| - 你最好划掉这些多余的词。
You'd better scratch through these superfluous words. - 因此,工会再不是有些人所认为的那种可有可无的组织了。
Thus they will not be superfluous as some people think they are. - 我一点儿也说不准“信息高速公路”会把我们引向何方:一些人说会引向乌托邦,而另一些人却感到这条路会通向地狱。
I am not at all certain where the " information superhighway" will lead us: some say to Utopia, while others feel it's the road to hell. - 一些新养成的习惯
habits which have been superimposed upon other habits - 他有一些习惯和其他习惯混合一起了。
He has some habits which have been superimposed on other habits. - 这些人的劳动总是被看成农业劳动,也许是因为这些工作通常是由住在农场上的人们完成的,和耕种受到同样的监督。
operations always counted as agricultural, probably because it is the custom for them to be performed by persons resident on the farm, and under the same superintendence as tillage. - 这些充分证明了社会主义制度的优越性。
These fully bear out the superiority of the socialist system. - 为某些歌手找到最佳的形容词和恰当的比喻是件令歌迷和评论家们都挠头的事情。梅西·格雷就是这类歌手之一。
Macy Gray is one of those vocalists that leave fans and critics alike scratching their heads in search of not just superlatives,but valid comparisons. - 亡国论者看敌人如神物,看自己如草芥,速胜论者看敌人如草芥,看自己如神物,这些都是错误的。
In the eyes of the subjugationists the enemy are supermen and we Chinese are worthless, while in the eyes of the theorists of quick victory we Chinese are supermen and the enemy are worthless. Both are wrong. - 合瓣草本植物、一些乔木和灌木的集合,大部分都有两个心皮;有43个科,包含茄科;玄参科;唇形科;马鞭草科;茜草科;菊科;有时被归为一个总目。
a group of mostly sympetalous herbs and some trees and shrubs mostly with 2 fused carpels; contains 43 families including Solanaceae; Scrophulriaceae; Labiatae; Verbenaceae; Rubiaceae; Compositae; sometimes classified as a superorder. - 这是java1.1的新特性。该标记用于指出一些旧功能已由改进过的新功能取代。
This is used to tag features that were superseded by an improved feature. - 有些迷信的人说这栋房子的风水不好。
Some superstitious people say that the house's feng-shui is bad. - 今天这些迷信习俗已不复存在,可是其影响仍然存留在某些人的头脑中。
Today these superstitious practices are no more, but their influence lingers on in the minds of some people. - 对那些不具备登记条件的,如非法占用土地,违反城市规划法规,私自建立宗教设施的;假冒宗教教职人员擅自设立的;打着宗教的招牌,进行“驱魔赶鬼”等迷信活动的处所等,政府部门则不准予登记。
Government departments shall not permit the registration of, for example, sites for religious activities which illegally occupy land or violate the statutes of city planning, which have been set up without authorization or which promote superstitious activities, such as exorcising evil spirits under the pretext of religious activities. - 晚餐好好吃一顿会使你感觉好些的。
A good supper will pick you up. - 试着补充些维生素b。
Try a B vitamin supplement. - 每一种都适当补充一些是有好处的。
Taking a supplement for each one will help. - 某些重要问题可经双方同意后写入合同的补充书(附录)。
Some points can be included into a supplement to the contract upon mutual agreement. - 我们实行开放政策,吸收资本主义社会的一些有益的东西,是作为发展社会主义社会生产力的一个补充。
Our decision to introduce the open policy and assimilate useful things from capitalist societies was made only to supplement the development of our socialist productive forces. - 同时,政府也采取一些必要的经济和行政的措施作业辅助手段。
At the same time, the government has adopted some necessary economic and administrative measures as supplementary means. - 某些鸟类的某些羽轴根部下面的羽毛(通常细小)。
a supplementary feather (usually small) on the underside of the base of the shaft of some feathers in some birds. - 当然,这些部分的暂时的外援,也是应该争取的,但决不可过于依赖,不可看作可靠的援助。
Of course, China should try to obtain such supplementary and temporary foreign help, but must never depend too much on it or consider it reliable. - 电路的电源必须为每个栅门提供这些能量。
This power must be supplied by the power supply for each gate in the circuit. - 他们给这些农场提供了大量拖拉机。
They supplied large numbers of tractors to the farms. - 我承认你们的质量是好一些,但如果与其他供应商的相比,这个价格就显得太悬殊了。
I agree that yours is of better quality, but the gap is too wide if comparing with other supplier. - 这些柱子支撑着房顶。
These posts support the roof. - 大家都该知道这些规则。
Everyone is supposed to know the rules. - 这些据说改装过的汽车被发现不适用。
The cars were found to be unsuitable for the conditions to which they had supposedly been adapted. - 假定“正确”的分子链中有近98%确实与正确的棋子布局相对应--这一成功率对于一项初步实验来说高得有些令人吃惊。
Almost 98 percent of the supposedly "correct" stfands did in fact correspond to correct chess configurations, a surprisingly high success rate for a preliminary experiment. - 你对做这个演讲有些紧张,对吗?
Would I be right in supposing you were worried/nervous about the speech? - 所有这些诽谤只不过起于一种推测。
All this scandalous talk goes upon a mere supposition. - 在这样的假定情况下,要使所有这些国家在财富和文化上提高到与英国同样的程度,那就没有比自由贸易更好的方法了。
Under these suppositions there would be no better way of raising all these countries to the same stage of wealth and cultivation as England than free trade.