  • 法国勃尔多周围地区产的一种红或的葡萄酒或类似的葡萄酒。
    any of several red or white wines produced around Bordeaux in France or resembling such wines.
  • 科纳克法国西部一城市,靠近查兰特河,在波尔多东北偏北。以酒厂著称,自18世纪以来一直制造和出口法国兰地酒。人口20,660
    A city of western France on the Charente River north-northeast of Bordeaux. It is famous for its distilleries, which have manufactured and exported cognac since the18th century. Population,20, 660.
  • 我丢了一块带蓝色花边的手绢。
    I lost a white handkerchief with a blue border.
  • 一件镶有边的蓝衣服
    a blue dress with a white border
  • 页边纸页上书写或印刷部分旁边的空
    The blank space bordering the written or printed area on a page.
  • 他终于明了事情的可怕真相。
    The terrible truth was eventually borne in on him.
  • 四水硼砂一种无色或色的光亮晶体矿物,na2b4o7?h2o,是硼矿的主要来源
    A colorless to white lustrous crystalline mineral, Na2B4O7?H2O, that is a major source of ore of boron.
  • 查莎姆英国东南部的自治城市,位于伦敦东部。1588年伊丽莎一世在这里修建了第一家造船厂。人口142,800
    A municipal borough of southeast England east of London. Elizabeth I established the first dockyard here in1588. Population,142, 800.
  • 西装背心的低领里露出浆得笔挺的底粉红条纹衬衫的前胸。
    The low crotch of the vest revealed a stiff shirt bosom of white and pink stripes.
  • 喝光一瓶白兰地
    Kill a bottle of brandy.
  • 肉毒杆菌毒素一种由肉毒杆菌产生的能抗蛋水解消化作用的烈性神经毒素
    Any of several potent neurotoxins produced by botulinum and resistant to proteolytic digestion.
  • 对那些要出去在英语环境中学习或工作的人来说,他们就得学会听,因为他们得明别人说了什么才可以做出反应。
    For those going away to study or work in an English environment,they have to learn to listen,because they need to know what is bouncing back to them so as to reply.
  • 钱一定不会白花的。
    Money is bound to tell.
  • 5月份的省周活动将有以下节目在春城一展风彩,它们是云南省歌舞团的舞剧《泼水节》,辽宁省歌舞剧院的歌剧《苍原》和一台《中外名曲演唱会》,辽宁歌舞团的舞剧《鹿额娘》,北京市的《综合晚会》,安徽的黄梅戏,福建小鹭歌舞团的演出;还有云南省近年创作的几台优秀剧目。
    The performances on the list of weekly activities of each province in May include The Water-Sprinkling Festival, a dance presented by Yunnan Provincial Song and Dance Ensemble, a song drama Boundless Prairie and a Concert of Famous Chinese and Foreign Songs presented by Liaoning Provincial Opera and Ballet Theatre, Mother on the Bailu Prairie, a dance drama offered by Liaoning Song and Dance Ensemble, an Evening Party given by Beijing, the Huangmei Opera of Anhui Province, the performance of the Little Egret Song and Dance Ensemble of Fujian Province, and several excellent dramas of Yunnan created in recent years.
  • 酿熟的兰地的醇厚香味
    The rich bouquet of mature brandy
  • 这种兰地酒芳香扑鼻.
    This brandy has a fine bouquet.
  • 哦,你喝苏格兰威士忌酒、波旁、啤酒、卡布利葡萄酒,还是果汁?
    Would you like Scotch, bourbon, Chablis or fruit Juice?
  • 在交易所广场,是复辟时期的巴黎,雪的列柱支撑着柱顶盘的光滑中楣,整体呈正方形,造价两千万。
    the Paris of the Restoration, at the Bourse: a very white colonnade supporting a very smooth frieze; the whole is square and cost twenty millions.
  • 抱歉让您白跑一趟。
    I'm sorry a bout the confusion.
  • 从理论上说,这样可以消除疾病传播的可能性,无论是来自牛血红蛋的疯牛病或人血中感染的新型肝炎病。
    In theory, that should eliminate the possibility of disease transmission, whether of madcow disease from bovine hemoglobin or a suspected new strain of hepatitis from human products.
  • 露西整理好闺房,然后穿上她最好的色连衣裙。
    Lucy arranged her bower and put on her best white frock.
  • 我们在碗上铺了的覆盖物防止苍蝇。
    We spread white covers over the bowls to keep flies away.
  • 今天我做色蛋糕(anangelfoodcoke),食谱说“分别打12个鸡蛋”,但我没那么多碗,不得不去借。
    Today I made an angel food cake and the recipe said,“beat 12 eggs separately.” Well, I didn’t have enough bowls, so I had to borrow enough bowls to beat the eggs in.
  • 这只手镯是用金靠手工锤打而成的。
    This bracelet is made of platinum, beaten out by hand.
  • 生长于北美海岸和微咸沼泽的小型肉质草本植物,花为粉红色或色。
    a small fleshy herb common along North American seashores and in brackish marshes having pink or white flowers.
  • 内陆的池塘和沼泽或含盐的礁湖地域生活的长腿、三趾、黑色的涉水鸟。
    long-legged three-toed black-and-white wading bird of inland ponds and marshes or brackish lagoons.
  • (犹太烹调术)夹有鸡蛋、酵母发酵的一块色面包;常在焙烤之前,铺成织物状,表面涂上鸡蛋使之光滑。
    (Jewish cookery) a loaf of white bread containing eggs and leavened with yeast; often formed into braided loaves and glazed with eggs before baking.
  • 具有色蛋形花的球形百合,其花呈张开的枝条形簇状;生长于加利福尼亚南部。
    globe lily having open branched clusters of egg-shaped white flowers; southern California.
  • 多枝北美多年生紫菀,石楠状叶片和星形小花。
    common much-branched North American perennial with heathlike foliage and small starry white flowers.
  • 高的枝杈不多的圆锥形的树,有大的芬芳的带着色内心的黄色的花。
    tall sparingly branched conical tree having large fragrant yellow flowers with white centers.
  • 北美西部老鹳草,色或粉红色花串。
    geranium of western North America having branched clusters of white or pale pink flowers.
  • 每年落叶的有许多枝条的灌木,有浓密绒毛的小铃铛形花的圆锥花序。
    deciduous much-branched shrub with dense downy panicles of small bell-shaped white flowers.