  • 你们已经抛开了许多虚伪的东西,比如各种双重标准、残酷的偏见和对环境保护的不重视——我们这代人与这些虚伪的东西斗争过,而且才取得部胜利。
    You've already done away with so many of the hypocrisies -- the dual standards, the cruel prejudices, and environmental insensitivities -- that my generation struggled with, and only partially, overcame.
  • 用暗针脚把一部和另一部缝制起来;用于书本。
    sew with an overcast stitch from one section to the next; of books.
  • 不要畏首畏尾,惧怕反动子混进来。
    We should not be overcautious or too afraid of reactionaries sneaking in.
  • 伯恩:做生意的时候,我们应该谨慎,但你也会同意我的看法,即我们不应该过小心。
    We should be prudent when doing business, but you will also agree with me that we should not get overcautious.
  • 在加利福尼亚学校过拥挤是常见之事。洛杉矶教育局正考虑改为全年上课期放假以纾解拥挤现象。
    The problem of overcrowding is common in California. The Los Angeles school board is considering a switch to a year-round school schedule to relieve overcrowding, with staggered vacations.
  • 有些学生过好奇多问。
    Some students are overcurious.
  • 他想尽力帮忙,但做得有些过了。
    He was trying to be helpful, but he rather overdid it.
  • 现在看,担心得过了。
    I think we overdid it.
  • 他想尽力帮忙,但做得有些过了.
    He was trying to is helpful, but he rather overdid it.
  • 她同情得有些过了(显得缺乏诚意)。
    She rather overdid the sympathy, ie was so sympathetic that she did not seem sincere.
  • 不要过使用责备我的特权;不要对我倚老卖老。
    Do not overdo your privilege of reproving or castigating me.
  • 他真过,他认为自己是谁呢?
    He's really overdo it. Who do he think he be?
  • 他想尽力帮忙,但做得有些过
    He be trying to be helpful, but he rather overdo it
  • 他想尽力帮忙,但做得有些过了。
    He is trying to is helpful , but he rather overdo it.
  • 做得过行动超过要求,行动过火;举止过火
    To act over and above what is required; overdo in acting.
  • 在你这年龄你要小心,做事不要过
    At your time of life you must be careful not to overdo things.
  • 可能我做得过了。但我感到你走了另一个极端。
    I dare say I overdo it. But I think you go to the other extreme.
  • 到户外晒晒太阳是有益的,但过在阳光下曝晒,你的身体将会面临危险。
    It's nice to get out in the sun, but if you overdo it, you could put your life at risk.
  • 没有改革开放十年经济发展的那个飞跃,取得顺利调整是不可能的。强调稳是对的,但强调得过就可能丧失时机。
    Without the leap that we have made in economic development over the past ten years by carrying out those policies, it would have been impossible for us to improve the economic environment and rectify the economic order. It is right to stress stability, but if we overdo it, we may let opportunities slip by.
  • 过量的食物和缺乏锻炼,使得人类最好的朋友不得不连啤酒肚也一起享了。
    Overfeeding and lack of exercise mean man's best friend islikely to share his pot belly.
  • 过量的食物和缺乏锻炼,使得人类最好的朋友不得不连啤酒肚也一起享了。
    Overfeeding and lack of exercise mean man's best friend is likely to share his pot belly.
  • 过快地要求一个国家开放资本市场,过地扩大资本的流动性,往往欲速不达,很可能破坏这个国家的经济。
    To urge a country to liberalize or open its capital market too quickly or to request an overflow of capital in the country would only result in what we call“more haste,less speed” and would only undermine the economy of the country concerned.
  • 热带植被过的生长。
    overgrown with tropical vegetation.
  • 鸭尾艄船尾的伸出部
    The stern overhang of a ship.
  • 位于屋顶的最低的边缘的上方的突出部
    the overhang at the lower edge of a roof.
  • 房檐房顶外沿下方的突出部
    The projecting overhang at the lower edge of a roof.
  • 雕出(花样)象雕刻中切去…一部以制造一突出部
    To create an overhang by cutting material away from, as in carving.
  • 切除物体内部的材料使得剩下显著的悬垂部
    cut away material from the underside of (an object) so as to leave an overhanging portion in relief.
  • 达西先生当时曾一度站在她的身旁,彬格莱先生特地歇了几钟没有跳舞,走到他这位朋友跟前,硬要他去跳,两个人谈话给她听到了。
    and during part of that time, Mr. Darcy had been standing near enough for her to overhear a conversation between him and Mr. Bingley, who came from the dance for a few minutes to press his friend to join it.
  • 零星地听到了他们的谈话;古老的原稿的现存部
    Overheard fragments of their conversation; extant fragments of an old manuscript.
  • 哦再见到您我真是万高兴。
    Oh I am really overjoyed to see you again.
  • 哦,再见到您我真是万高兴。
    Oh, I'm really overjoyed to see you again.