  • 毕业后,一的当排长,好的当连长。
    Those who graduate with distinction can be put in command of companies, and the others of platoons.
  • 但美国人一而言,大都认为汽车仅是生活中必不可少的交通工具——载他们去上班,去离市中心二三英里的购物中心,去野炊或拜访朋友。
    But Americans, by and large, treat their cars merely as vehicles which are essential to their lives to take them to work, to shopping plazas two or three miles out of town, to picnics or to visit friends.
  • 她愉快地笑了,发出银铃的笑声。
    She laughed pleasantly, a clear, ringing laugh.
  • 伴随着噼啪你响的闪光灯和女孩的刺耳尖叫,本·阿弗雷克从东京dome中心的一烟雾后面出现在众人眼前。
    Flashbulbs popped and schoolgirls screamed as Ben Affleck appeared from behind a plume of smoke in the middle of the Tokyo Dome.
  • 佛罗里达州贝卡--拉顿市的德里克·雅各布斯穿着校服,两腮胖嘟嘟的,看上去和一男孩没有什么不同。
    With his school uniform and his plump, pinchable cheeks, Derek Jacobs of Boca Raton, Fla., looks like an ordinary youngster.
  • 义务教育义务教育的年限。一用作复数
    A school figure. Often used in the plural.
  • 扩充,扩大象豆荚延伸或胀大
    To expand or swell like a pod.
  • 用诗写,用诗表达以诗或诗一的方式来描写或表达
    To describe or express in poetry or in a poetic manner.
  • 诗意般表现这个主题
    Treats the subject poetically.
  • 认为船长应与船一同沉没,其实这看来是毫无意义的。
    A captain is supposed to go down with his ship which seems rather pointless.
  • 作为组成基础的政治经济团体的一人的或者涉及这种一人的。
    of or involving the common people as constituting a fundamental politico-economic group.
  • 报纸广售于一大众之间。
    A newspaper circulates among the general populace.
  • 一般地称之为…
    be popularly know as...
  • 由这两个事实,我下定结论,这则要诀法门,比一人所受的任何教育都来得重要,这个秘诀高招是任何一位想委下定决心的人都不可或缺的认知。
    From these two facts I draw the conclusion that the secret is more important, as a part of the knowledge essential for self-determination, than any which one receives through what is popularly known as "education."
  • 我一很少持强硬的态度,但为反对儿童色情文学运动,我甘愿受到批评。
    I hold few strong views but I would go to the stake for the campaign against child pornography.
  • 显然,这绝不只是一的厕所。
    Obviously, this isn't just any old Porta Potti.
  • 超过一定数量的财富所具有的最大效用,不是它所买到的享受,而是其拥有者具有的达到一目的的能力,没有任何一种财富能象货币那样直接和有把握地具有这种能力。
    The greatest part of the utility of wealth, beyond a very moderate quantity, is not the indulgences it procures, but the reserved power which its possessor holds in his hands of attaining purposes generally; and this power no other kind of wealth confers so immediately or so certainly as money.
  • 浓汤(一指蔬菜或菜肉浓汤)或清汤(一指清炖肉汤或鸡茶)任选一种。
    A choice of pottage (thick soup) or consommé (clear soup).
  • 因此,公关如果是对行销经理负责,后果大概不难猜想——就是受到继子的对待。
    Thus, if the PR person were to report to the marketing manager, the outcome is not difficult to predict -- PR activities will end up with step-child treatment.
  • 你们六日电对贵州工作的初步意见,一可用,惟须注意下列各点:
    In general, the preliminary ideas expressed in your telegram of November 6 concerning work in Guizhou are practicable. However, you should pay attention to the following points:
  • 当卷地而来的黄沙顺着崖壁瀑布泻下时,这里的底层洞窟曾几乎大半被埋。
    When the sweeping yellow sand came rushing down over the precipices like a waterfall, the greater part of the bottom layer grottoes were all but buried underneath more than once.
  • 查尔斯先生一开始就声明他的演讲只是一性的介绍而已。
    Mr. Charles prefaced his lecture by saying it was only an introduction.
  • 但是开始准备的时机问题,一地说来,与其失之过迟,不如失之过早。
    Generally speaking, however, on the question of timing the preparations, it is preferable to start them too early rather than too late.
  • 说来,像林肯小学的专职教员艾比·弗拉纳根这样的体育专家们让孩子们确信,相互帮助、赞扬、甚至指导要比相互辱骂更可取。
    Gradually, PE specialists like Abbie Flanagan, who works full time at Lincoln, have convinced the children that offering each other support, praise, even guidance, is preferable to name-calling.
  • 较之西餐我一/通常选择中餐。
    I would generally/usually choose Chinese food in preference to western food.
  • (逻辑)指推理;从一的前提得出必然的、特定的结论。
    (logic) of reasoning; proceeding from general premisses to a necessary and specific conclusion.
  • 国会得制定一法律,用以规定这种法案、记录、和司法程序如何证明以及具有何等效力。
    And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.
  • 摹拟舞动;对图像的摹拟表现。
    a mimetic dance; the mimetic presentation of images.
  • 用罐或听来保存;一指食物。
    preserve in a can or tin; of foods.
  • 在一民众中流行而且为一民众共有。
    prevailing among and common to the general public.
  • 一般舆论都支持改革.
    The prevalent opinion is in favour of reform.
  • 如刺般竖起或站立
    To rise or stand up like prickles.