Chinese English Sentence:
  • 他被作为异教徒赶了这个国家。
    He was banished from the country as a gentile.
  • 他的文雅都是装来的。
    His gentility is purely made up.
  • 油灯发柔和的亮光。
    The oil-lamp sent out a gentle beam.
  • 轻轻敲击发的声音。
    the sound made by a gentle blow.
  • 通常, 是男士伸手来邀请女士跳舞。
    As a rule, it's the gentleman that holds out his hand to invite a lady to dance.
  • 请送这位先生出去。
    Please show this gentleman out.
  • 他那彬彬有礼的举止显他是个绅士.
    His polite manners bespoke the gentleman.
  • 请你送这位先生去好吗?
    Would you please show the gentleman out?
  • 导游:那,我们发吧!
    So ladies and gentlemen, let's get started.
  • 凯蒂和她哥哥把我磨得要命,他却像个羊羔似的毫不抱怨——虽然他不大麻烦人是于顽强,而不是于宽厚。
    Cathy and her brother harassed me terribly: he was as uncomplaining as a lamb; though hardness, not gentleness, made him give little trouble.
  • 彼得里尼的做法较为温和:针对快餐,他提热爱"正宗食物"。他说这是与关注环境问题紧密相连的。
    Petrini's way is gentler:love of"real food,"as opposed to fast food,is--he says--bound up with environmental concerns.
  • 轻轻地说这个坏消息。
    Break the bad news gently.
  • 把粉末轻轻拍打来。
    Knock the powder out gently.
  • 高贵身于贵族的状况
    The condition of being born to the gentry.
  • 第一,上述那些事,都是土豪劣绅、不法地主自己逼来的。
    First, the local tyrants, evil gentry and lawless landlords have themselves driven the peasants to this.
  • “我十块钱,请你们准我进农民协会。”小劣绅说。
    "Here's ten yuan.Please let me join the peasant association," one of the smaller of the evil gentry will say.
  • 实践出真知。
    Genuine knowledge comes from practice.
  • 纯种的身纯正或血统纯净的
    Being authentically or genuinely such by birth.
  • 我们可以看她确实很感动。
    We could see that she was genuinely moved.
  • 从你所提的问题中面试官可以看,你对该职位是否真正感兴趣或有所见解。
    The interviewer can decide from the questions asked whether you are genuinely interested or knowledgeable.
  • 第二,要扎扎实实做几件事情,体现我们是真正反对腐败,不是假的。
    Second, we should accomplish some practical things to prove that we are fighting corruption genuinely, not hypocritically.
  • 莫尔斯,杰迪蒂娅1761-1826美国宗教领导人和地理学者,他写了在美国版(1784年)的第一本地理教材
    American religious leader and geographer who wrote the first geography text published in the United States(1784).
  • 生物的地理分布生物现或分布范围的地理地区
    The geographic occurrence or range of an organism.
  • 此外,还须指的是地理和经济的条件。
    Mention must also be made of geographical and economic conditions.
  • 定位应用程序是根据用户的地理位置来作决策。
    Location-aware applications make decisions based on the end user’s geographical location.
  • 古生物学对现在史前或地质时代的生命的形成的研究,体现在植物、动物和其它有机体的化石上
    The study of the forms of life existing in prehistoric or geologic times, as represented by the fossils of plants, animals, and other organisms.
  • 无生的生命现之前的地质时期的或与生命现之前的地质时期有关的
    Of or relating to geologic periods that precede the appearance of life.
  • 当前的一般循环模型显示,全球气候体系的变化速率超了几乎所有过去地质上的自然变化。
    Current projections of general circulation models imply rates of change of the global climate system that exceed those of almost any natural variation in the geologic past.
  • 奥陶纪(系)的属于、有关或指奥陶纪(系)的,奥陶纪(系)是指古生代第二纪的一段地质时间、岩石系统及沉积物,该纪以早期鱼的现为特征
    Of, relating to, or designating the geologic time, system of rocks, and sedimentary deposits of the second period of the Paleozoic Era, characterized by the appearance of primitive fishes.
  • 上新世的上新世的、属于或表示第三纪五世中最后一世的地质时代、岩石系列和沉积物的,以明显地现现代动物为特征
    Of, belonging to, or designating the geologic time, rock series, and sedimentary deposits of the last of the five epochs of the Tertiary Period, characterized by the appearance of distinctly modern animals.
  • 地质学家已经计算了地球的年龄.
    Geologists have calculated the age of the earth.
  • (地质学)在生命现之前。
    (geology) before the appearance of life.