  • 假使“当第一”明些意义的话,人就得承认鹅的最高权威,因为据《创世纪》所载,禽类是第一个被创造来的嘛。
    If there is anything in being first, man must acknowledge the supremacy of the goose, for according to Genesis the fowl was first created.
  • 分析师说,虽然任天堂在日本市场仍然遥遥领先,可是在美国欧洲sega所的电子游戏机genesis已经跟任天堂的supernes差不多拉平。
    While Nintendo is still the market leader by far in Japan, Sega's Genesis machine has drawn roughly even with Nintendo's Super NES in the United States and Europe, analysts say.
  • 应当加以强调的是,可以说所有的本原的或色的蓝调艺人皆是黑人。
    It must be stressed, however, that virtually all of the significant and original contributions to the stylistic genesis of this music have been and are being accomplished by the Black player.
  • 重组父母没有表现而其子嗣自然形成基因重组之现象,这是由于采用了杂交或独立分类的方法而现的
    The natural formation in offspring of genetic combinations not present in parents, by the processes of crossing over or independent assortment.
  • 然后,科学家能遗传性地改变这些细胞并找确能转型的细胞进行克隆。
    Scientists can then genetically alter these cells and find which ones did transform and then clone only those cells.
  • 科学家还发现,生在太平洋的海龟与生于大西洋的海龟拥有不同的洋流磁性地图,这一特性具有遗传性。
    It is also found that turtles born in the Pacific are genetically imprinted with a different magnetic map for currents in Atlantic.
  • (遗传学)指产生杂交后代的第一代生物体。
    (genetics) designating the generation of organisms from which hybrid offspring are produced.
  • 他说,“你无法改变自己的遗传基因,但是你可以在其他方面作改变,如食用合适的食物,充足的饮水以排除毒素,锻炼身体并应对压力等。”
    " You can't alter your genetics but you can make other changes, such as eating the right food, drinking enough water to flush out toxins, exercising and managing stress," he says.
  • 德国吉森动物饲养遗传研究所的研究员马丁和他的同事给1400只小猪在生后几周内试用了各种保温方法,试验证明水床是最受小猪欢迎的。
    When Martin Ziron and researchers at the Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics in Giessen, Germany tested various heating methods on 1,400 piglets during their first few weeks of life, waterbeds won hands down.
  • 在苏格兰胚胎学家宣布他们成功地利用单个的成体细胞克隆绵羊后仅一个星期,遗传学界和整个世界都不安地意识到一个问题:科学问题本身并不难。
    Just a week after Scottish embryologists announced that they had succeeded in cloning a sheep from a single adult cell, both the genetics community and the world at large are coming to an unsettling realization: the science is the easy part.
  • 我外参加日内瓦最高级会议期间,副总统将承担领导责任。
    The vice president will take the helm while I'm away at the summit meeting in Geneva.
  • 一座白色教堂从散布在岸上的那些小木房后面殷勤地探头来。
    The white church peeps out genially from behind the huts scattered on the river bank.
  • 这时,一个神怪现在他面前。
    Then a Genie appeared in front of him.
  • 他擦了擦灯,神怪现了。
    He rubbed it and the Genie stood in front of him.
  • “魔鬼已经从瓶子里来了,现在问题的关键是由谁来开发这项技术。
    " The genie is out of the bottle. The question is who should develop this technology.
  • 魔术师擦了擦灯,神怪现了。“你要什么?”
    The Magician rubbed it and the Genie stood in front of him, "What do you want?"
  • 于是他回到家,拿灯擦了擦,神怪就现了:“你要什么?”
    Then he went home, took the lamp and rubbed it. The Genie stood in front of him, "What do you want?"
  • 在中东地区,小男孩在关键时刻突然现被认为是正常现象,他们被看作是古代神话中被禁锢在罐中的恶魔。
    The sudden appearance of small boys at crucial moments is an accepted phenomenon in the Middle East. They may well have suggested ancient tales of the genie of the lamp.
  • “父母必须认识到即使没有提到生殖器,他们也经常涉及到性问题,”她说,“自孩子生后你就在向他传输对性的看法,所以父母必须认识到性是很正常的也是现实的,这将是孩子与他人建立正常关系的良好基础。”
    " Parents have to realize that they're talking about sex even if they don't mention genitals," she says." You are communicating attitudes about sex from the time the child is born,so parents need to accept the fact that sex is normal and positive,and this will be the basis for their children to develop mature relationships with other people."
  • 他显示出语言才能。
    He showed great talent in language.
  • 每一个人都是天才——至少一年表现一次。
    Everyone is genius—at least once a year.
  • 他在1805年生于热那亚。
    He was born in 1805 in Genoa.
  • 总督由威尼斯和热那亚两共和国选举的总督
    The elected chief magistrate of the former republics of Venice and Genoa.
  • 1998年9月,他们承诺到2001年可以拿基因组"研究草图"。
    in September 1998 they promised a “ working draft” of the genome by 2001.
  • 大约3年前,科学家们宣布,他们已绘制所谓的人类基因组序列草图。
    Nearly three years ago, scientists announced a so called rough draft of the sequence of human genome.
  • 相比之下,公家一方的人类基因组计划领导人中,根本找不一个如此类拔萃之人。
    But no one stands out in the same way among the leaders of the public Human Genome Project.
  • 而在10年前启动的公共人类基因组项目--主要由美国政府与英国维尔考姆信托基金(世界上最富有的研究赞助机构)资赞助,当时仍然将他们的计划完成日期定在2005年。
    The public Human Genome Project,funded mainly by the US government and Britain's Wellcome Trust,the world's richest research charity,was then still aiming for the original completion date of 2005,set when the programme had started 10 years earlier.
  • 到目前为止,这在医学上还不可能,但我相信如果我们搞清了染色体组序列,那么就能更好地了解我们的身体是如何运作的,并且当我们生病时,我们就能知道是什么了毛病,这是可能实现的事。
    Hitherto19 that has not been possible for medical science but we believe that if we have the sequence of the genome it will be possible to understand much better how the body works and what goes wrong when we have diseases.
  • 以小说表现的文学类型
    The literary genre represented by novels.
  • 适用于剧院演的文体。
    the literary genre of works intended for the theater.
  • 通过线条的一笔一画勾勒事物外表、给人一种曲折的反映的法国绘画流派。
    a genre of French painting that pictured appearances by strokes of unmixed colors to give the impression of reflected light.
  • 佛梅尔,简1632-1675荷兰画家,以其室内风俗画景而名,在这种画中他惯于很好地掌握光和色彩。他的作品包括有花边制作者(1664年)
    Dutch painter noted for his interior genre scenes, in which he used to great effect his mastery of lighting and color. His works include The Lacemaker(c.1664).