  • 看到那孩子遭罪,我受不了。
    I can't stand seeing those children suffer.
  • 有时侯我还有怯场。
    Sometimes I still suffer from stage fright.
  • 有时这缺点还在我身上表现出来。
    Sometimes I still suffer from these weaknesses.
  • 植物耐不住寒冬。
    These plants cannot suffer a cold winter.
  • 当某传染病暴发时,原西藏地方政府不但不采取措施救治病人,反而把病人赶进深山峡谷,派兵把守山口,将病人困死。
    When some infectious diseases spun out of control, the former Tibetan local government did not take measures to save the afflicted but, on the contrary, drove them into high mountains or deep valleys, whose exits were guarded by troops. This resulted in the death of the expelled sufferers.
  • 对一人来说,人生的意义是享乐,对另外一人来说则是受苦。
    To some life means pleasure, to others suffering.
  • 口粮足够吃到下星期。
    The rations will suffice until next week.
  • 规定将能满足所有一般场合的需要。
    The rules will suffice for all ordinary needs.
  • 钱不够我现在的需要。
    This money will not suffice for my present needs.
  • 历尽艰险,漂洋过海或不辞劳累,爬上高楼为自己心爱的女孩送一盒巧克力的故事仿佛已经过时,两个人一起去附近的电器商城逛上一圈,也许女孩子更感幸福。
    No longer are men expected to swim shark-infested waters or scale tall buildings to deliver a box of chocolates. These days a trip to the local electrical store will more than suffice.
  • 真正的爱情需要某种自我接受,自尊和一定程度的自立,以便接受、尊敬和信赖对方,但这并不要求你在这素质方面达到无法达到的水平。
    True love involves a measure of self?acceptance and celf?respect and a degree of self?sufficiency in other that one may accept, respect, and thust another person, but it does not require unachievable levels of these qualities.
  • 但是,在此期间要对那信用卡失窃采取措施——要打电话,让妻子将放在写字台最上面抽屉里的信用卡号码取出来,和一家家信用卡公司通电话——真是麻烦死了,要全部办完,准会要命。
    But in the meantime he will have to do something about the lost credit cards-call home, have his wife get the numbers out of the top desk drawer, phone the card companies-so difficult a process, the whole thing suffocating.
  • 人并不知道功能组别的原意是间接选举,在那对香港社会非常重要的界别,如经济、专业和基层选出代表,而不是由普选产生。
    This misses the point that these functional constituencies, in their very original design, were indirect elections to represent economic, professional and grass-root sectors of importance to Hong Kong's community. They were not intended to be elections through universal suffrage.
  • 人并不知道功能组别的原意是间接选举而不是普选,目的是选出占香港人口极大比例,并对香港社会非常重要的经济、专业界别和基层代表。
    This misses the point that these functional constituencies, in their very original design, were indirect elections and were intended to represent economic, professional and grass-root sectors which are substantial and of importance to the community of Hong Kong. They were not intended to be elections through universal suffrage.
  • 我建议说坐火车旅行要快一
    I suggested that it would be quicker to travel by train.
  • "当我暗示说,这准是某村民进来偷喝掉的,汤普森先生摇摇头。"
    "When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, Mr Thompson shook his head."
  • 建议孩子们做一事;提议去散步
    Suggest things for children to do; suggested that we take a walk.
  • 你说我们吃些什么?
    What do you suggest we eat?
  • 关于这件事,你能给我一建议吗?
    Can you give me any suggestion on this matter?
  • 你能不能给我提建议?
    Can you give me some suggestions?
  • 当然,也有意见没有接受。
    Of course, some suggestions were rejected.
  • 那位领导对这建议非常重视。
    The leader made much of these suggestions.
  • 意见,请你报告胡耀邦同志。
    Please report these suggestions to Comrade Hu Yaobang.
  • 她提了好些建议。
    She has made quite a lot of suggestions.
  • 他是否适合该工作有疑问.
    There's some doubt about his suitability for the job.
  • 这可能会有助于减少“内部开火”事件(即士兵误伤战友)的发生。报告说,装有适当仪器的卫星能够看到这标签。
    That might help to reduce"friendly fire" incidents, in which soldiers accidentally kill their comrades, indeed, such tags might even be visible from suitably equipped satellites, according to the report.
  • 衣物一个箱子装不下.
    These clothes won't all pack into one suitcase.
  • 假如这样品都不合适,可以再提供其他样品。
    In the unlikely event of none of these samples suiting you, we can submit others.
  • 人人都听说过,一人被所谓的追求者卷走了自己的钱财。
    Everyone has heard tales about people who have had their money or belongings taken by so called suitors.
  • 穆罕默德帮助这女孩子写求爱的信息,张贴在网上,并为她们朗读那符合条件的回复邮件,以此赚取一零花钱。
    To earn his pocket money, Mohammed helps the man-hunting girls write their love messages, post them on the Internet and read e-mails from potential suitors.
  • 硫酸已腐蚀了这钢管。
    The sulphuric acid has eaten into these steel pipes.
  • 政策概括起来,就是改革和开放。
    These policies can be summarized as reform and opening up.