  •  创办"北京奥林匹克体育节",包括举办高水准国际化的大型体育文化表演活动和众喜闻乐见的中华民族传统体育文化表演活动,扩大社会影响,传播奥林匹克理念,展示人们对奥林匹克精神的追求和对体育的热爱。
    Initiate the Beijing Olympic Sports Festival, including large high-standard international sports cultural activities and Chinese traditional sports cultural demonstrations which the masses love to see to expand the social influence, disseminate the Olympic idea and display the people's pursuit of the Olympic spirit and their love for sports.
  • 当作国民文化的方针来说,居于指导地位的是共产主义的思想,并且我们应当努力在工人阶级中宣传社会主义和共产主义,并适当地有步骤地用社会主义教育农民及其他众。
    So far as the orientation of our national culture is concerned, communist ideology plays the guiding role, and we should work hard both to disseminate socialism and communism throughout the working class and to educate the peasantry and other sections of the people in socialism properly and step by step.
  • 到目前为止,全国民族自治地方有各类艺术表演团体534个,艺术表演场所194处,图书馆661个,众艺术馆82个,文化馆679个,文化站7318个,博物馆155个。
    To date, in autonomous areas, there are 534 art troupes, 194 sites for art performances, 661 libraries, 82 mass art centers, 679 cultural centers, 7,318 culture-dissemination stations and 155 museums.
  • 完全不同的人;以前在每个农场都可找到的一样的抽水机。
    a group of very dissimilar people; a pump not dissimilar to those once found on every farm; their understanding of the world is not so dissimilar from our own; took different (or dissimilar) approaches to the problem.
  • 杂种基因相异的父母或牲畜所繁衍的后代,尤指不同种类、种或种族的植物或动物所繁殖的后代
    The offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock, especially the offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties, species, or races.
  • 人群散去了。
    The crowd dissipated.
  • 孤僻感情上的孤立或不合
    Emotional isolation or dissociation.
  • 见损害众利益的行为不愤恨,不劝告,不制止,不解释,听之任之。
    To see someone harming the interests of the masses and yet not feel indignant, or dissuade or stop him or reason with him, but to allow him to continue.
  • 伊斯雷岛苏格兰西部内赫布里底岛南部的一个岛屿。农业,渔业和酿酒业对其经济十分重要
    An island of the southern Inner Hebrides of western Scotland. Farming, fishing, and distilling are important to its economy.
  • 制服一套有特色的衣服,以将穿它的人作为特定人的成员进行识别
    A distinctive outfit intended to identify those who wear it as members of a specific group.
  • 我们应该在孩子小的时候灌输族意识,进而认识彼此的不同,并在理解的过程中学习互相尊重,共同成长。
    Children should be taught our ethnic diversity when they are young. They should learn to appreciate the distinctiveness of each ethnic community and grow up in an environment of mutual trust.
  • 在人群中认出某人
    distinguish sb. in a crowd
  • 学问超群
    distinguish oneself by scholarship
  • 用以辨别或者确定某个物种或者体。
    serving to distinguish or identify a species or group.
  • 属一拥有共同祖先和明显特征的有机体,尤指属于同一物种的一,通过人工选择来发展,通过有控制的繁殖来维持
    A group of organisms having common ancestors and certain distinguishable characteristics, especially a group within a species developed by artificial selection and maintained by controlled propagation.
  • 邪教组织的为首分子或歪曲宗教教义,制造邪说,蒙骗众,抗拒国家法律、法令的实施,煽动推翻政府;
    Some of the heads of these pseudo-religions distort religious doctrines, create heresies, deceive the masses, refuse to obey the State's laws and decrees, and incite people to overthrow the government.
  • 野兽派20世纪早期的绘画流派,由一法国画家发起,其特点是显著的鲜艳色彩和对开式的自由处理
    An early20th-century movement in painting begun by a group of French artists and marked by the use of bold, often distorted forms and vivid colors.
  • 警察拨开人朝那个疯狂的女人挤去,那个女人威胁说要和孩子从房顶跳到街道上。
    The polieeman elbowed his way forward, towards the distraught woman who was threatening to throw herself and her child from the roof to the street below.
  • 我们在众运动中实行减租减息、合理负担等有利于基本众的事情,就是在执行政府的法令;
    When we are reducing rent and interest rates and reasonably distributing burdens through the mass movements for the benefit of the majority of the masses, we are executing government decrees.
  • 因为‘each(各自)’、‘every(每一个)’、‘either(任一个)’、‘neither(两者都不)’和‘none(无一个)’都是个体词或者指某体中的单个成员,所以‘which(哪个)’在‘whichofthemen(这些人中的哪一个)’中也是分离性的。
    whereas `each,' `every,' `either,' `neither,' and `none' are distributive or referring to a single member of a group, `which' in `which of the men' is separative.
  • 把(如人或组)分开;使不团结
    To separate(people or groups, for example); disunite.
  • 被赶到一条沟里挤在一起。
    The sheep were huddled together in a ditch.
  • 分散,扩展到新的聚居地传到新的产地从而分散或变化。用于组织
    To spread into new habitats and thereby diverge or diversify. Used of a group of organisms.
  • 而对于这个原则问题,争论的双方倒是没有什么分歧,倒是几乎一致的,都有某种程度的轻视工农兵、脱离众的倾向。
    On this question of principle, however, there has been hardly any divergence between the two contending sides and they have shown almost complete agreement; to some extent, both tend to look down upon the workers, peasants and soldiers and divorce themselves from the masses.
  • 动物各种各样或不同种类的
    A diverse or miscellaneous group.
  • 有语言障碍的孩子;语言多种多样的人
    linguistically impaired children; a lingually diverse population.
  • 恐龙是一个经历了漫长的年代而且有着很多分支的种
    Dinosaurs were a very long-lived and diverse group of animals.
  • 尤其是资讯发达,管理多样化的情况下,更需要社的合作与协调。
    In particular, given the advanced IT and diversified management systems, co-operation and co-ordination within a community are becoming crucial for success.
  • 精心设计和建设一批功能完备、风格多样、布局合理的众健身设施,推进体育设施建设与城市建设、环境建设、园林建设相融合。
    Build a number of well-designed and properly distributed health-building facilities with multiple functions and diversified styles. Integrate the construction of sports facilities with the urban construction, environmental construction and garden construction.
  • 那位土地所有者想把那条河流改道来浇灌他的土地,但是当一武装的村民前来表示反对时,他退缩了。
    The landowner wanted to divert the river to irrigate his land but drew in his horns when an armed band of villagers arrived to express their disapproval.
  • 两分的被划分或划分成两部分或类
    Divided or dividing into two parts or classifications.
  • 被划分或划分成两个明显不同的部分或类
    divided or dividing into two sharply distinguished parts or classifications.