  • 1987年9月至1989年3月拉萨发生的多起骚乱事件,就是在达赖集团的煽动和遣回藏的叛乱分子策划下挑起的,这些骚乱给西藏人民的生命财产造成严重损失。
    The riots in Lhasa from September 1987 to March 1989 were incited by the Dalai clique and plotted by rebels who were sent back to Tibet. The riots incurred severe losses to the lives and property of Tibetans.
  •  流行学发现了它称作“分工”的那个自然法则,这一光荣是属之于它那大名鼎鼎的创立者的;但是不论亚当·斯密或他的任何后继者,对于这一法则的主要本质或特征都没有能作彻底研究,都没有能把它最重要的后果追究到底。
    The school is indebted to its renowned founder for the discovery of that natural law which it calls 'division of labour,'but neither Adam Smith nor any of his successors have thoroughly investigated its essential nature and character, or followed it out to its most important consequences.
  • 尤那邦摩声称与环保激进和其他人一道坚决反对工业化以及科技所带来的结果。他们将袭击目标锁定在大学教授、公司行政官以及电脑商等群体。
    The Unabomber,who claimed an allegiance with radical environmentalists and others opposed to the effects of industrialization and technology,targeted university professors,corporate executives,and computer merchants.
  • 属于或关于基督教的,该信仰圣经教义(尤指新约圣经中的四福音书之一)的毫无错误,信仰个人悔改的。
    relating to or being a Christian church believing in personal conversion and the inerrancy of the Bible especially the 4 Gospels.
  • 中国共产党在自己一贯的方针下愿意和中国国民党及全国其他党,站在一条战线上,手携手地团结起来,组成民族统一战线的坚固长城,战胜万恶的日寇,为独立自由幸福的新中国而斗争。
    In keeping with its consistent policy, the Chinese Communist Party is ready to stand side by side with the Kuomintang and the other political parties and groups and unite with them in building the solid Great Wall of the national united front to defeat the infamous Japanese aggressors and strive for a new China which is independent, happy and free.
  • 他加入了我们的党,结果却是一只披着羊皮的豺狼,因为他是被极右分子来混在我们的团体之中的。
    He joined the party and turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing because he was sent to infiltrate our group for the extreme right wingers.
  • 自己的人混入某组织
    Infiltrate an organization with one's own men
  • 间谍试图渗透进政府的关键职位
    Tried to infiltrate key government agencies with spies.
  • 打入的干部应多,尤要注意精干人选透入其内部去发展组织。
    We should send many cadres into enemy-occupied areas, in particular, we should send the best ones to infiltrate and set up organizations there.
  • 我们曾抽调一部分干部到敌占区,企图打入伪军伪组织中去,但因为出的干部多与当地的工作对象缺乏一定的联系,始终得不出一个结果来。
    We sent a number of cadres to infiltrate the puppet troops and organizations in enemy-occupied areas, but they never got anywhere because they did not have the necessary contacts with the right people there.
  • 我们一般不善于从广大的敌占区或伪军伪组织内部去物色打入人才,不善于争取敌占区的知识分子、开明进步人士去实现打入工作,不善于争取伪军伪组织内部的两面成为革命两面,变为我们的打入干部,不了解只有他们才与敌占区或伪军伪组织具有密切的联系,只有他们才具备打入工作的现实条件。
    Generally speaking, we do not know how to choose people from the vast enemy-occupied areas or from among the puppet troops and organizations to work for us, or to win over the intellectuals and progressives there so that they can infiltrate the enemy. We haven't done well at reforming double-dealers in the puppet troops and organizations into ones working for the revolution as our own cadres, because we did not realize that only such people have the necessary close ties in enemy-occupied areas and puppet troops and organizations and that only they can readily infiltrate the enemy.
  • 因此必须确定,革命两面政策是深入到敌人(主要是敌占区和伪军伪组织)内部的进攻政策,它所包括的范围是很广泛的,包括着革命两面的建立,两面的争取,一切可能力量的利用,而其主要目标则是革命两面的建立与发展,以便依靠他们去团结与组织一切可能的力量,进行对敌斗争,保护人民利益,在敌占区和敌伪组织内部积蓄力量,以待时机,配合反攻或反正。
    Therefore, we must make it clear that the dual revolutionary policy is an offensive policy designed to infiltrate the enemy (mainly the enemy-occupied areas and the puppet troops and organizations). This policy involves many aspects of work, such as the fostering of revolutionary double-dealers, the winning over of ordinary double-dealers and the utilization of all forces possible, with the chief aim being to foster and expand our group of revolutionary double-dealers so that we can rely on them to unite and organize all possible forces to struggle against the enemy, safeguard the people's interests, build up our strength in enemy-occupied areas and within the enemy and puppet organizations, and wait for the opportunity to support our counter-attacks or win over the enemy.
