  • 他的画在画廊展出。
    His pictures were showed in the gallery.
  • 她的一些绘画作品在国家美术馆里展.
    Her paintings hang in the National Gallery.
  • 她的画正在伦敦的一个美术馆里展.
    Her paintings are being shown (ie exhibited) at a gallery in London.
  • 他把马牵去准备骑马奔驰一番。
    He took the horse out for a gallop.
  • 她匆匆忙忙地发了。
    She set off at a gallop.
  • 你要是匆匆忙忙地干完活,就容易错。
    If you gallop through your work, you are more likely to make mistakes.
  • 听到敌人拉壮丁,便马上写保护壮丁的指示;
    when he was informed that the enemy was press-ganging able-bodied men, he immediately wrote out a directive to protect them;
  • 做一个第三代意裔美国人,我有理由为我的传统自豪。最令人气忿的是人人都对我们任意乱加批评。我同别人一样喜欢看帮派电影。我不否认有意大利黑手党存在(虽然帮派当然并不限于我们)。可是大多数意大利人是受人尊敬,守法的公民,为什么他们一定得为少数人的罪行付代价呢?
    As a third-generation Italian-American, I am justifiable proud of m y heritage—and outraged at the potshots that everyone feels free to take at us. I enjoy gangster films as much as anyone else, and I don't deny there is an Italian Mafia (although gangsterism is certainly not exclusive to us). But the majority of Italians are respectable, law-abiding citizens; why should they have to pay for the sins of a relative few?
  • 看着他从飞机中来,走下舷梯,我激动得哽咽起来。
    Seeing him out of the plane and down the gangway gave me a lump in my throat.
  • 上述已获美国政府口许可证的19台设备中,有4台性能最先进的5a3p(五座标三主轴)机床,未运回中国,在美国就地租给了莫尼托工厂。
    Four of the most advanced 5A3P (5-axis and 3-spindle) gantry profilers among the 19 items that had acquired US Government export license were not shipped back to China and were leased to the Monitor Corp. on site.
  • 鸟儿飞来,啄食花园里挂着的果核。
    The birds come and peck at the nuts hung up in the garter.
  • 我闻到煤气漏来了。
    I can smell a gas leak.
  • 汽车放的废气在污染我们城市的空气。
    Gases from cars are poisoning the air of our cities.
  • 气体从地下冒了来。
    Gases bubbled up from the earth.
  • 树液从树的切口处涌
    Sap flowed from the gash in the tree.
  • 看到血从他额上深长的伤口里涌来,她几乎要昏倒了。
    The sight of blood oozing from the deep gash in his forehead nearly blacked her out.
  • 发动机的一个垫圈失效了(蒸气等逸).
    The engine had blown a gasket, ie the gasket had suddenly let steam, etc escape.
  • 煤油慢慢从倾斜的油罐里流
    Gasoline drained slowly from the tilted can.
  • 他喘着气说了这个消息。
    He gasped out the message.
  • 我钻水面急切地喘了口气。
    I came out of the water and gasped for breath.
  • 游泳的人从水里钻来喘口气。
    The swimmer came out of the water and gasped for breath.
  • 给小汽车加油;在发之前把油加好
    Gas up a car; gassed up before the trip.
  • 有时一口口的酸水从肚子里翻上来,使你呕吐,但又吐不半点东西;
    Sometimes, you feel nauseous, but you throw up nothing but the gastric juice.
  • 胃里可分泌盐酸,而盐酸是胃液的组成部分。
    Hydrochloric acid is secreted in the stomach and forms part of the gastric juice.
  • 促胃液素,胃泌激素由胃粘膜中的腺体排的一种激素,刺激胃液的产生
    A hormone secreted by glands in the mucous membrane of the stomach that stimulates the production of gastric juice.
  • 黑粪症由消化道大血而引起的病症,其特征为排黑色柏油样粪便或以经胃液分解之血液为主要成分的呕吐物
    A condition marked by black, tarry stool or vomit composed largely of blood that has been acted on by gastric juices, resulting from a hemorrhage along the digestive tract.
  • "我猜想她是得头奖了,因为她从大厅里来时后面跟着一群记者。"
    "I gather she won the first prize, since she came out of the hall with a crowd of reporters following her."
  • 汽油表指示汽车里所剩的汽油数量。
    A petrol gauge shows the amount of petrol left in a car.
  • 我想估计那儿有多少人。
    I tried to gauge how many people were there.
  • 他立即接受了对方提的挑战。
    He was quick to take up the gauntlet thrown down by the opposition.
  • 他立刻接受了对方提的挑战。
    He is quick to take up the gauntlet thrown down by the opposition.
  • 他立刻接受了对方提的挑战
    He was quick to take up the gauntlet thrown down by the opposition