Chinese English Sentence:
  • 罗切斯特见简回到他身边万欣喜,便求她做她的妻子。
    Overjoyed that she has come to him, Rochester asks her to become his wife.
  • 被过宠惯和保护的人,尤指男人或男孩
    A person, especially a man or a boy, who is pampered and overprotected.
  • 他是一个封自己的成功过自得的人。
    He is a man overproud of his success.
  • 文人对艺术的品味被认为过讲究的人
    One whose taste in the arts is considered to be overrefined.
  • 遮盖、覆盖、戴着或包围某物的;有时用作构词成
    overlaid or spread or topped with or enclosed within something; sometimes used as a combining form.
  • 重叠部重叠或被重叠的部
    A part or portion that overlaps or is overlapped.
  • 折叠,部重叠部地位于某物之上;重叠
    To lie partly on or over something; overlap.
  • 他的职责和我的有部重叠。
    His duties and mine overlap, ie cover part of the same area of interest.
  • (指衣服)用很窄的搭接部来扣紧而且通常是用单排扣来扣紧。
    (of clothing) closing with a narrow overlap and fastened with a single row of buttons.
  • 重叠的部分
    A part that overlaps.
  • 他的假期兴我的有一部在同一时间。
    His vacation overlaps with mine.
  • 重叠部的数量一部重叠于另一部的数量
    The amount by which one part overlaps another.
  • 新机构的职能与那个现存机构的职能部重叠
    The new office overlaps the function of the one already in existence
  • 经验告诉我们,以太网在用到潜在带宽的70%左右性能最好,如果过度超负荷,其性能有可能降到其能力的仅若干之几。
    A good rule of thumb is that Ethernet tops out at about 70 percent of its potential bandwidth, and it can be reduced to a mere fraction of its capability if severely overloaded.
  • 尽管是部的,但是不可忽略。
    We should not overlook these problems, even though they exist only in certain units.
  • 骄傲自大的自做主张的或过自信的
    Overly self-assertive or self-confident.
  • 细致的过微妙和琐细的,指讨论中的比较或细节上
    Overly subtle and particularized, such as comparisons or points in an argument.
  • 12.对不熟悉的人写一封内容过亲密的信。
    12.Writing letters that are overly familiar to people they hardly know.
  • 带有开玩笑性质的礼品在许多办公室也颇为流行,只要不过伤人。
    Joke gifts are fine and popular in many offices as long as they are not overly offensive.
  • 他并不十分喜欢我。
    He doesn't like me overmuch.
  • 结果正好得平均,没有剩余。
    The division falls out even without any overplus.
  • 吹嘘充满了过的、不必要的激情;过称赞,过奖
    To present with excessive or unwarranted enthusiasm; overpraise.
  • 除制定有关政策外,规划地政局局长还负责监察属下四个部门,即屋宇署、地政总署、规划署和土地注册处的运作,另亦负责监察土木工程署、机电工程署和拓展署的部工作。
    In addition to his policy responsibilities, the Secretary for Planning and Lands oversees the operation of four departments, namely, Buildings Department, Lands Department, Planning Department, and Land Registry. He also oversees part of the work of the Civil Engineering Department, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department and Territory Development Department.
  • 三洋、日立和三菱电器等都设有零售网络,但松下的网络布最广也最注重为农村用户的服务。
    Sanyo, Hitachi, and Mitsubishi Electric, among others, also oversee retail networks. But Matsushita' s is the most extensive, and the company is the most committed to serving customers in rural districts.
  • 贵公司的大部产品都销售到国外吗?
    Are much of your products going overseas?
  • 由于我的疏忽你的文章没有打
    Your essay was not marked through an oversight on my part.
  • 她身材颀长苗条稍许过了点,可她有一种非凡的才能,只要在穿着上稍稍花些功夫,就把这种造化的疏忽给掩饰过去了。
    Tall and slender almost to a fault, she possessed in the highest degree the art of concealing this oversight of nature simply by the way she arranged the clothes she wore.
  • 依我看,你会过地把事情简单化。
    Speaking for myself, you are in danger of oversimplifying things a lot.
  • 对一部干部和群众中流行的影响社会风气的重要思想问题,要经过充调查研究,由适当的人进行周到细致、有充说服力的教育,简单片面武断的说法是不行的。
    To overcome major ideological weaknesses that are found among some cadres and other people and that affect social conduct, we must carry out in-depth investigations and assign proper people to conduct painstaking and convincing education. Oversimplified, one-sided or arbitrary arguments will not serve the purpose.
  • 你在担心什么?——请原谅我问的过好吗?
    What's on your mind? —If you'll forgive the overstatement?
  • 可惜,为了促进经济增长,有些经济体系扩展过快,没有充提防全球资金流动所隐藏的危险。
    Unfortunately, a number of economies were overstretched in the pursuit of high growth, not totally aware of the pitfalls of the global financial flows.
  • 但是,剥削子、剥削行为、变相的剥削行为和剥削思想,在我国目前的社会中,还是存在着的。
    However, in present-day Chinese society there are still exploiters, overt and covert practices of exploitation, and ideas of the exploiting class.