级的生产关系和交换关系,资产阶级的所有制关系,这个曾经仿佛用法术创造了如此庞大的生产资料和交换手段的现代资产阶级社会,现在像一个魔法师一样不能再支配自己用法术呼唤来的魔鬼了。
    Modern bourgeois society with its relations of production, of exchange and of property, a society that has conjured up such gigantic means of production and of exchange, is like the sorcerer, who is no longer able to control the powers of the nether world whom he has called up by his spells.
  • 哥勒河流域口附近的美国罗拉多河流域的北美印第安族人;马瑞科帕族人的同盟者。
    a member of a North American Indian people of the Colorado river valley near the mouth of the Gila river; allied to the Maricopa.
  • 吉尔伯特说,当前的新情况对谢泼德大夫儿子所提的错误地监禁了他父亲的诉讼案还没有立即产生影响,该案正在等待俄亥俄州最高法院的判决。
    Today's developments will have no immediate effect on a lawsuit for wrongful imprisonment brought by Dr.Sheppard's son, which is awaiting a ruling by the Ohio Supreme Court, Mr.Gilbert said.
  • 还有那座大厅,金碧辉煌的装饰,扇扇尖拱窗户,尊尊塑像,根根大柱,镂刻成块块图案的宽阔拱顶,这一切今又何在?还有那金灿灿的卧室呢?那只守门的石狮子,耷拉着头,夹着尾巴,就像所罗门座前的狮子那般;显暴力在正义面前那副卑躬的模样,这石狮子又在何处?
    and the great Hall with its blue and gold, its Gothic windows, its statues, its pillars, its immense vaulted roof so profusely carved —and the gilded chamber—and the stone lion kneeling at the door with head abased and tail between its legs, like the lions of Solomon’s throne, in that attitude of humility which beseems Strength in the presence of Justice?
  • 汽车租公司(r):我能帮您忙吗?
    Rent-A-Car agent (R): May I help you?
  • 我会成为色的公关人员的。
    You'll find I am an excellent P.R. practitioner.
  • 五、最后,太多的花巧被伪装成艺术,很多人假借创意和革新的名义,希望能够标新立异,奇制胜。
    5. Too much gimmick has been disguised as art , just to be novel or to outdo each other in the name of creativity or innovation.
  • 用轧棉机从棉花中把种子分离来。
    separate the seeds from (cotton) with a cotton gin.
  • 用轧棉机去籽用轧棉机把种子从纤维中分离
    To remove the seeds from(cotton) with a cotton gin.
  • 轧棉机是把棉籽从棉花里分离来的机器。
    A gin is a machine to separate seed from cotton.