  • 打入者的人选应是多方面的,或由根据地物色去;或由敌占区物色人员,特别是知识分子和进步的士绅名流;或由现有伪军伪组织的关系中争取转变为革命两面分子,而以后两者为主。
    There is a wide range of people we can choose for undertaking infiltration -- from among people in revolutionary base areas, in enemy-occupied areas, especially intellectuals, progressive gentry and social celebrities and people from the puppet troops and organizations whom we have won over and transformed into revolutionary double-dealers, with people from the last two categories making up the majority.
  • 此外,旅游协会又发了1220万份旅游宣传刊物,处理了4700份书面及电子邮件查询,透过资料传真服务向数以千计传真用户传送资料,并且利用多种语言的电话热线,回答约61000次查询。
    The HKTA also distributed 12.2 million pieces of visitor literature,handled about 4 700 written and e-mail enquiries, sent information to thousands of fax-users via the Info fax service,as well as responded to some 61 000 enquiries on the multi-lingual telephone hotlines.
  • 中国积极参与了联合国系统内国际人权法律文书的起草和制定工作。中国多次代表参与国际人权法律文书的起草工作组,其中包括联合国《儿童权利公约》、《保护所有移徙工人及其家属权利国际公约》、《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》、《个人、团体和社会机构在促进和保护世所公认的人权和基本自由方面的权利和义务宣言》和《保护民族、种族、语言、宗教上属于少数人的权利宣言》等工作组。在这些工作组。
    China has taken an active part in drafting and formulating international legal instruments on human rights within the UN, and has sent delegates to participate in working groups charged with drafting these instruments, including the UN Convention on the Rights of Children, the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and the Declaration on the Protection of Rights of Persons Belonging to National, Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities.
  • 大革命的前一个阶段,我们党正确地对待了这个问题,同以孙中山为代表的资产阶级革命合作,实行国共合作,发展革命,也同蒋介石进行合作。
    In the early stage of the Great Revolution our Party handled the question appropriately by working together with the bourgeois revolutionaries represented by Dr. Sun Yat-sen and initiating Kuomintang-Communist co-operation to advance the revolution, and we also co-operated with Chiang Kai-shek.
  • 现在轮到反对当权执政了。
    The opposition party now had its innings.
  • 反对要求进行调查。
    The opposition called for an inquiry.
  • 主张通过直觉感应可以得到启发的一种佛教教
    doctrine that enlightenment can be attained through direct intuitive insight.
  • 政府人来视察我们学校。
    The government sent sb. to inspect our school.
  • 由内政大臣指巡视检查监狱条件的一组人
    Group of people appointed by the home secretary to visit and inspect the condition in prison
  • 由内政大臣指巡视检查监狱条件的一组人
    A group of people appointed by the Home Secretary to visit and inspect the condition in prison
  • 我们会职员于下星期一替你安装电话。
    Our man will come to install your phone next Monday.
  • 几位帮助我们安装?
    How many engineers will be sent to help us with the installation work?
  • 一个由教共同组织的少年犯罪委员会
    an interdenominational committee on juvenile delinquency
  • 各教联合的援助;卫理公会教和长老会教系联合。
    interchurch aid; interdenominational cooperation between Methodists and Presbyterians.
  • 吉迪恩他是各教和国际社会的成员,以把圣经放在旅馆的房间里而闻名
    A member of an interdenominational and international society known for placing Bibles in hotel rooms.
  • 利益法学派
    interest school of law
  • 通婚;各教的美好愿望。
    an interfaith marriage; interfaith good will.
  • “外藏”包括西藏和西康西部地区,要求中国政府“承认外藏自治”,“不干涉其内政”,“但中国仍大臣驻拉萨,护卫部队限三百人”。
    With regard to "outer Tibet," including Tibet and west Xikang, the Chinese government was requested to "recognize the autonomy of outer Tibet" and "refrain from interfering in its internal affairs;" "however, China may still send its high commissioner to Lhasa and maintain an escort army of no more than 300 soldiers."
  • 全国党,从共产党到国民党;全国人民,从工人农民到资产阶级;全国军队,从主力军到游击队;
    Internally, they comprise all the political parties in the country from the Communist Party to the Kuomintang, all the people from the workers and peasants to the bourgeoisie, and all the armed forces from the regular forces to the guerrillas;
  • 该科的联络组负责与内地警方接触,并与北京的国际刑警组织中国国家中心局、广东联络处、广东省深圳及珠海联络分处和其他执法机关保持紧密的联系,而中国国家中心局有两名联络人员驻本港。
    The bureau's Liaison Division maintains contacts with the Mainland police authorities. Close liaison has been kept with Interpol China National Central Bureau in Beijing, the Guangdong Liaison Office, Shenzhen and Zhuhai Liaison Sub-Offices in Guangdong Province and other Mainland law enforcement organisations. Two liaison officers from the China National Central Bureau are attached to Hong Kong.