| - 以下将概略说明这六个步骤,并且加入我以一生的时光对那些采行这六步骤的人所做的观察结果。
These steps are summarized below,along with my observations,based on a lifetime of study,of the percentage of people who attain each one. - 你的总结需要增加一些具体材料再交出
Your summary will need fleshed out before you present it - 总之,那两所大学有一些共同之处。
In summary the two universities have some things in common. - 那些人终于到达山顶。
The party reached the summit at last. - 那些股东被召集去叁加股东大会。
The shareholders were summoned to a general meeting. - 何况这些书籍,每个字都是经古代作家煮过的,当然有更好的滋味,尽可大吃一餐。
We can thus expect even more from books, because every word has been prepared and transformed -- put another way "cooked"-- by some ancient writer, making it that much more delicious and a sumptuous meal. - 许多天文学家认为,其中一些太阳就像我们的太阳一样也有行星。
Many astronomers believe that some of these suns have planets as our sun does. - 读者仍请随我穿过这小村子里惟一的一条街,走进其中的一所房子里,这所房子的墙外爬满了颇具乡村风味的藤类植物,阳光普照着那些枯死的叶子,上面涂上了一层美丽的色彩,房子里面是用象西班牙旅馆里那样千篇一律的石灰粉刷的。
Our readers will follow us along the only street of this little village, and enter with us one of the houses, which is sunburned to the beautiful dead-leaf color peculiar to the buildings of the country, and within coated with whitewash, like a Spanish posada. - 星期天你都干些什么?
What do you do on Sunday? - 有些商店星期天歇业。
Some stores close on Sundays. - 除了星期天以外,那些商店天天都营业。
Excepting Sundays the stores are open daily. - 威尔士的一些地区星期日禁酒。
Some parts of Wales are dry on Sundays. - 这旅馆有哪些零星服务项目?
What sundry service do the hotel offer? - 这旅馆有哪些零星服务项目?
What sundry services does the hotel offer? - 有些坏分子不但不接受党和政府的负责人的引导、劝告、解释,并且提出种种在目前不可能实现的或者根本不合理的要求,煽动、诱骗一部分群众冲击党政机关,占领办公室,实行静坐绝食,阻断交通,严重破坏工作秩序、生产秩序和社会秩序。
Instead of accepting the guidance, advice, and explanations of leading officials of the Party and government, certain bad elements have raised sundry demands that cannot be met at present or are altogether unreasonable.They have provoked or tricked some of the masses into raiding Party and government organizations, occupying offices, holding sit-down and hunger strikes and obstructing traffic, thereby seriously disrupting production, other work and public order. - 美洲、非洲和亚洲热带淡水鱼,类似于美洲太阳鱼;一些是食用鱼;该科许多种小鱼作为观赏鱼受到欢迎。
freshwater fishes of tropical America and Africa and Asia similar to American sunfishes; some are food fishes; many small ones are popular in aquariums. - 向日葵答话了:"是的,我能告诉你一些事情。"
The sunflower said, "Yes, I can tell you something." - 几星期前,我父亲种了一些葵花籽,但还没出芽。
My father sowed some sunflower seeds weeks ago, but they haven't come up yet. - 有些电影明星连在教堂里也戴上太阳眼镜,惟恐上帝可能认出来而要请他们签名。
Some movie stars wear their sunglasses even in church; they're afraid God might recognize them and ask for autographs. - 他们需要一些机械来把沉船从湖底打捞上来。
They need some machinery to heave the sunken boat up from the bottom of the lake. - 通常我们都知道阴霾的天气会让人们感到心情忧郁,但是最近一些研究表明这样的天气还会引起一种叫做"驾驶综合症"的行为,就是当人们在公路上驾驶汽车时一种争强好斗的挑衅行为,通常的症状是骂人或者打架。
While cloudy days have been known to bring on an occasional bout of the blues in some, new study findings suggest that sunless days may actually play a role in "road rage"--the highway phenomenon of aggressive driving marked by verbal or physical abuse. - 早晨一天之中第一个或早些时段,从子夜持续至中午或从太阳升起时持续到中午
The first or early part of the day, lasting from midnight to noon or from sunrise to noon. - 日出和日落时分,当太阳还处于地平线以下时,灰尘及水蒸气分子就会反射波长较长的红色光波,使我们看到太阳光的时间更长一些(日出时开始的更早些,日落时持续的时间更长些)。
At sunrise and sunset, when the sun is below the horizon, the dust and water vapor molecules reflect the longer, red, wavelengths of light such that we can see them for more time (starting earlier in the case of sunrise and lasting longer in the case of sunset) than any of the other wavelengths. - 这些树在夕阳下显示出鲜艳的颜色。
The trees glowed in the sunset. - 那些农夫祈求天晴。
The peasants prayed for sunshine. - 关于太阳黑子的记载已保持100年左右,但这些记录很少支持今天天文学家们的研究,相反,对于太阳黑子这一现象仍有许多广阔的研究空间。
Records of sunspots have only been kept for the last 100 years or so, leaving astronomers with little to back their research and much yet to discover about this phenomenon. - 请加2加仑特级汽油,并加些机油。
Two gallons of super and some oil, please. - 那些小国在超级大国的庇护之下。
Those small states are under the umbrella of the super power. - 我们希望这些障碍是可以超越的。
We hope that these obstacles may be superable. - 最后这种对地球目空一切的鄙视态度,是文化上一种很奇特的产品,尤其是某些宗教的产品。
This last attitude of supercilious contempt toward our own planet is a very curious product of civilization and of certain religions in particular. - 欧洲避役属;在某些分类中,避役科被认为是蜥蜴类的总科。
Old World chameleons; in some classifications Rhiptoglossa is considered a superfamily of Sauria. - 对一些实验室科学家——特别是那些有道德感的科学家,这听上去有点像互通有无——美国人可以从中国人那里获取我们需要的,也可以邀请中国人拿走他们需要的。
The stared objective of the superficially similar-but unauthorized-Clinton Administration PRC programs was to "open a window"into the closed PRC weapons community, to "engage"them, to establish a "dialogue".