  • 在新加坡小费是违禁的。
    Tipp is not allowed in singapore.
  • 请带一个给我。
    Please bring me one.
  • 请给我一个计算器。
    Give a counter please.
  • 请把你的书带给我。
    Please bring your book to me.
  • 请你把那本书我好吗?
    Will you please give me that book?
  • 请再给我一杯啤酒。
    Can I have another beer?
  • 给我来点啤酒。
    Beer for me, please.
  • 一个友善的但却笨拙的侍者;一个友善的但却不乖巧的伙伴;儿子善意的努力了爸爸的仰慕者一个异常的打击--s.w.毛姆;生硬的但却是善意的批评。
    a well-intentioned but clumsy waiter; a well-meaning but tactless fellow; the son's well-meaning efforts threw a singular chill upon the father's admirers- S.W.Maughm; blunt but well-meant criticism.
  • 给…服药
    To administer a drug to.
  • 他喝一口白兰地酒有助於使他苏醒。
    A sip of brandy helped to pull him round.
  • 好的,一份特别鸡尾酒,一杯无酒精鸡尾酒女士,还有一杯啤酒。
    Fine. One special cocktail and one non-alcoholic cocktail for the lady and one beer.
  • sip不分配多波地址、也不保留资源,但它能把做到这点所必要的信息传递被邀请的系统。
    SIP does not allocate multicast addresses and it does not reserve resources, but it can convey to the invited system the information necessary to do this.
  • 小女孩把柠檬水都呷干了,要求再她一些。
    The little girl sipped up the lemonade and asked for more.
  • 这种智能酒杯的工作原理是酒杯涂上一层光洁的传导材料,这样无论顾客是小啜还是狂饮,这套系统都可以测量出酒杯中还剩下多少酒。
    The iGlassware system works by coating each glass with a clear, conducting material, enabling it to measure exactly how much liquid has been sipped or guzzled.
  • “嗯,别提了,”卡德鲁斯说,他弗尔南多倒了一杯酒,也自己倒了一杯,这已是他喝的也不知是第八杯还是第九杯了,而腾格拉尔始终只是抿一下酒杯而已。
    "Well, never mind," answered Caderousse, pouring out a glass of wine for Fernand, and filling his own for the eighth or ninth time, while Danglars had merely sipped his.
  • 给你账单,先生。
    Here it is, sir.
  • 你妹妹切一些菠萝。
    Cut some pineapple for your sister.
  • 把你的姐妹介绍你的老师。
    Introduce your sister to your teacher.
  • 我姐姐给我帮助。
    My sister offered me her help.
  • 有那么多专家告诉我们,好母亲不会把孩子留保姆。
    Too many experts tell us that good mothers do not abandon their children to baby sitters.
  • 这是找给您的钱。
    This is your change.
  • 换床单;婴儿换尿布
    Change a bed; change the baby.
  • 就地取给
    providing the army on the spot
  • 他出了我一张十点的牌。
    He passed me a ten spot.
  • 长途跋涉似乎把妈妈累垮了。
    The long journey seems to have taken it out of mother.
  • 端一杯茶给他。
    Take him a cup of tea.
  • 这盘菜可供六个人。
    This dish feeds six.
  • 我把这个六便士的硬币换成六个一便士的硬币。
    Please give me six pennies for this sixpence.
  • 我6便士铜币好吗?
    Will you mind give me the sixpence in copper?
  • 我6便士铜币好吗?
    Would you mind giving me the sixpence in copper?
  • 我认为咱们不在家时不能把孩子都硬塞你父母看管。
    I don't think we can wish the children on your parents while we're away.
  • 新疆以巨大财力支持。
    Sizable financial support for Xinjiang.